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U.S. should stop interfering

Category: Life & Society Views: 4571


History Lessons:

The United States is facing a major crisis in Iran, where the clerical regime, despite its denials, is evidently embarked on an effort to develop nuclear weapons. Because American leaders say they will not tolerate a nuclear-armed Iran, this has led to intense speculation that the Bush administration is preparing a military attack.

History suggests, however, that such an attack would have disastrous long-term consequences. Iranians know as well as anyone how terribly wrong such foreign interventions can go.

Iran was an incipient democracy in 1953, but Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh chosen by an elected parliament and hugely popular among Iranians angered the West by nationalizing his country's oil industry. President Eisenhower sent the CIA to depose him. The coup was successful, but it set the stage for future disaster.

The CIA placed Mohammed Reza Pahlavi back on the Peacock Throne. His repressive rule led, 25 years later, to the Islamic Revolution. That revolution brought to power a clique of bitterly anti-Western mullahs who have spent the decades since working intensely, and sometimes violently, to undermine U.S. interests around the world.

If the Eisenhower administration had refrained from direct intervention against Iran in 1953, this religious regime probably would never have come to power. There would be no nuclear crisis. Iran might instead have become a thriving democracy in the heart of the Muslim Middle East.

Overthrowing a government is like releasing a wheel at the top of a hill you have no idea exactly what will happen next. Iranians are not the only ones who know this. In slightly more than a century, the United States has overthrown the governments of at least 14 countries, beginning with the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893, and forcibly intervened in dozens more. Long before Afghanistan and Iraq, there were the Philippines, Panama, South Vietnam and Chile, among others.

Most of these interventions not only have brought great pain to the target countries but also, in the long run, weakened American security.

Cuba, half a world away from Iran, is a fine example. In 1898, the United States sent troops there to help rebels overthrow Spanish colonial rule. Once victory was secured, the U.S. reneged on its promise to allow Cuba to become independent and turned it into a protectorate.

More than 60 years later, in his first speech as leader of the victorious Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro recalled that episode and made a promise. "This time," he vowed, "it will not be like 1898, when the Americans came in and made themselves masters of the country."

Those words suggest that perhaps if the U.S. had allowed Cuba to go its own way in 1898, the entire phenomenon of Castro communism might never have emerged.

The U.S. deposed a visionary leader of Nicaragua, Jose Santos Zelaya, in 1909 and sent his unlucky country into a long spiral of repression and rebellion.

Forty-five years later, still believing that "regime change" can end well, the U.S. overthrew the left-leaning president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz, and imposed a military regime. That regime's brutality set off a 30-year civil war in which hundreds of thousands died.

Today, Latin America and the Middle East are the regions of the world in the most open political rebellion against U.S. policies. It is no coincidence that these are the regions where the U.S. has intervened most often. Resentment over intervention festers. It passes from generation to generation. Ultimately it produces a backlash.

Countries that have been victimized by past interventions are especially determined to resist future ones. Iran is one of these. Over the last 200 years, the British, Russians and Americans have sought to dominate and exploit Iran. If the U.S. intervenes there now, it will face the pent-up anger many Iranians harbor against all outside powers.

Some in Washington evidently believe that it is worth trying to set off upheaval in Iran because any new regime there would be an improvement.

This is a dangerous gamble, as intervention would strengthen the most radical factions in Iran. Militants, including the bombastic President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, would use it as an excuse to crack down on dissent. That could lead to a wave of repression, produce a regime more dangerously anti-American than the current one and set back the cause of Iranian democracy by another generation.

This looming crisis might be resolved by direct and unconditional negotiations between Washington and Tehran, but American leaders refuse to bargain with the mullahs. The trauma of the Islamic Revolution, and the hostage crisis that followed it, left a deep scar on the American political psyche so deep that it prevents the U.S. from engaging Iran in ways that could have great benefits for American security.

Yet far from being doomed to conflict, these two proud nations are potential allies. Both want to stabilize Iraq and Afghanistan, assure the free flow of Middle East oil and crush radical Sunni movements like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. What prevents talks from materializing is the deep resentment both sides feel over past interventions.

Iran has intervened across the Middle East, sometimes using the extreme weapon of terror, to attack U.S. interests. For its part, the U.S. intervened to crush Iranian democracy in 1953, imposed the shah and supported his repressive rule for 25 years.

The cure for the effects of past intervention is not more intervention. Given the seriousness of the nuclear crisis with Iran, American leaders should put aside their self-defeating and increasingly dangerous refusal to negotiate. The alternative may be violent intervention in Iran. Americans have tried that before. The results would be no happier this time.

Stephen Kinzer, a former foreign correspondent for the New York Times, is the author of "All the Shah's Men," about the 1953 coup d'etat in Iran, and, most recently, "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq."

