Friday Prayers Led by Women
On March 18, Dr. Amina Wadud will give the Friday sermon to a mixed gender audience at Sundaram Tagore Gallery in New York. She would also lead the Friday prayer to a joint congregation of Muslim men and women. Dr. Wadud, an Islamic studies professor in the department of philosophy and religious studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, is nationally and internationally known for her book "Quran and Woman: Re-reading the Sacred Text from a Woman's Perspective." She knows the meanings and implications of her ijtihad in the eyes of God, and she will be judged according to that. Those who disagree with her ijtihad would be judged according to their own understandings as well.
This controversy cannot be cast as Islamic or un-Islamic, because there is no one to judge people's actions and intentions but God Almighty. However, what one can discuss is the effectiveness of such an action in proving points pertaining to the status of women in the eyes of God or believers.
If it is meant to prove to God that He created everyone equal, then it is futile. He already knows that everyone is equal, and the spiritual status of people in His eyes is not determined by where people stand and how they stand, but what they do.
If it is meant to prove to adversaries that women's equality cannot be compromised, then again it is a futile effort, especially in a country where the First Amendment allows each individual to express his or her individuality in whatever manner and form as long as it does not violate the laws of the land. In this Christian majority country, people have the right to produce movies against Jesus or burn the national flag or even burn the religious scriptures. Similarly, Muslims who want to practice their religion in a particular form can do so without any restriction as the law of the land allows them to so.
However, if the purpose of the organizers is to improve the status of the average Muslim women, then this is neither the issue nor the place to make the point.
Some Muslims and Muslim organization will simply describe this action as un-Islamic and will urge their followers to oppose it tooth and nail. Perhaps they may even impose more restrictions upon women who want to use Masjid facilities to express their spirituality.
Those who describe them selves as moderates would most probably remain quiet, as they don't want to alienate either traditional or so-called progressive Muslims.
In a global community where 73 percent of women are illiterate, the controversy about women leading the prayer or giving Friday khutbah is irrelevant. In an ummah where 64 percent of women live below the poverty line, this controversy is useless. And in a nation where a large percentage of women suffer from lack of adequate health care, this controversy is a non-issue.
Those who are seriously concerned about improving the status of Muslim women should devote themselves to identifying with the impoverished, underprivileged and powerless women that are scattered all over the world. To talk about equality in a country that protects equality through constitutional means is a meaningless effort. However, to identify with those who suffer at the grassroots is heroic.
Muslim women who suffer from all kinds of ills that a patriarchal society has imposed upon them have often been betrayed by those who claim to be religious leaders, or by those who want to denounce religious establishment for its lack of commitment to Islam. Indeed, both have betrayed Muslim women. During the last several decades, both have watched Muslim women lose their dignity while they have conducted debates about Islam and its relevance for the world at large. Both have failed to identify with those invisible beings whose whole existence has become subject to the prevailing ignorance.
True empowerment will not come from imposing this new controversy. Rather, it will come when intellectuals who are genuinely concerned about the plight of women identify with the disadvantaged women masses. The real battle is not in mosques here in the United States which guarantees religious freedom. Everyone is entitled to do whatever he or she wants to do. The true battle is against those centuries-old traditions and attitudes that have deprived women of their creativity and role in the reconstruction of a new civilization that can surpass all previous civilizations. It is time that we realize what our priorities are, and devote our intellectual and material resources to execute them.
However, if Muslims continue to introduce and focus their attention on irrelevant media attention grabbing controversies, it will take away from the task of focusing on the real plight of women and other issues that should be addressed.
The divine teachings are for guidance, and not for settling one's personal differences. Much of what we see in our organized activities is nothing but a reflection of our egos and super egos. We fail to do the most obvious and fight over the most trivial, because it serves our egos to see people humiliated, or degraded or proven wrong. We have got to change our entire attitude to the divine message if we truly want to be ambassadors of Islam.
The world needs a group of selfless people who can share the divine teachings with the rest of humanity - beyond their personal likes, dislikes and egos. Until that sincere group emerges and takes its rightful place in the community, we will continue to be plagued with non-issues and trivial controversies.
Dr. Aslam Abdullah is editor of the Muslim Observer and director of the Islamic Society of Nevada, Las Vegas, as well as the director of the Muslim Electorates Council of America.
I appreciate all the visitors who have commented on this article.
It is important for us to establish a code of conduct when dealing with controversial issues. The code of conduct prescribed by Allah when he exhorts us to deal with each other is to do so with respect and consideration.
I am waiting for Dr. Wadud to explain the rationale behind her decision to lead the Friday Prayer to a mixed gender gathering. I want to understand her perspectives. I want to know if she has specific Hadith or Quranic verses to support her action.
I have personally done substantial research on the subject and Inshaallah, I will write my opinion on the issue after reading the interpretation and justification of those who are for this initiative.
This approach to expressing women's rights, in my opinion has trivialized women's struggle for human rights. Its effect is to disunite rather than unite men and women to work for Islamic solutions to women's problems. Regardless, We should not subject our opinions to our egos. Rather, we should pray to God to help us overcome our own weaknesses and be just to women and men in all aspects of life.
I urge brothers and sisters to conduct the discussion on this issue in an Islamic manner.
Topics: Prayers (Salah), Women
Views: 18238
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Allow me to make a correction here. I disagree with a woman as an imam in Friday prayers and as to Dr. Aslam's approach, I disagree in parts.
A few matters that i could agree is the existence of the so called religious leaders who imposed all sorts of ridicolous restrictions on women. Most of these were tribal practices. And even in some Muslim countries, there are some traffic regulations that prohibits women from driving. Where in the first place did they derive that from ?
I am acutely aware of the socio economic problems of Muslim women globally, that of literacy, education and economics. These are tribal practices which has nothing to do with Islam. In one hadith, our Prophet ( peace be upon him ) has said to the following " The acquiring of knowledge is the obligation of all Muslims. " That includes women. And the Taliban practices pertaining to women are not to my liking.
But at the same time, caution is needed here. That doesn't mean a liberalisation as in accordance to western standards. I quote a book from Annie Besant, a popular western writer in the 1920's that " while the so perceived modern western society had only recognise women 's rights to property in the 20th. century but Islam has always recognise this right since the begining of time..."
There we are, it means that actually if one were to look into the sources of Islam in the Quran and Sunnah we are actually far ahead of the west. But again I made my stand here crystal clear, that I oppose a woman imam. But please don't start to give brands of fundamentalist, I consider myself as moderate but the yardstick of moderation cannot simply be measured by simply agreeing to any action which is wrong.
See me earlier argument in the earlier post e mail on why I disagree to a woman leading Friday prayers. Wassalam.
To all my Muslim brothers and sisters, please apply the hikmah in voicing your disagreement. There is no need for condemnations of any body unnecessarily or usage of unkind languages. Never mind, I'll come to all your points later. I share your views but I'll apply the Ijtihad here. And it is simple.
