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Responding to Islamophobia

Category: Americas, World Affairs Views: 4942


Islam bashing, Islamophobia and Hate Islam are a deliberate campaign led by some journalists, religious fanatics and liberal as well as conservative commentators. They want to denounce Islam as a barbaric religion promoting violence and hatred against non Muslims. Ironically, the campaign is centered in a country where Muslims have been the most peaceful citizens for the last several centuries despite the fact that they were subject to all sorts of persecution. African Muslim slaves were forced to convert to Christianity and many of them were killed for refusing to succumb to the wishes of their masters. Yet, none of the descendents of those persecuted Muslims ever indulged in reciprocating the acts of barbarism, their forefathers had undergone.

Since September 11, the peaceful community of Muslim Americans has been subject to all kinds of accusation and persecution. According to an estimate, more than 70,000 Muslim households have been visited by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies since September 11, more than one million have been subject to profiling and more than 30,000 have been detained under some pretext. In the media, some 80,000 articles and programs have been presented against Islam. Islam bashers, on an average, spend approximately 6 hours daily on radio or television attacking Islam. Moreover, more than a million Muslim men, women, children or those who look like Muslims such as Sikhs or the Hispanics have been subject to verbal and in some cases physical abuse in the last six years. The burning or bombing of mosques and attacks on Muslim homes are an ongoing part of this persecution.

This is happening despite the fact that since September 11, Muslims have organized more than 3,000 interfaith forums denouncing terrorism and loudly condemning groups such as al Qaeda. In fact during the last 66 months, in more than 2,000 places of worship where Friday prayers are held regularly, Muslim religious scholars and leaders have spoken against violence and terrorism at least 10 times a year, on an average. In other words, every year, Muslim leaders in more than 2,000 places of worship have spoken at least 20,000 times in a year on issues such as appreciating the founding principals of America, and unjustified terrorism and violence against Americans.

Yet the Islamophobes are not willing to see any of this as something positive. Rather they use any incident anywhere in the world to denounce Islam and question the patriotism and loyalty of Muslims Americans. Who are those people leading this crusade? What is their agenda and how should Muslims respond to that?

Those who are leading the Islamophobic campaign comprise of three main groups, ultra conservative religious leaders, ultra liberals and literalists who take every word of the Old Testament about Jerusalem and other holy sites within its vicinity as cast in concrete.

Ultra conservative religious groups include right wing evangelists who view not only Islam but any other religion as a manifestation of the satanic will. They view everyone who is not like them a pagan and consigned to hell fire and they deem it necessary to denounce Islam and other religions as barbaric or satanic. They are heavenly financed by some of the most successful businessmen including those who are in oil and diamond industries.

Ultra liberals view Islam and any other religion as the greatest impediment to modern capitalist market economy. They view religion and its institutions as traditions of the past that have no relevance in our modern world. They denounce Islam as a religion that still believes that God is uneditable and His words unchangeable.

The third group consists of those who believe that what was compiled by scholars under the instructions of King James in the form of Old Testament are divine words that must be implemented. In this respect, they view the Holy Land between the Nile and Euphrates belonging to those who were once chosen by God. They believe that those who speak against Jewish Zionism are cursed by the divine and they believe that the mission of all those who believe in the Old Testament is to ensure that that Holy land is restored to Jews so that God's will is done. They see Islam as a competitor in this land grab movement. They denounce Islam for rejecting the claim of Jews as chosen people and they view Palestinians as children of Satan spoiling the divine plan in the Middle East.

If one looks at the background of all those who are in the forefront of this Islamophobic campaign, one can categorize them in one of the three camps. Their agenda is simple. To influence public opinion and increase the number of those who think like them. Obviously, they believe that at present they don't have a majority behind them. Hence, they spend more than six hours a day in preaching the doctrine of hatred against Islam.

How should Muslims respond the campaign?

One simple way is to expose those who are making this propaganda and counter them loudly. This is some what defensive and it would not serve any purpose. In this shouting match, the truth will be drowned and no one would be able to hear the other. At present almost every Muslim organization is involved in this approach. Let us get even with those Islamiphobes. Let us show them our real worth and lets us prove to them that we will not sit quiet in the wake of this nonsense. This is what most Muslim groups and leaders have been heard saying in the United States. In fact, based on this approach, many organizations have developed a strategy that would match the venom with venom. How effective this approach might be? This is subject to discussion.

Ironically much of what these Islamiphobes are saying is based on what they have heard some individual Muslim saying or they have taken out of context from some Islamic book. For instance, they have routinely attacked the Quran describing it as a book that promotes violence against women. Many of these people referred to the recently concluded case in Germany where a judge acquitted a Muslim man of beating his wife because, according to him, "the religious text of Muslims allows men to beat their wives". Majority of Muslims would not accept this interpretation of the Quran. Majority of them would describe such a practice loathsome and majority of them would view this sort of ruling contrary to the spirit of Islam. However, this perspective of the majority has not been made public. It is not known to many including Muslims. 

