Islamic Recovery Revolution: Approaches to Substance Misuse

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Category: Americas, Featured, Highlights, Life & Society Topics: Alcohol, American Muslims, Drugs, Health Values: Charity, Integrity Views: 3074

“Islam is a liberation therapy, and in part, a process of recovery and revolution against the bang of Satan’s two hammers, alcohol and other drugs (AOD), and gambling” (Alameen)

Share with all in need of such knowledge that this is the end of the all-important pioneer (stabilization) period of Islamic recovery in America (1900 to present). Now begins the modern era of scientific Islamic wellness. Recognize that Islamic recovery is a process of transformative liberation by the Quran and Sunnah. It is only by the Power of Allah Most High that we move toward success on the path of wellness. Know that addiction and uncontrolled problem thoughts, and behaviors can be eradicated and or treated; accordingly, this is the basis of modern Islamic recovery and counseling. Let us come to know and agree that the glorious Quran is the primary healing tool, and a recovery wellness document. Know that Muhammad (ﷺ) is the recovery prophet “In the Messenger of Allah you have the perfect example. (Qur’an 33:21), and his Ummah was, is, and remains, the first, and largest faith based recovery community, on complete abstinence from AOD and gambling, including other conditions within the obsessive-compulsive disorder spectrum, in the history of this planet.

Ramadan is the month of Islamic recovery and a time for awareness of Islamic mental health. Let us firmly establish the divine four element methodology (K.A.S.M. learning theory) which is contained in the surah Al Asr (Alameen, 2009). Recognize that we must settle on a common language, Islamic taxonomy, and ethical framework for the Muslim in recovery (MIR) using models like the 7 Principles of Change, and K.A.S.M. learning theories which are adapted from Al Asr, (chapter 103).  The Holy Quran. must be the primal starting point for the development of all aspects of Islamic counseling, human services, and mental health (Alameen, 2009;2017).

Know, that for the Bani Hashem of America, or the indigenous African American Muslims, Islam is a liberation therapy, and in part, a process of recovery and revolution from the touch of Satan’s two hammers: alcohol and other drugs (AOD), and gambling (which also includes other conditions within the obsessive-compulsive disorder spectrum). Recovery is linked to the ghosts of transatlantic slavery, colonization, techno-based distractions from the worship of Allah, and subsequent psychological and or chemical bondage to the creation rather than the Creator.

Despite the enormous wealth and knowledge among our many doctors of science and medicine we do not own and operate Muslim-centered social services which support our regional needs. We must build and support Muslim recovery orientated systems of care based collaborations between human service organizations like Project T.A.U.B.A.H, Muslims Thrive, Millati Islami, Jamatul Kaffarah, National Institue of Muslim Human Service Practitioners []), C.R.I.S.I.S Recovery Network – Smart Inc., and M.I.B. to organize the needed future hospitals, geriatric centers, and advocacy groups among other human service organizations, besides which, are currently virtually non-existent.

The February 4th, 2017, NIMHSP Islamic Counseling and Mental Health convention, brought together leading national Islamic counseling scholars, and notable leaders such as, Dr. Imam Salahudeen Muhammad, Dr. Hakim Rashid, Imam Nadim Ali, Sister Ameenah Rashid, Dr. Kay Alameen, Imam Khalid Griggs of ICNA, Abdus Sabur of IJAN, et. al., Imam Sami Encarnarcion, Imam Anwar Kearney of Project TAUBAH. and many more; additionally, for the first time in American history NIMHSP became the first degree granting organization to honor the life achievements of our indigenous Imams like, Dr. Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid of MIB, who was granted an honorary doctorate degree in Islamic leadership, by Al Ijaaza Society. That same month NIMHSP launched the National Institute of Muslim Human Service Practioner’s character strength assessment – VIA website establishing a first move toward an Islamic positive psychology engine NIMHSP Character Strength Survey; The NIMHSP Online Training Academy for training and credentialing of counselors, chaplains, and other professional human service practitioners was also launched:

On the 13th of May 2017, at the State Building in Harlem, NY, the Mayor’s office sponsored a meeting which brought some of the leading voices of recovery together for the first time, such as: Dr. Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid of MIB Mosque, Dr. Noel Manyindo, NYC DHMH, Dr. Imam Hamzah Alameen of NIMHSP, Muslims Thrive, Brothers in Recovery, Ansaarut Tawaabeen, Millati Islami, Aisha A. Muhammad of the Tauheed Center For Human Excellence, Abdul Wakil Muhammad, Jawad Abdul Wadud and Mesiah Abdul Shakur all of Ansaarut Tawwaabeen, Ali Abdur-Rasheed Peer Services coordinator of NYAPRS, Imam Muhammad Hatim, of the Admiral Family Circle Islamic Community in New York, Imam Rasool of Harlem, Luqman Yunus of MIB Mosque, Dr. Omar Shareef, Muslims Thrive, Imam Mutee A. Mulazim, Dr. Sarah Sayeed, Imam Abukarriem Shabazz, Operation Helping Hand, Hajji Imam Anwar Kearney and Dr. Kay Alameen of Project TAUBAH, and Peer Powered, attended the “Healing the Human Spirit, Muslim Approaches to Substance Misuse & Recovery” Convention which marked an important milestone meeting of the Islamic recovery movement’s smoking guns and key stakeholders active in the global recovery movement.


Here are the faces and voices of the modern revolution in Islamic recovery. Our movement has been reignited and listed below are some of our common and most general understandings!

recovery islam

(Dr. Hamzah Alameen)

Cite as:
Alameen, H. (2017). “The Islamic Recovery Revolution”, The Journal of Islamic Counseling and Human Services, NIMHSP, Vol (1)1, Spring, May 16, 2017, online. Retrieved from:

  Category: Americas, Featured, Highlights, Life & Society
  Topics: Alcohol, American Muslims, Drugs, Health  Values: Charity, Integrity
Views: 3074

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