Yes, I disagree with women leading Friday prayers. And I further disagree with the writer's approach on this matter. The question of the well being of women all over the globe is separate from Friday prayers.
Friday prayer is a worship which is COMPULSORY FOR MEN ONLY. Any Muslim men who, without any apparent or permissible reasons absented himself, that he is committing one sin. That's the ijtihad that I derive from. It is not compulsory upon women.
So let us then ponder on why ALLAH SWT has made it compulsory for men only. Why ? It's because ALLAH Knows what is expected of men. Because the hikmah of Friday prayers is to strengthen the faith and ukhwah of the ummah, to create a bond and to learn from the lessons from the sermons. It is the duty of men to strengthen the ukhwah of the community and the ummah because they are leaders in their family. So every men who attended the prayer represent his family unit because he is their leader. As for the bachelor men, that is to remind them of the guidance of Islam, that they are to stay clear of evil. There are various hadith that describes on men being the leader of their family and flock. Is that not an analogy on why women cannot be imam of Friday prayers !
And in addition, Sayyiditina Aishah ( r.a.), the wife of the Prophet ( s.a.w ) was a very learned scholar herself and she memorised most of the hadith of the Prophet. But she never lead prayers.
If prayer on Fridays are not compulsory ( wajib ) on women, then why did this woman scholar wanted to get the unnecessary attention of the world by leading a prayer of the men ? I'll write more.
I must say that I, even after reading your article, still do not see how Mrs. Wadud preaching is conflicting with the very important issues you bring foward in your article, such as illiteracy and poverty amongst large groups of women. On the contrary. If we look at the problem of illiterate woman, it is most certainly relevant, because this group cannot get the full meaning of the Quran on their on. Some might only receive interpretation through their husbands, and they are not as inlightned as an imam. Theremore if they see Mrs Wadud preaching, they may very weel feel inspired to learn more about the Quran. Another thing is that she might bring another perspective into the minds of men and women, of course still with Allahs words, but it is always important to listen to ''both sides'' in order to get a full understanding of life. Every imam brings a bit of their own opinions and personality when they preach the words of Allah.
I do not see any complication in a woman preaching for men and women in the mosques, and I also do not find your arguments herefore adequate, and even more so, I find that some of your arguments even support the idea of women taking positions as imams. Just because it has not been seen before, does not automatically mean that Mrs Wadud is trying to prove a point. And even if she is -why should it be rejected? Is there a place in the Quran that speaks against this -if so, I would like to know where.
now how can a woman lead in friday prayers without voicing out even if there are not men aroung?
I am 100% against a womam leading in all kind of prayers since they were not rocommended to do that since from the time of the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon Him). thank you
You are a disgrace to islam and what you are doing makes all the muslims in the world embareced. You are only representing your self and the women like you.
Don't let your desires guide you; they are the ill insinuations of the evil whisperer who wants you and your supporter to be their inmates in hell fire.
Many honorable and respectable Muslimah, past and present are more educated, knowledgeable, and righteous . They battle many agendas, issues for the best of women around the globe, with patience and obedient tackling matter following Islam accordingly. They are highly respected, recognized, and their names will flourish through their best example/model of the righteous women in Islam.
There are many women in this world who are not muslims who wear scarfs , covering themselves for many reasons of their own , perhaps they are the one you claimed are abused. A true believer , a good muslim brother never hurt or harm their wife and children. Please don't put down our good brothers all around the world , the patience they encounter daily to be a good muslim, a responsible husband , father , son , fulfilling their responsibilities with much patience, please don't blindly judge them.
Only Allah S.W.T. guides not you and only Allah S.W.T. protects not you. All your ill intentions will bring many corruptions that's worthless for any good effort in your actions forever, they are not a blessed effort. Alhamdulillah, we are blessed to recognized it without delay. We all will perish taking all our deeds . Man can change whatever they pleases, but only Allah S.W.T. guides and protects and destroy whomever Allah S.W.T. pleases.
2. The Dr. Amina also is knowledgeable of Islam (educated, doctor & probably a good muslim), I think she is only a human & making a big mistake. Here is my opinion. The Doc, is probably thinking that she is just as equal as a man.. she is right.. but the social status is different than a man.... So hypothetically, let us imagine that she is a great Imam & also a great speaker & gives great sermons.... Now what if during the month out of 4 Fridays she gets her period & can't perform the prayer & sermon.... That is something to think about. & as I stated before.. pleae check the next post for continuation!!!!
Islam, Allah has granted us all equality and a
women leading prayer proves no point other
than falling in the trap of "western" thinking. I
don't need any body to tell me that Islam
grants or doesn't grant equality. I believe in
Allah and his ultimate justice. I don't agree
with women leading prayer. With all that said, I
agree with the author, there are far more
important things Muslims need to be
concerned with. When muslim women around
the globe can read and write and analyze their
religion then I'll talk to you about this situation.
I am 100% against what Dr. Wadud is trying to do. If it is forbidden for a woman to lead men in salat, what makes it permissible for her to lead Jumaa prayer. In fact, Ibn Taimia said that a woman's prayer at home is better for her than going to Juma'a or Jamaa'a except for Eid. Therefore Dr. Wadud is breaking the Islamic rules by giving the Friday sermon.
This is only my opinion and Allah knows best and may Allah guide us all to the right path.
It is amazing how people spend so much time attempting to look good in the eyes of mankind, without a regard for Allah (swt) and his laws, and guidelines as provided for man by Prophet Muhammad (saw). No one has a "place" in life, except as a servant of Allah according to Qur'an and Sunnah. When we begin to violate this with our own personal ideas, concepts, and opinions, I just pray that this condition will not keep us all in darkness. However, at the rate our community is going with so much division, amongst so much unity. We have to stop this fitnah together.
Can you imagine her bending over in front of the whole world. This has nothing do with equality.
See a comment from this blogger and his support of CAIR - ""
against and he ordered to reject it .AND whoever did not do so he is not a muslim.
jazakumullah to the writer of this article and those who read it .As more as i know our religion islam there's no way a lady can lead a friday prayer while men are please i have no other knowledge besides that my sister in islam DR.Wadud ..please let the men's lead you .wasalamu aleykum warhama.