  Category: Life & Society
Views: 4571
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Older Comments:
Both americans and non americans know now, atlast thanx God. that they have a corrupt govt. running their country in a corrupt system.

after enron and Jack ambramoff and many members of congress and other people involved.

americans know that they cannot trust their Govt.

they now lookin for fixin it, without havin a major crisis. keepin americans distracted, and send the naive ones to wars on unfamiliar lands.

that is understandable.

the cleanup of govt. not comin soon i guess.
its a unforseen challenge.
especially where there is solution.

Now everyone has to wait and see what The Soulution americans can come up with.

But the problem is not immigrant comin from Latin america to do the jobs american wont do.

Problemo is the fairy tale life style. Along with descrimination of N.America that it should only be White, Protestant and English.

3 countries only here, USA, Canada and Mexico.
Investment in Canada is ok, but Not in Mexico, this is the real problem.

In 1 day america can bring Mexico to a as good as canadians. But then again Canadian are not independent either. Nothing can happen in Ottawa without Washington's OK.

Its a very valid Question, for how long this will continue like this?

Americans need to answer this. When will they stop the policy of exploitation. In this dirty politics business hand in hand with the corporate world.

I have a few questions.
A: Why is 'intervention' by the US Government not deemed the same as that of Iran and other countries... namely state terrorism?
B: If the US really wants to achieve useful results in the International arena why don't they simply leave countries the choice of positive interaction and discourse that's ACTUALLY (not disguised as) mutually beneficial between said states instead of forcing them to conform to their whims?
C: Why doesn't the US Government conform to the same standards it then tries to enforce upon other countries? (e.g. Nuclear WMD of which the US is the largest holder in the world and the ONLY ONE in history to have used said weapons, OR conforming to the International Court of Justice & the UN's decisions even when they finger the US as having done something wrong, such as when they received the dubious honour of being the only country in the World to have legally been found to have carried out an illegal war in Latin America and to pay compensation (to which they replied by encouraging further bloodshed))
D: Why do the EU and other powerful nations in the International community allow the US to Veto, block and generally bully everyone else into letting them get away with STOPPING progress, when "inconvenient", in many dfferent areas of world issues and then not apply it to themselves or at least think of an action that can prevent this from continuing. (e.g. Environmentalism issues, trade, the ME problem, 3rd world poverty etc.)

Could it be that the answer is as simply that they are conforming to the base, selfish and primitive doctrine we can see in amongst jungle animals or deprived kids in a playground? Namely, I am bigger than you and I get what I want...

I read the book "All the Shah's Men" and as a matter of fact did a review on it. I wish more people in the West new of America's involvement in Iran during the 1950's. Excellent Work!

Salaamu alaikum,
There is lots of truth in what the author said but not all of it is true take for instance this statement: "There would be no nuclear crisis. Iran might instead have become a thriving democracy in the heart of the Muslim Middle East."

By todays democracy standards which is mostly an elite democracy (elected official) with a mix of bureaucracy (appointed officials)or bureaucrats, Iran is a democracy too. The reason it is not a thriving democracy is because the US governments has put economic sanctions against it.

I agree with you that the American goverment must stop interfering in other countries national and international affairs for the good of the average American who is vulnerable overseas and who knows may be at home too ie 9/11.

They have to stop their dirty foreign politics. We say in Morocco, nothing sticks between a finger and a nail except for dirt so the Neocons must learn to MYOB.

Wa salaam!

I agree with the author on many topics, democracy is not the way an Islamic country should run. They should have a Islamic government that follows the Quran and Sunnah. Much of the stuff happening is controlled by freemasons and they sre one of the foremost problems Muslim governments need to face since they control almost all major events to their favor in their grand msonic plan.

Many powerful & developed countries DO NOT WANT & WILL NOT LET the muslims and their countries: to prosper, to become independent, to become religious, to have industries,to unite, to become overnumbered(population), to defend themselves.

All they what is them to be their puppets, totally depend on them on everything(from basic foods: water to fine technology), give their resources voluntarily or involuntarily to them and the revenue they get from these is to buy food or products from west, their economy grow & strive.

Every human being and county has inherited right to defend ,has the right to become self-dependent,has the right to do thing that benefit and protect their homes(homeland and infrastructures), and family(citizens) by all means necessary.

The destruction,invasions,unjust wars,unrest, & rebuilding, contractors,companies, dictating constitutions, golden policy of divide & rule(civil wars), military presence & expenses. Who is the looser & WINNER from these?.

On the top of these, some of our muslims join them for power,lust and greed and they will answer in qayamah for their role....

Allah bless all..

About time we use the adage made popular by the former U.S president; only that this time the reminder is to the Americans.