Thus the practice of confronting Islamophobia without first addressing issues raised by them might backfire and cause more damage to Islam in the long run.

Muslims must develop a sound strategy to deal with this situation and cases of anti-Islamic attitude. One must have to admit at the outset that no matter what Muslims do or say, there will always be some elements who will be anti-Islamic as has been predicted by the divine the Quran. The forces of evil would also be there to force Muslims deviate from the right path and to create doubts in the minds of neutrals about the validity of the divine message. So as Muslims, we must be prepared to face opposition regardless of what we say and do.

Secondly, rather than responding back to the hate mongers, Muslim organizations should develop a grass roots effort to communicate with average people in schools, places of work and places of worship where they talk about issues which create suspicious in the minds of others about Islam.

Thirdly, Muslims must engage in social welfare programs that would present an image different than what many Americans have become used to watch on television, an image where Muslims are seen as angry, irate mob intent on destroying everything because of wrongs done to them.

Perhaps the best investment at this time is to engage in projects and programs that are people oriented and that project the humanitarian face of Islam.

Dr. Aslam Abdullah is editor in chief of the Muslim Observer, director of the Islamic Society of Nevada and recently appointed director of programs at the Lahore based International Iqbal Institute of Research, Education and Dialogue. He can be reached at Aslamabdallah@aol.com

  Category: Americas, World Affairs
Views: 4942
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Older Comments:
Lee Longchamps, hate to pop your "Christian Rightous Balloon" but the Muslim on Muslim violence was caused by a Judeo-Christian America and Britain. Granted there always was and always will be internal political strife in any country, Muslim or otherwise, had the US not invaded Iraq or Afghanistan, there would not be the level of bloodshed and violence that exists now. Clearly the Americans, Israel and the British are probably rubbing their hands in devilish glee at the news of the daily Muslim carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan, after all, it is of their making and that was their original intent.
Which then raises strong suspicions every time bombs go off and innocent civilians are killed. Is it not rather peculiar that hitherto Shia-Sunni conflicts were only intermittent minor village clashes between a few individuals or groups, not even news worthy items. Previously certain acts were clearly taboo such as murdering of worshippers of any sect, or destruction of Mosques or mowing down attendees at funerals with machine guns. Who first initiated murdering people in Mosques: Americans
Who first initiated blowing up Mosques: American
Who bombed and killed innocent people at funerals: Americans
Who regularly bombs and kills women and children, bith in Afghanistan and Iraq and even in Pakistan: Americans.
No I sincerely do not think that the Americans or their lunatic Israel loving clergy represent Jesus or the Christian religion in any way or form. Look at the facts. Under the shadow of the Cross, everything the Americans and the British have done thus far is clearly work that would make the devil dance with joy. From murder, rapes, torture, death, destruction and mayhem to petty theft, you Americans certainly will not see Jesus standing next to you. What Muslims need to do is rid of themselves of the disease that Western influence is and also of their puppet leaders propped by them.

Those who are leading the Islamophobic campaign comprise of three main groups, ultra conservative religious leaders, ultra liberals and literalists who take every word of the Old Testament about Jerusalem and other holy sites within its vicinity as cast in concrete.

Ultra conservative religious groups include right wing evangelists who view not only Islam but any other religion as a manifestation of the satanic will. They view everyone who is not like them a pagan and consigned to hell fire and they deem it necessary to denounce Islam and other religions as barbaric or satanic. They are ... financed by some of the most successful businessmen including those ... in oil and diamond industries.

.... They denounce Islam as a religion that still believes that God is un editable and His words unchangeable.?

The third group consists of those who believe that what was compiled by scholars under the instructions of King James in the form of Old Testament are divine words that must be implemented. In this respect, they view the Holy Land between the Nile and Euphrates belonging to those who were once chosen by God. They believe that those who speak against Jewish Zionism are cursed by the divine and they believe that the mission of all those who believe in the Old Testament is to ensure that that Holy land is restored to Jews so that God's will is done. They see Islam as a competitor in this land grab movement. They denounce Islam for rejecting the claim of Jews as chosen people and they view Palestinians as children of Satan spoiling the divine plan in the Middle East. ...

Any intelligent reader of the above texts can know the fallacity of those defending the defenseless !!!

Known for sure, the people not believing in the Messiah and obliging to His commandments neither know God nor saved from the judgment to come. For this matter, all are invited to ISLAM (ISA+ASLAM) to seek grace of God by repentance before the door is shut. SHALOM.

The best strategy from my point of view is for muslims to put aside their small differences and unit.Muslims are brothers and sisters if these fact is acknowledged we stand a better chance to minimise the bad effect (defeat) Islamophobia.Le muslims do business with fellow muslims.Our investments in non muslim countries is inderectly strengthening Islamophobia.