Such an act by a highly educated lady or by anyone in such a position only exposes oneself to further ridicule by the anti-Muslim propagandist. There is no need to prove those adversarial voices even when they continually confront us with challenges of disequality between the two genders or the poor treatment of women in Islamic society. These are nothing but misrepresentation of good intention. It serves more to create a division among Muslims than to a self awareness of self-worth as the Western advocates of psychology always try to popularise. There are verses in the Qur'an reiterating the equality of men and women, while at the same time stressing the differences in their biological make-up. Men and women can never be the same in their biological and physical attributes and composition. Hence, their different roles. The roles of men and women have been delineated by Allah Subhanahuwataala for the purpose of fulfilling our existence in this dunya, which is to seek Allah's pleasure towards a more rewarding place in the Hereafter, the Jannah. These are roles which complement each other so that the two are assured of a common direction in their mission to reach their destination. Subhanallah, Allah has stipulated so clearly the roles of men as leaders and protectors of women, and women as caregivers of our children, the future generation of Muslims. Conducted in the most desired manner as Allah teaches us, Muslim men and women will not err, instead remain steadfast in their iman. Consequently, shaytan will be faced with a strong resistance put up by our iman, and any attempt by the acts of shaytan and their followers will be disintegrated into their own moulds of deception and destruction. May Allah guide whoever show any inclination to the whisperings of shaytan and their followers in disguise. InshaAlla
Based on my understanding of the Quran and Sunnah of Muhammed SAW, I do NOT agree with ANY woman leading Jummah prayer. I do understand the plight that many Muslim woman face regarding inequalities in cultural influences in Islam. The key point here is CULTURAL influences. It's not Al-Islam that causes these negative treatments some Muslim communities extend towards the women in the community. It's a lack of following the Quran and Sunnah that leads to any unfair or unjust treatment of women (and children).
Only when we (Muslims) truly accept and embrace the divine revelation that was sent as a MERCY to ALL the worlds (Quran and Sunnah) we will continue to face difficulties that have easy solutions. If we study Al-Islam, the Sunnah and then work to put our egos, opinions and CULTURAL practices aside.... then we will truly be submitting as we are all created to do...
Many Muslim populated countries and communities are holding on to (pre Islamic-Jahaliyyah) CULTURE that disregards equality, justice and freedoms that Al-Islam gave to WOMEN (to all people). I know that many Muslim women are un-educated, lack adequate health care, opportunities, some even second or third class citizens in their "culture and communities". This is not okay--not according to the Quran and Sunnah. There needs to be more attention on really adhering to the Sunnah, let's utilize the Quran, Hadith and the Seerah, which teaches and provides useful/helpful examples of how men, women and children are to be treated. It's all with dignity, respect, equality and justice for all-->that's what Islam is all about. Now, let's encourage all Muslims to practice what's been as the best example to the world!
Having women lead Jummah prayer is not in keeping with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, either is burying your daughters, or treating women cruel.
Let put our 's look at how Muhammed SAW treated women.... this is the best example
These women chose to address the disrespectful manner in which American Muslim women around the United States are dealt with in mosques (God's houses of worship)- when a Muslim woman enters an unfamiliar mosque and does not know how she will be treated or accepted - something is drastically wrong.
The Muslim leadership and Ummah must recognize that until attitudes change re: Muslim women ie. "that we are all in this together to do good and work side by side striving in God's cause"- behavior will not change. If 9/11 has taught us nothing else - we cannot afford to put eachother down or marginalize women whether in mosques/public places or in the privacy of our homes.
We must start to dialogue about the plight of Muslim women and elevate them to the level where they are participating in every aspect of life - Let us stop turning a blind eye to the shortcomings of our community and start to address our "dirty laundry" ..........
Brothers and Sisters, we can solve this problem but are we ready? I disagree with the Sister, we cannot go and bring new rules and "Say" that was of the old Islam and now this is what I think it ought to be. It might not be intentional but thats the case. You cant use free thought as a tool to shift Islam from Allahs destined path. If there is Urge that sister Amina feels there is quudba readers and Imams to lead Friday Prayers is needed. Then that can be done under a section of the Mosque, where Muslimas Preach and pray together' but ask yourself doesnt it seem like is partition? Is the next step to build a seperate mosque for our Women? Wallahi I never thought a subject like this would come up, but Allah did creat men/women as equal. But not in a sense where they Lead Men in Friday Prayers, If this Idea is an Acceptance of Muslims World Wide as an Upgrade, then think of the Many other Ones that are to come.
I say this in my own Words, Islam needs no New Ideas, Islam is Complete and Has not been Changed since The Beloved Prophet has left us.
This is an Issue to be taken Serious, and given some Serious though.
May Allah Bless the Sister and Correct Her. Amiin.
Personely I wouldnt be In a Mossque where my Imam was a Women, for many reasons, If there was not when the propeht (pbuh) was here why would it be now? It serves no Justification at all.
This article is well thought of. Since we don't know the motive behind her decision, why not wait and see? ."Clearly this is a fitnah. There is no sound evidence from of this from the Quran and Sunnah". So is killing of innocent people based on their ethnicity, gender or beliefs.
i am realy disheartened i cannot express my self.i pray god wipe us from this earth.we do not deserve to be muslims or humans.
May Allah help us to be united in this volatile world rather than fight amongst ourselves.
Thank you for the wonderful article.
what to say.....??? How already brother Mohammad masroor sad:No woman is more noble then wives of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and we do not see such an act from them.
May Allah forgive us and show us right path, ameeeen
Assalam alaykum wa rahmetullah wa barakatuh
When we accepted the Deen of Islam, we agreed to abide by all the ruling in the Quran and sunnah. I could not find any verse in the Quran or any Hadith that support that action.
"May be this is not Islam"
If that lady -- Dr. A. Wadud -- want to led a procession then do it but not in the name of Islam. Who knows she might have some hidden agenda.
No woman is more noble then wives of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and we do not see such an act from them.
May allah give hadaya to all of us.
I'm sorry that you are censured. That's too bad. I guess that's what happens when you've been conditioned. "Suppression of free thought?"
Your comments regarding original thought: I've yet to have read many in the -comment section- of this website. As for you comment; regurgitated rhetoric is all I have read thus far.
In regards to your quote "The Israelites were accustomed to have themselves slaves," Now that's a piece of dementia by an amoebocyte if I ever heard it. Yes, I took biology too. Personally, I have yet to meet a human that is comfortable being a slave. (Past or present) That's completely absurd.
To date, all I've read are personal attracts by individuals whose ideals have been challenged. If you are going to sway someone in favor of your position, try logic and reason. If you don't want people to use your own words or descriptions against you, then abstain from any future comments, or maybe accept the fact that not all will agree with you.
"Fear of your opinions being questioned." Like a child, your personal attack only reaffirms my observations and opinions about many people in the world; if you were not aware, that's how civilized people advance. Dialogue! Did you know that? Or do you only want to listen to or read that which conforms to you narrow perspective. I wonder???
Lastly, I'm a product of the Canandian education system. How about you?
In the name of Allah, the most Benevolent and the Most Merciful, have a nice day....
Quran 33:53-55 appears, at least to some extent, to describe the ideal Muslim household. It seems only logical to accommodate all those who model their own households accordingly. It also seems logical that such a model would suggest a basic design for any Muslim place of worship.
O Allah, shower blessings upon your messenger Muhammad and bring him peace salutations (as encouraged by Quran 33:56). Ameen.
Will someone please show in the Koran where women are not allowed to give Friday prayer? If not, then again, we continue to implement our 14th century mumbo-jumbo. It is amazing that we are willing to keep our feet on the head of our sisters instead of lifting them closer to Allah (SWT).
Why do so many of us disagree with a sister leading prayer? Prayer is to Allah (SWT). Women are just as much in the image of Allah (SWT) as brothers are.
