Live Lesson from the Stories of Prophets - by Imam Sadullah Khan

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured Topics: History, Prophets, Ramadan Values: Wisdom Channel: Ramadan Views: 1678

Live Lesson from the Stories of Prophets series by Imam Sadullah Khan at Islamia Masjid in Capetown, South Africa. This series talks about the wisdom, the life and other aspects of Prophets of Allah that are mentioned in the Quran.

Episode 14: Trials of Faith, Wealth, Knowledge and Power

Episode 15: Noble Son in Defense of an Immaculate Mother

> Episode 16: Prophet Sulaiman - The Mighty King

Episode 17: Luqman - Wisdom for the Ages

Episode 18: Lessons from Battle of Badr

Episode 19: Gender Equality that Received Divine Response

> Episode 20: Prophet Yunus (Jonah) - Change is Possible

> Episode 21: Prophetic Engagement through Revelation

> Episode 22: Prophet Hud - The Consequence of Arrogant Heedlessness

> Episode 23: Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist)

> Episode 24: Asiyah - The Queen Who Nurtured a Prophet in The Palace of a Tyrant

Episode 25: Prophet Nuh - Positive Lessons in Productivity

> Episode 26: The Martyr Mentioned at the Heart of the Quran

> Episode 27: From the Power of Iqra to the Epitome of Compassion

>> Stay tuned, we add new episodes daily!

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured
  Topics: History, Prophets, Ramadan  Values: Wisdom  Channel: Ramadan
Views: 1678

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