Curtis, you forget the newspaper age is over. You cannot lie and hide information any more. Its all out there in the open. Read the following news report from your favourite - yet amazing- Fox News, that JDL tried to suppress, regarding how JDL chairman Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel were charged in a federal criminal complaint with conspiracy to bomb the King Fahd Mosque and the San Clemente office of Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif.


Also if you are looking for documentation of the "Bolshevik Americans" bombing and destroying mosques here you go:




On an interesting note, its is quite amazing to note that with the demise of the Soviet Union, the US which once upon a time always opposed USSR's lunatic policies has now become the very loony they so desperately fought to destroy- in full form and action. Each and every Soviet policy that the US would eschew and use every bit of propaganda to counter, fascinatingly, has become US policy which stands for everything that made the Soviet state so hated, except in name. The civilian killings, suppression of minorities, torture and murder of ethnic and religious groups (only Muslim), indoctrination, blind nationalism, massive corruption, illegal invasions, lies, deceit, murder, rapes, use of WMDs on civilians, blackmail, bullying of weaker countries and the UN. The list goes on. Curtis, your USA really is the Evil Empire.

Your article does not recognize that Islam is one party of all the terrorism and killings that occur on a daily basis.

Nor does it say anything about what your are DOING to stop the world wide atrocity of MUSLIMS KILLIN MUSLIMS.

If this were a Christian phenonomom, I can assure you that we Christians would be doing more than crying" Christianophobia" but would be acting to STOP the violence.

I am a regular reader of both the CAIR newsletter and the daily Al Jezzera on the web and I have never noted any of these conferences. I would be pleased to attend one because I do believe in the seriousness of Terrorism and the fact that MOST Muslims oppose it.

Respectfully, Lee


Once whilst discussing with a Muslim friend of mine about the hate, Islamphobia being directed at the Muslims and deliberating on how we should respond, this friend told me a very simple solution. And, that solution is for each of us to take stock of our own lifestyle and to align it to the ways of our Prophet. If all the Muslims target to increase our 'amal' by 5%, the non-Muslims will take note of us. If we increase it by 10%, they will petrify. If we become 15% better Muslims, they will compete to get into the fold of Islam. I think the solution is that each one of us resolve to better our ownselves in our every day life. The rest will be taken care of by itself. Wassalam

Note to Dr Aslam Abdullah:

Your statistics/statements indicate that muslims are the mosted hated minority in the US. If that is true, should'nt Muslims try settle elsewhere where they are welcome or at least not hated?


Google search of Islamic center burned in US yielded some 86,000 references. The FBI report, a few years ago, reported a 400 percent increase in incidents of hatred against Muslims in the USA.
Approximately one million Muslims travel every year on domestic and international flights. many other cross borders from Canada and Mexico.
During the last five years, at least 2000,000 Muslims at various entry points and other chekpoints have been stopped.
As far as khutbas in Islamic center is concerned, a sample of at least 100 Islamic center revealed the fact that almost all of them have dealt with the issue of terrorism and violence at least 10 times in a year.
There are several other facts that we have not mentioned.
For instance, during the last five years, several national Jewish organizations have organized at least 200 forums in which they invited speakers who had either renonounced Islam or denounced Islam.
Right wing Evangelical churches have given at least 30,000 sermons annually on an average against Islam.
A survey of radio, television and newspapers conducted by the Muslim Observer between August 2006 to December 2006 revealed that on an average the media network spend six hours in Islam bashing.
Well it is important that we recognize these facts

This is typical Islamic propaganda. Here in the USA there has not been ONE case of a Mosque bombing or burning. This a lie. Google mosque bombing or burning and you see dozens of cases in THE MUSLIM WORLD but none in the USA. So PROVE what you accuse, if you can, which I doubt.

What is happening to Muslims now is not new. Islamic history shows that our beloved Prophet Muhammad saw went through the same experience.

When the Islamic community was weak, no one bothered about it. But once they saw that the community was growing stronger and influential, the non-believers started acting against the Muslims, including the Prophet saw.

How did the Prophet saw responded to all these cruelties?

When he was treated cruelly at Taif and was asked by malaikat whether he wanted him to dump a mountain over the citizens of Taif, he declined, saying that the people were ignorant and that later they would become good Muslims. The Prophet saw continued teaching, by words and deeds, about Islam. Later the citizens of Taif did return to Islam.

This is what we should do: be patient and explain Islam to the world with words of wisdom and Islamic-oriented actions (bil lisan wa bil hal). Allah promises to help those who are patient and Allah's help is the best.

It's the perfect approach to this ongoing problem. We must get our
self involved and make a sincere effort in the mentioned three
direction. But I would like to add on to it one more point that we
should be honest in criticising some of the Muslim countries
hypo-critic and selfish policy to retain their power and dominance
in the Middle East..