Shall we grow closer to Allah (SWT) are stay stagnate?
First of all, please accept these words from your sister in islam, who fears Allah. I just want to tell you that as a woman , we are not allowed to raise our voices in front of men . And there is a Hadith about that . So, how would you imagine yourself sitting there in front of all the brothers in islam, raising your voice, giving Khoutbah, and leading the prayer, by bending in front of all these men.My sister, in the Quran, there is a verse in Surat Noor, in which Allah asked the prophet, Salla lahu alayhi wa saalam, to ask all the women to cover themselves for fear of creating fitnah. Have you ever tought, my sister, that by sitting there, leading the prayers, you may be subject of a big fitnah? What would you say to Allah on the day of judgment? Have you ever heard about one of the prophets wives, the mothers of the believers , who are our best models to follow leading prayers on Fridays? Why aren`t we just following the Quran and the sunnah ? Please sister Aminah, try to make Istghfar and refrain on that. We are in a time of a big Fitnah, and we really don`t need more fire to let it set.
Please accept my comment, I love you for the sake of Allah .
You sister Saloua ALIOUA
Although I am not knowledgable about the islamic rulings concerning women leading in prayer.In any case, there seems to be a contridiction in what the writer (brother Abdullah) has stated as his opinion towards muslim womens rights and how it is being approached by sister Wadud.Brother Abdullah wrote..
"The real battle is not in mosques here in the United States which guarantees religious freedom. Everyone is entitled to do whatever he or she wants to do. The true battle is against those centuries-old traditions and attitudes that have deprived women of their creativity and role in the reconstruction of a new civilization that can surpass all previous civilizations. It is time that we realize what our priorities are, and devote our intellectual and material resources to execute them."
My question to the brother is, isn't restricting women from taking a leadership role (leading prayer)in the religion that declares men and women as equal, a step towards "the battle against those centuries-old traditions and attitudes that have deprived women of their creativity and role in the reconstruction of a new civilization?" I would argue that it is not only correcting a wrong from the past and current civilization, but ensuring equality for the future one. It is a battle against those "traditions" that deprive women of establishing themselves as respectable contributors to society and to be bestowed the same value and respect in all social arenas as men enjoy, that sister Wadud seems to be fighting for. The basic right to lead in prayer, before our Lord who has decared us equal seems basic. Therefore i do not see why you disagree with the sisters decision to make such a bold statement. it seems to me you agree with her.
It is like saying..Why did African Americans put their energy towards fighting for the right to sit at the front of the bus,and not put that engergy towards education. All battles have to start somewhere, just as long as they star
Perhaps this will be the beginning of more gender equity among believers. This may also pave the way for more women to find their spiritual legacy within Al Islam
As the article explained, we have more severe issues to worry about than this. But one should understand, this type of activities create more confusion and division within the group and society. Also any invention what is not supported by Quran or Sunnah is bidah, no matter whatever logic or explanation behind it.
So Sr. Wadud please please abstein from doing what you are about to do. And I Urge muslims who are planning to attend the prayer not to be there. This is totally against Quran and Sunnah.
May allah help us and give us the hidaya to understand his religion.
I think this is one more fitna non muslim think tank want to create divide gender wise.
& some so called "MODERN and Intelligent Muslim WOMEN" drawing conclusion that Islam is not compatible with Modern World and that Islam is bad for them...Ok! then convert and become a pagan.
& some TRIBAL, "Culturally-glued" and illiterate Muslim MEN, many of whom marry 3/4 for no reasons and abuse their wives are NOT going to get sleep over this situation....For God's sake! Grow up! Learn the Quran and Don't misinterpret it!
Very Sad...
& Let me quote my Grandma:
"H.A.! Always keep in mind that Little Knowledge is a very dangerous thing. Keep Learning and Be patient."
H.A.: Ok, Grandma! I hear you...I will do so. For your brain's sake, H.A.! Seek Psychotherapy!
Do not take lightly or as a joke the words of Allah (SWT)- Quran or the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW)or you will be amongst those who regret
and its plain clear whats wrong and whats right..
i am againts this.. addition in the religion
Muslims are shocked, abhored, stunned etc.
Why is that? Is it the biggest disater of Islam?
To begin with, Amina Wadud is an Afro-American woman, who grew up in America living under the American constitution before she became a Muslim and live under Islamic Shari'ah. She believes it is her constitutional right to lead a Friday prayer, be it. She can do whatever she likes. Who cares? However, her success or failure in her effort depends on other Muslims, especially men to follow her lead or not. If Amina Wadud, goes to wherever she intends to lead the Friday prayer and does not find any man or even a woman there to follow her lead, she prays Dhuhur by herslf and go home. I am sure Amina Wadud is not going to force any man or a woman to follow her leadership in the prayer.
Are we going to make of Amina Wadud another Salman Rushdi? Wake up fellow Muslims and do not always react foolishly to people like Amina Wadud. Just forget about her, she will disappear sooner than she appeared. it is up to you Muslims.
Wa-salamu 'alaikum wa-rahmatu Allahi wa-barakatuhu,
Your brother in Islam,
Assad Nimer Busool, Ph.D.
Arabic and Islamic Studies
American Islamic College
Chicago, Il. 60613
email address: [email protected]
Muslim men have known about the plight of muslim women from day one. Let's not act like it's an "issue" all of a sudden.
I have lived in muslim countries and saw god given rights of women stripped away. Most are illterate and have never read the qur'an. They are beaten, and denied higher education.
I have a burning question on my mind. How many times did the prophet beat his wive(s), servants, followers? And when it was rumored that Aisha had her veil down, what did he do? Did he beat her, berate in her front of people?
For all the muslim men out there, let me ask you another question. The verse in the qur'an, that says you can beat them lightly, did you ever think it was a test and trial from Allah, to see if you can hold your tempers and maintain patience and coutesy to your wives?
I love islam, the structure and kindness of it. How it stirs basic human emotions of patience, understanding and mercy. It is the only religion that allows women to own property, manage their affairs, be entitled to kind and equal treatment from every man in her family.
How did we get to the power struggle we're at today? And how do muslim men sit around smoking sheesha, drinking coffee and ignoring the very women that gave birth to you and nurtured you. Carried you for 9 months and delivered you in pain.
The prophet said that heavan lies under the footsteps of your mother three times. What does that mean to the muslim men out there? Does it strike a chord in your heart?
Or do you find it easier to attack the woman for leading prayer. It's not allowed, that much is true. But there's a message behind it. Much love and blessings to the sister for having the courage to stand up and say
I'M HERE! I exist, recognize my intelligence, brilliance and sensitivity to make this ummah stronger.
[email protected]
1. Will they accept a claim tomorrow from any muslim sister "for the sake of equal rights" that:
women has right to mary four men as men has right to mary four women?
2. will they accept another blind claim from Ms.Wadud that women has right to mary another woman?
If we all fear Allah then we should stay on straight path, stay away from Fitnah and do our best to please Allah. Try not to help or promote disbelivers ideas of equal rights.
