
Category: Asia, Featured, Life & Society, Videos Topics: Nasheed Channel: Nasheed Views: 1875

Shan-e-Ramazan by Junaid Jamshed & Amjad Sabri (Nasheed in Urdu).

Junaid Jamshed Khan (September 3, 1964 – December 7, 2016) was a Pakistani recording artist, television personality, fashion designer, occasional actor, singer-songwriter, preacher and televangelist.   He died on 7 December 2016 when PIA Flight 661 crashed in Havelian. The flight was en route to Islamabad from Chitral. He was in Chitral for a Tablighi Jamaat mission and was returning to Islamabad.

Amjad Farid (Fareed) Sabri (23 December 1976 – 22 June 2016) was a Pakistani singer and a proponent of the Sufi Muslim tradition. Son of Ghulam Farid Sabri of the Sabri Brothers, he emerged as one of South Asia's most prominent qawwali singers, often reciting poems written by his father and uncle.  He was shot dead in Karachi in a targeted killing claimed by a splinter group of the Pakistani Taliban.


  Category: Asia, Featured, Life & Society, Videos
  Topics: Nasheed  Channel: Nasheed
Views: 1875

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