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Iran, Hezbollah Aim to Bolster Assad as Rebels Target Syria’s Homs

Iran has announced plans to send missiles, drones, and advisors to Syria amid significant advances by opposition forces against President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

US-backed rebel groups are nearing the strategic city of Homs, which, if lost, could sever Damascus from the coast where Russia has critical bases.

Kurdish forces have captured Deir ez-Zor, Syria's largest eastern city, and are advancing toward Al-Bukamal near the Iraqi border. These developments pose major setbacks for Assad.

In response, Assad's allies—Iran, Russia, and Hezbollah—are working to counter insurgent gains despite being stretched thin by other crises.

Meanwhile, Jordan has closed its border due to escalating conflict, and foreign ministers from Iran, Russia, and Turkey plan to meet in Doha to discuss Syria's future, underscoring the conflict's geopolitical complexity.

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