There is a hadith of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) close meaning of which I remember that: Salat offer by a women at house is more rewardful then the her salat offered at a mosque. If someone remembers the whole hadith, please quoted it on your messege. JaZakallah
As a Muslim woman who is struggling to follow and obey every single commandment our Creator,I yearn to fullfill my role as a human being, as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter and as a sister-for I realise that I wil be asked if I fullfilled these roles as ordained by my Creator or not.I also realise that my role as an "Imam" or as equal of a male is not what I will be questioned about.
May Allah SWT help all the Muslim women in the Ummah accept their respective roles as commissioned by Allah SWT.
Yours truly,
Mimi Khan
was salam - sr fizza
Although I should refrain from making rulings based on my insufficient knowledge, issues such as these are clear in any beleiving muslims knowledge and this is against the commands of Allah and the ways of our Prophet. May Allah forgive us for our sins and may he prevent us from all the traps of Shaytaan.
However, if there are no male muslims around or in nearby locality, then a sister can lead a juma prayer provided the one leading should not stand in front but sit in the center of the first line.
This is my personal views it has to be verify by some mufti and /or a person who has better knowledge.
I think if Dr. Amina is a Muslim women then she should look back at the role played by women like prophet's wife, Aisha (RA) and then follow the footsteps of such women and not leading the Jumua Prayer!
the strongest message we get from allah is always about to activate our mind in the way we believe and live. salam
I would like to know the official dress code for men in Islam.
Primarily it is well known from Hadith and Quran that companionship of mixed gender is shunned in Islam.
The most knowledgeable woman in ISlam , Ayesha Siddiqua Radhiallahu Taa'la Anha, never claimed he Imamate of any Mosque inspite of the fact that many scholars of Islam gained knowledge from Her.
Bibi Ayesha Siddiqa (Radi Allah A'nhum) fought against Hazrat Ali (Radi Allaho Anho) and led the war, but did She (Radhiallahu Taa'la Anha) ever claim for becoming an Imam of a mosque?????
What more Ijtihad is required here
It is not permissible for a woman to lead men in prayer. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Keep women behind [in the back rows] as Allaah has commanded." (Narrated by 'Abd al-Razzaaq in his Musannaf, 5115. The isnaad stops at Ibn Mas'ood with a longer report than this; the isnaad is saheeh but it is not proven that this was said by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)).
Moreover, the position of imaam in the mosque is a kind of wilaayah [public office], and wilaayah is only for men. "No nation prospers that appoints a woman over its affairs [wilaayah]" (narrated by al-Bukhaari, 13/45, 46), as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said.
There is an exception made by the Hanbalis, but this is a weak opinion. This view says that a woman may lead the men in taraaweeh if she reads well and the men present are illiterate, but she should be behind them and they should be in front of her. But there is no evidence (daleel) to support this view. The point is that it is not permissible for a woman to lead men in prayer. Yes, women may lead other women in prayer, it is OK if she leads other women. This is fine, as stated in the report of Umm Waraqah leading some of her mahrams, but as for her leading non-mahram men or as a public office [wilaayah], such as being an imaam in a mosque, this is not permitted.
Fataawa Samaahat al-Shaykh 'Abd-Allaah ibn Humayd, p. 130
To visit your group on the web, go to:
There appears to be comments that support the article and diagree with what Dr Wadud is doing. However, the authors have chosen to click on "I am against it" in giving response to the article. I believe there has been some confusion on their part and hopefully after this, those who post comments will tell a diffrent statistic.
wa maa tawfiiqii illaa billaah...
It sound to me that every body that serve humanity in manner and wisdom way that would be a count towards infront of allah. weather it is good or bad intention.
I remeber that i read about the book called the umma (Khalifas)during there period time their serve the religion of allah in anice and beautiful way and even the womens are one times asked the prophet (saw) about their rights when there hasband went for jihad , the prophet say to them wommens how nice quation was that,and the prophet replay the rewards were equavent to what the hasband gets.
Contribution towards islamic is all in good in the eye of allah,Allah knows your heart and your terms in fullfilling the pillars of Allah and be a modete,and be a middle way of cleaning the misunderstanding way of mojority of muslim is whose sees towards negetifity ways.
Dr aslam abdullah its your wisdom and beaufulness of giving the musliah adirection. this may be those pple who called them self there are religiours are may be serving there eggos, But we see how much this dawa will some how be different with those who called them self there will be helping the diin of allah. In the terms of difficult times.
I hope for you that you will be able to be closer with the scholars,and always pray to allah let this change to be good for you from the revaltion of allah. Allah willing can be anything,we all pray to allah let us focus the best for all humanities in time of this difficulty time.
Umm Waraqa bint Abdallah, an Ansari woman who was well versed in the Quran, was instructed by Prophet Muhammad to lead ahl dariha (ahl dariha means the people of her home where 'dar' means home and can refer to one's residence, neighborhood, or village), which consisted of both men and women, in prayer. The "people of Umm Waraqa's home" were so numerous that Prophet Muhammad appointed a muezzin for her. Umm Waraqa was one of the few to hand down the Quran before it was written. Umm Waraqa wished to be known as a martyr so she asked Prophet Muhammad to allow her to participate in the Battle of Badr (624 A.D./ 2 A.H.) so that she could take care of the wounded; from that time on Prophet Muhammad referred to her as "the female martyr."
(Wiebke Walther, Women in Islam, Markus Wiener Publishing, 1981, p. 111 (citing Ibn Sad, Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, vol. 8, p. 335).
Obviously, my interest in the text above is that it appears to be an instruction from Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wassalam) directing a woman to lead what is said to have been one or more men in prayer. Barakatuhu.
Sorry, brothers, but I think we sometimes confuse that which suits us (as men) with Allah's cause. Warahmatullahi.
As far as addressing men at worship is concerned, I suppose that a woman could do so from behind a screen of some sort. Honestly said that would not appear to be the actual issue. The issue seems to have more to do with women remaining mindful of their place in matters pertaining to submission.
Also, if anyone has a good reason for discouraging unmarried but otherwise pious men from taking a greater interest in marrying pious women then I should like to hear it. My thinking here is to some extent inspired by Quran 11:78. Hopefully I would hardly equate my brothers in Islam with the men of Quran 11:79. Nevertheless I would hope that my point (such as it is) would be sufficiently transparent.
Dear brothers in Islaam,
Where are we going from here? To gay Imaams like our neighbours? Isn't Prophet Muhammad PBUH enough for us as a leader for all of us to follow? Doesn't Allah himself know that WOMEN are among His creation?
Wallaah, this is the sign of QIYAAMAH, when women will be shameless and the faith will disappear!!
If the point is education, who among our present women can claim to have understood Islam than Ummu Aisha the wife of our Prophet?
Astaghfirullaah! It is simply unexceptable that a woman leads the Friday prayer. We learn from Quran and Sunnah, not from western culture, which is typically purely a Kufr. never that Prophet Muhammad selected a woman to lead the prayer, neved had he himself prayed behind a woman.
i would like to remind my dear brothers and sisters that jews interfere our religion, this might be among their tricks!!!!
