Never Give up on Your Dreams

Category: Asia, Featured, Life & Society, Videos Values: Courage, Justice Views: 1099

Imran Khan speaks at TEDxKarachi 2011 on Never Giving up on Your Dreams

27th May 2011 : Making the Impossible Possible

About the Speaker: Imran Khan graduated from Oxford in 1972 with a degree in Politics and Economics. He was later inducted into the university's Hall of Fame. As a cricketer, he achieved incredible success as the world's premier all-rounder and lead Pakistan to its World Cup victory in 1992. After retiring from cricket, he went on to become a champion of social causes in Pakistan, going on to found the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital, the country's first cancer hospital that provides free treatment to thousands of patients annually. He has raised millions of dollars worth of funding through national and international campaigns.Khan has also been active in politics and is the founder of Pakistan's Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party. His most significant political work has been the restoration of those judges who were deposed under the Musharraf regime. As University Chancellor of the Namal College in Mianwali, he set up links with the University of Bradford creating further academic opportunities for the youth of Pakistan.

Imran Khan received many prestigious awards for his outstanding work for public welfare and personal achievements amongst which are the Hilal-i-Imtiaz, Pakistan's highest civil honorary award, the Lifetime Achievement Award presented to him at the Asian Jewel Awards, and induction into both the Oxford University and the ICC Hall of Fame .

  Category: Asia, Featured, Life & Society, Videos  Values: Courage, Justice
Views: 1099

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