There are no female religious leader of jews.
Why is it then necessary for islam to have a female leader?
Dr. Amina Wadud is only doing this to become famous. There is no other reason for that. Just like Salman Rushdi and other clownies. She is going to change the 1400 years old tradition of islam. She has no right to play with our religion!!!
I hope she will follow the right path that our holy Prophet (S.A.W.) taught us and stop licking the a** of GWBush.
M. Basit
have to look at the time at which these teachings came down
from Allah - not everything can be interpreted and applied
literally as the world has changed - both men and women work
- and no longer are women soley put on this Earth for the
purpose of childrearing. Tread lightly breothers and sisters
before you make bold assignments based on gender. To do so
minimizes the value of one or the other - this is not what Allah
intended. The suffering we ALL (men and women) have endured
under patriarchial societies have led to hatred, war and poverty.
Hence, the corrent state of the world!!!!!!Maybe it is time for men
and women to lead, side by side, not one in charge of or held in
higher regard than the other. To abolish the Western perspective
that Islam is oppressive to women, we as Muslims must stop
being illustriative of that very fact.
To my understanding, a women can not lead men in prayers. I agree with some one who wrote that it is the non-believers who want us to do so just to break us into groups against one another.
I would advise Dr. Amina Wadud to spend more time with the effort of deen than lead prayer. Put your knowledge about Islam onto paper or use other media to reach both muslims and non-muslims.
It is true the writer saying that the Almighty Allah will judge us, but is it that we know it is not right and then do something and say this?
Isn't there any other way of pleasing Allah then leading prayers.
Keep in mind that Almighty Allah gives us time to come back to him and the right path and forget not he has destroyed individuals, tribes, nations so haven't we learned yet?
December 26th, 2004 is not far away.
What are we waiting for?
It's comments like these that really get to me. Everyone who wants to change something in religion, or do something different, uses it as a shield to protect them from and criticism.
It's unjust, because indeed it is true, only Allah can judge, however it is completely paralyzing towards open discussion and enjoining what is right and forbiding what is wrong.
I recently heard a homosexual individual say "I know God Loves me, regardless of whether or not I'm straight". Indeed this is true as well, God loves us all.
But again, this is all paralyzing. How then do we strive together towards the truth and proper conduct? If everyone used the idea of only God can judge, and thus no one else can do anything, than literally society will fall apart. People would then just do whatever they want.
The is a classic case of Individualism vs. Unity.
Many people say "Let God Judge." "And only God can Judge." The what is the Quran and Hadiths for? Are we not God representatives hear on earth to spread peace, righteousness, and justice? Or are we just let this world fall apart, and just wait for judgement day for God to clear things us.
The Sunnah is here and it's here for a reason. We say that it needs to change because the society has changed. However, is it social change, or social corruption?
The Imam is the leader of his following, in that he not only leads the prayers but also is an administrator of social affairs and also a leader of his people if they are to go to war. And there are other aspects which show that this role is appropriate for men.
But in this society, we've adopted a western way of living, and lost the islamic way of forming a society, and have become confused with the difference. We try to change Islam instead of society.
People are asking us to reinterpret the Quran.
The Quran asks us to reinterpret ourselves.
Assalam alaikum
This is very good article, I really hope and pray Allah reward you for sharing your thoughts with the rest of the ummah. I also hope and pray that our ummah understand and act upon your guidance. First of all bring the Quran and sunnah in to their lifestyles and secondly take your advice seriously.
Jazakallahu Khairen
Br. Fareed Shariff
Can you please present any evidence from Quran or authentic Hadith texts to your following claim:
"There is a well established tradition of women leading men in prayer, and this is the beginning of women claiming the rights given by Allah, denied by narrow minded men."
May it be Allah's will that I am grateful to Allah. Might such a request be denied depending on who is leading the prayer? And may peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you.
Also, I do not believe that women should remain hidden and silent for the sake of their community. In my opinion such a community would be basically unworthy of much effort required to preserve it (in my opinion). Then again, I am somewhat disinclined to invite others to my error. So do as you think is better. And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guide all who hope to be guided rightly (Ameen).
Astagfirallah! This is a horrible thing to be even attampted. The attempt is the bad part. Why do we pray how we do? In order for us (women) to not be praying standing right next to a guy so touching them during the prayer or having them look at us. Even if you did keep the guys and the girls in the right order in the prayer with guys in front and girls in back, but put a woman at the front of the congregation, it defeats the purpose. This idea is just another one of those out there that takes away from Islam when, especially now, we need to be bringing it back to the way that the Prophet(SAAWS) taught us it.
I believe that Dr. Wadud went to this extreme demonstration of woman's intrinisic role in islam in response to what she, and other muslim women perceive as intentional attempt to prevent them from practicing and enjoying their God Given Rights in Islam. All of us always brag that Islam recognized women's rights and responsibilities-in theory, but when it comes to application, the majority of Muslim women are relegated to staying home and being subservient to their husbands. Women are not even allowed to serve on board of the Mosques. Dr Wadud probably made this decision in order to show her Muslim Sisters that even the ultimate male role:imama of prayer can be done by women, and was permitted by prophet Muhammad(PBUH). Please refer to CCMA document's_Leadership.doc.
I agree that there are more important issues that need to be addressed, but how can we address them when our own brothers do not allow us to aquire at least 50% representation in the decision making boards of our mosques?
If one questions the truth of what you wrote, then I suggest the
following: In lieu of the fact that women represent
approximately half the Muslim - and general - population; and
also almost 50 percent of the work force in the US, that on even
this Website of, which, by the way, I began reading and
read religiously every day as one news source, that of the paltry
few articles written about Muslim women, they are typically
written by men, and mainly in reference to her duties and
obligation and role to her husband.
Of those few articles written by women about women, often they
either parrot the men, or negate the legitimate and
unnacceptable and insulting attitudes and indignities and
injustices by rendering 'invisible' Muslim women.
Rare is it that a woman has the courage and temerity to speak
the truth, simply! For that I say, bravo!!!
1. "Lo! Let absolutely no woman lead a man in prayer!"
Arabic: "Ala la ta'ummanna imra'atun rajulan."
Ibn Majah, Abu Ya`la, `Abd ibn Humayd in his Musnad, Abu Nu`aym in the Hilya with different chains from Jabir, and al-Tabarani in al-Awsat from Abu Sa`id al-Khudri.
2. "No nation shall succeed that is led by a woman." Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Bakrah, Allah be well-pleased with him.
This is even more binding in Salat, since the imamate of Salat requires a far more slavish imitation and following than the greater imamate. Further, the imamate of prayer is a delegatory function of the latter.
3. "The best of the men's prayer-rows is the first and the worst the last, while the best of the women's prayer-rows is the last and the worst is the first." Muslim, the Sunan, and Ahmad from Abu Hurayra, Jabir, and Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, Allah be well-pleased with them.
I.e. the contrary of imamate, which means "leading from the front."
4. `Ali said, Allah be well-pleased with him:
"A woman does not lead as imam." Mudawwana, I`la' al-Sunan.
Imam al-Bayhaqi mentioned all the above but the last in his Sunan and said: "This is also the School of the Seven Jurists of Madina among the Tabi`in then those that followed them."
This is also the position of the Four Schools. More, Ibn Hazm in Maratib al-Ijma` and Ibn Qattan al-Fasi in al-Iqna` fi Masa'il al-Ijma` listed it among the rulings that muster unanimous consensus :
"They concur one and all that a woman cannot lead men in prayer with their knowledge of her being a woman and, if they do, their prayer is invalid by consensus."
Second, it would not be right for one upon whom congregation is not incumbent to lead one upon whom it is obligatory.
Third, the best salat of a woman is in her house without contest, and it is not right that the leader of the Salat be precluded from excellence to begin with.
So s
I stand corrected. Yes, the Greeks and Romans did have slavery, but long after the Egyptians.I got too focused on the blonde hair/blue Europeans that invaded my country and enslaved my people for over 400 years. But then, the Greeks and Romans never invaded, enslaved and murdered my people, so they're not the White Europeans envolved in the slave trade in Western Europe and the Americas that is was focused on. Still, to say that slavery originated with the whites is false. Even in my country the Aztecs and the Mayans had slavery long before the whites landed on our shores. Miscommunication will happen when English is your second language. I need to be precise... But then, your from England and probably one of those Western Europeans that I'm referring to.... Who is Michael Moore's? Sounds like an Engilsh to me....
And in another authentic narration reported by Imam An-Nasa'i the prophet (S.A.W.) said: "And every bid'ah innovation is a misguidance and every misguidance is in the Fire."
i appreciate the brother who wrote an article
in us and especially in New York of which muslm community i am aware this kind of gathering does not have much impact on the community as it would have in some country like mine- where islamically educated woman is still a rarity - in my humble opinion we should not be concentrated on what already has been given to us by the Creator - on our rights - but on gaining appropriate knowledge and building strong families where rights of women are fullfilled and then move into society matters
it should be muslim male and female struggling side by side in the name of Allah not against each other - we just all need some education - and of course acting upon that knowledge sister Amina Wadud :) come visit us in Uzbekistan we need you here to show sisters that there are some educated women- in the place i reside majority think that woman is for house and many forget about the essence of education for the mothers and sisters who have been always advice givers to their males
this all abovementioned is merely opinion of mine
female :)
Oppressed women should find other channels to voice out their grievances, and not copy, what people in other faiths are practising.
We should be alert.Christians have not accepted Islam as a divine religion.They call Islam as a fake religion and Prophet Muhammad as an imposter.
Dr. Amina Wadud wrote the following.
"However, if Muslims continue to introduce and focus their attention on irrelevant media attention grabbing controversies, it will take away from the task of focusing on the real plight of women and other issues that should be addressed"
I agree with this statement but in order for Muslim women to be empowered they must help their men who are in a very weak state as far as Islam is concerned (Love for the dunya and not fearing death the men have no problem).
for example women of this ummah must encourage their men to Enjoin the good and forbid the evil,iqmat salat, pay zakat, Fast, Don't drink alcohol, do not gamble, not to obtain income using Riba. This are BIG problems and until theses are fixed we wont be fixed.
Muslim women need to raise their Children with sound Islamic knowledge. So we will have great up and coming leaders and scholars, like we had in our past.
Not wimps who cannot even stand up for Quran and Sunnah or stand up to protect their own Mothers Daughters, Sisters, Wives against the enemies of Islam.
Once they do this then the whole ummah will be empowered.
I dont think women making Kutbah's and them leading prayer is what going to get this ummah and Muslim women out of this rut.
Following Quran and Sunnah is what will get us out.
I don not know the extent of Dr. Amina Waduds Islamic knowledge. But what she presented has no Daleel (evidence). So I cannot really take the article seriously.
Al Humdullilah one thing about this deen is its based on knowledge, and the Quran has taught us that we muslims must not accept anything that does not have evidence connected to it.
Unlike other religions where it always based on emotion.
First of all prophet muhammad (PBUH) never mention anything in his Hadiths regarding Women leading the mixed gender prayres. If she wants to do that why cant she lead the friday prayers for women only. Because by doing that she is changing the teaching the Islam. One more thing in her book is that, she is reading the Quran from women's perspective. What does that suppose to mean. Quran is for Allah, You read a Quran for the sake of Allah and get Hasanath (Good Deeds). By being against it does not mean that i oppress her i am oppose to the fact that she is trying to change the teaching of islam. Seek forgiveness to Allah the All Knowing.
Jazakallah Khair
Really, te author of the article makes a good point. There are many more valuable causes. However she is not strapping a bomb to herself to kill women and children this is the real innovation. Allah (swt) strickly forbids the killing of innocent children and women. Ask your self which is worse........Wasalam
Dr. Amina Wudud should clarify what is she is trying to accomplish by doing this. More responsible than her are the other muslim folk who belong to that masjid or community for allowing such heresy to occur instead of stopping it. It seems she's not the only one whose faith is displaced. Like they say "The kind of people you have similar is the leader", what more could be said here. The muslims of the community there have a responsibility to correct her and do something rather than join in the 15 minutes of fame.
There is no argument whether this is allowed or forbidden, anyone who has studied the quran and ahadith knows that it is forbidden. The root of the problem is why is she doing this? What are her intentions? What she wants to gain? Why does she think it is not forbidden to do so? Where are the muslims of that community of are allowing this to happen? Does she realize the long term affects this will have on new muslims or those whose faith is weak? Allah knows best but if she is wrong (even if she is right why take such a drastic chance) then she will have to bear the burden of this sin for every generation that follows this, every person who follows this practice later on.
I have no problems listening to an knowledgable woman speak, but leading the namaz is not acceptable. Allah (swt) has given women all of the beautiful rights they deserve, but there are some misguided muslims out there. May Allah guide us.
I quote from Mr Casa, "Even then it was something introduced to European explorers during the 14th century by black African slave traders. Where did you learn your world history? Obviously not on this planet."
It would seem that you Mr Casas need to learn your History. Have you forgotten about the ancient Romans and Greeks. The Roman and Greek Empires were built by slaves and their treatment of slaves was most brutal, just like the African slaves were treated in the Americas. In fact the Europeans /white North and South Americans adopted the exact same type of slavery used by the Romans. Now, it may surprise you to know that the Romans and Greeks were White Europeans. Slavery ......"something introduce to European explorers during the 14th century by black African slave traders." ........GIVE ME A BREAK!
Oh! I forgot, your American! Have you read Michael Moore's book "DUDE, WHERE'S MY COUNTRY". You should if you haven't, it's a fascinating insight into you guys. This is what he says in the introduction on page XII -XIII about you:
"They (meaning the Americans) are hopelessly lost, in part because of an enforced ignorance that begins at school, where they learn next to nothing about the rest of the world, and continuing through daily adult life where their media has all but eliminated any foreign news that does not have something to do with the USA." If you want moore, buy the book.
I rest my case.
We can not allow our selves to get caught in the web of shaytan, by loving and imitating the way of kuffar. Allah did liberate women in the best manner. So why are Amina Wadud over stepping the bounderies in the deen of Islam. Remember, The best speech is the book of Allah and the best guidance is that of our prophet Muhammad (SAW).
If this action is not in the Quran or Sunnah, than it not an act allowed in the deen. Miss Amina should seek knowledge before she act. Her so-call ijtihad is baseless and it is all about following her own whims and desires.
I think she would better serve sharing her Islamic knowledge in discussion forum or other similar settings...
Invention/fabrication = dwellings at the bottom echelon of hell.
It think it's time for Muslim scholars to clarify this situation before things get out of control and Islam is divided into thousands sects like other religions...
Why should I even take advice from grown men without beards? Unlike women, smooth-faced men have seemingly made a choice to appear in public without facial hair.
I would have to admit that I often feel like hurling stones at everyone's demon but mine. Perhaps other people have had similar feelings (from time to time perhaps).
Amina Wadud should understand that this kind of practice did not happend during prophet Mohammed (SAW) or during 4 Caliphas... How can she can bring this change in Islamic values now...? When our Islam is completed 1400 years ago. My advise to her is to stop this kind of practise and ask forgivenes from Allah! and seek advise with any Alim or Mufti...
What I see is a selfish cathartic expression, with no base whatsoever.
May Allah (swt) guide us all to the Straight path.
In regards to your comments to Mr. Michael Hollifield, to compare his remarks to some passerby relieving himself on your flowerbed is absurd. If this was your website, then maybe I would agree. Since it's not your website, he has the right to relieve himself here if he chooses. Making it sound like it's a privilege to express one's ideas is typical for mental defecations like you. That's how people with narrow-minded beliefs like you react. "Oh, you can't say anything that I deem contrary to my beliefs." Typical response of someone who has been brain washed.
Secondly, slavery is not a white man concept. If I'm not mistaken, Egyptians had Jewish slaves thousands of years before the white man introduced slavery into Europe and the Americas. Even then it was something introduce to European explorers during the 14th century by black African slave traders. Where did you learn your world history? Obviously not on this planet.
I believe that women should not lead the prayers. Its totally wrong. Women can lead in women gathering where they can educated women. Its not a good idea Women leading in the most important friday prayers. I think Women can offer their prayers in mosque but this is totally wrong a woman leading whole Jummah Prayes, it dont make any sense... I urge Muslim Scholars and Mufti to take strong action against itt..
May Allah (SWT) forgive us all. I'm proud of u Dr. Aslam, You have truly followed this verse.
Quran 16:125
Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful exhortation; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.
This is a fitnah of our times and it is the responsibility of the ulema to speak about it. These actions of stupidity will not relieve the sufferings of women in any way. May Allah SWT give hidayah to people like Dr. Aminah Wudud, ameen.
On the whole, a balanced article. One point that the author failed to articulate is that the people who make such spectacles of themselves almost invariably choose an unIslamic act to gain their 15 minutes of fame! (In this case the pun is almost literal, since that's how long the prayer usually lasts.)
Often these aficionados of popularity desire only to bathe in the glittering limelight of popular media, and have no interest in the true Islamic teachings (nor in bettering the lives of society at large, as the article suggests).
I fear that Dr. Amina Wadud will meet all the success she wishes upon herself. Unfortunately, I'm also afraid it's the kind of success that will sully Islam's name in this country and at large, and will fail to bring any real relief to any real suffering to any person, muslim or otherwise.
Wassalam Alaykum.
Please comment on this controversial issue with the quran OR Hadith OR Islamic Shariah references ONLY.
Just do not post any comments according to some thinkings or their views as it happened in the past in referece to scarf issue in France by Egypt scholars.
Such things are going to happen with this new world order and oppression, voluntarily or involuntarily, by hippocrates,muslim dogs for money and etc.,or nonmuslims pretending as Muslims to please some westerners.
I pray to ALLAH , and it is time to recite surah Fatihah(chapter -1, opening chapter of QURAN).
Salam Allaikum
Thank you
Asif Huseni
this will only start a bigger fitna in our society .. adding to what the muslim nation is sufferring already so please think with ur mind not ur heart read quran correctly ...and may allah guide us all to the right path and make quran our guide and light for life is only couple years while the hereafter is eternal
wasalamou alaykoum wa rahmatou llah wa barakatouh.
Notes for All Imam's & Dawa commities:
Please do not use masjed floor for nonsense activities..We must keep the masjed TAHER.
Please use community Halls or rent outside halls for dialog-philosophy-ideas and whatever muslims play-org-hizb is there to pleaze bush
This is very serious..Quran:The masjed is for Allah and his commands(mohammad pbuh life) not anger Him.
Allah Taliboon insha Allah.
This article smacks of the CIA (America). I fail to understand how a woman leading Friday prayer in New York will help alleviate the sufferings of Muslim women worldwide. The Catholic Church to this day refuses to let nuns take part in certain ceremonies and they cannot advance in rank. Yet I'm supposed to think that women women are the most oppressed? Going against the sunnah is not going to revive Islam. This Amina lady needs to take a refresher course in Islam if she is actually a Muslim. Somehow, I doubt it.
society hereby solicit your support .We are decide to write and intimate
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as we (MSSN) we are trying to put things together and to bring our
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i am not intimidated by a women being a president, ceo, or even the president, but i do not agree with women being an imam.
All Muslim practices are sourced from the quran od hadith.
So what Dr. did was wrong based on:
1 The prophet said part of your nackedness is her voice. so, doing khutbah where men are present is Unislamic
2 Allah has told us and the prophet demonstrated the position of the female folk in the mosque. So to change it now is agaist the Quran and the sunnah.
3. All the sahaba are best example to us in all ramification. and they practiclised the deen just like the prophet. such things are not found even from the mother of faith, Aisha, that posses the half of faith (hadith0
4. In Islamic society, we dont look at problem from one angle, rather Islam always try to see to the root of problem and try to solve it at once. so the problem Muslim women are facing today cannot be solved with going to the mimbar rather see where we have all in our duty to Allah and then return to him. And by doing this we shall solve our problems.
I cant agree more with Dr.Aslam Abdullah.
These efforts to 'improvise' prevailing women situation might be attention grabbing, but i dont see how it is going to benefit them in practice.
Whether or not this March 18 prayer is controversial, one should take a scholarly view in presenting authentic (religious) textual proofs. There's no point in rushing to judgment about whether Dr Wadud has a hidden agenda. I would like to hear out her proofs that women can lead the Friday prayer. God knows best. God is All-Wise and All-Merciful. God Willing, I will attend my Friday prayer next week, traditionally behind a man. However the central focus is in establishing the prayer to God. We are an ummah (community). Let's not forget that.