Jimmy Carter - Gaza an unnecessary war

Category: World Affairs Topics: Conflicts And War, Hamas, Jimmy Carter, Occupation, Palestine Views: 3585

In this ground breaking book from the top political leader of the USA, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, Jimmy Carter, returns to the Middle East and presents one of the most thought provoking and balanced view of  the Israeli and Palestinian conflict.

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I know from personal involvement that the devastating invasion of Gaza by Israel could easily have been avoided.

After visiting Sderot last April and seeing the serious psychological damage caused by the rockets that had fallen in that area, my wife, Rosalynn, and I declared their launching from Gaza to be inexcusable and an act of terrorism. Although casualties were rare (three deaths in seven years), the town was traumatized by the unpredictable explosions. About 3,000 residents had moved to other communities, and the streets, playgrounds and shopping centers were almost empty. Mayor Eli Moyal assembled a group of citizens in his office to meet us and complained that the government of Israel was not stopping the rockets, either through diplomacy or military action.

Knowing that we would soon be seeing Hamas leaders from Gaza and also in Damascus, we promised to assess prospects for a cease-fire. From Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman, who was negotiating between the Israelis and Hamas, we learned that there was a fundamental difference between the two sides. Hamas wanted a comprehensive cease-fire in both the West Bank and Gaza, and the Israelis refused to discuss anything other than Gaza. 

We knew that the 1.5 million inhabitants of Gaza were being starved, as the U.N. special rapporteur on the right to food had found that acute malnutrition in Gaza was on the same scale as in the poorest nations in the southern Sahara, with more than half of all Palestinian families eating only one meal a day.

Palestinian leaders from Gaza were noncommittal on all issues, claiming that rockets were the only way to respond to their imprisonment and to dramatize their humanitarian plight. The top Hamas leaders in Damascus, however, agreed to consider a cease-fire in Gaza only, provided Israel would not attack Gaza and would permit normal humanitarian supplies to be delivered to Palestinian citizens.

After extended discussions with those from Gaza, these Hamas leaders also agreed to accept any peace agreement that might be negotiated between the Israelis and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who also heads the PLO, provided it was approved by a majority vote of Palestinians in a referendum or by an elected unity government.

Since we were only observers, and not negotiators, we relayed this information to the Egyptians, and they pursued the cease-fire proposal. After about a month, the Egyptians and Hamas informed us that all military action by both sides and all rocket firing would stop on June 19, for a period of six months, and that humanitarian supplies would be restored to the normal level that had existed before Israel's withdrawal in 2005 (about 700 trucks daily).

We were unable to confirm this in Jerusalem because of Israel's unwillingness to admit to any negotiations with Hamas, but rocket firing was soon stopped and there was an increase in supplies of food, water, medicine and fuel. Yet the increase was to an average of about 20 percent of normal levels. And this fragile truce was partially broken on Nov. 4, when Israel launched an attack in Gaza to destroy a defensive tunnel being dug by Hamas inside the wall that encloses Gaza.

On another visit to Syria in mid-December, I made an effort for the impending six-month deadline to be extended. It was clear that the preeminent issue was opening the crossings into Gaza. Representatives from the Carter Center visited Jerusalem, met with Israeli officials and asked if this was possible in exchange for a cessation of rocket fire. The Israeli government informally proposed that 15 percent of normal supplies might be possible if Hamas first stopped all rocket fire for 48 hours. This was unacceptable to Hamas, and hostilities erupted.

After 12 days of "combat," the Israeli Defense Forces reported that more than 1,000 targets were shelled or bombed. During that time, Israel rejected international efforts to obtain a cease-fire, with full support from Washington. Seventeen mosques, the American International School, many private homes and much of the basic infrastructure of the small but heavily populated area have been destroyed. This includes the systems that provide water, electricity and sanitation. Heavy civilian casualties are being reported by courageous medical volunteers from many nations, as the fortunate ones operate on the wounded by light from diesel-powered generators.

The hope is that when further hostilities are no longer productive, Israel, Hamas and the United States will accept another cease-fire, at which time the rockets will again stop and an adequate level of humanitarian supplies will be permitted to the surviving Palestinians, with the publicized agreement monitored by the international community. The next possible step: a permanent and comprehensive peace.

President Jimmy Carter held the top USA government post from 1977 to 1981. He founded the Carter Center, a nongovernmental organization advancing peace and health worldwide, in 1982.

  Category: World Affairs
  Topics: Conflicts And War, Hamas, Jimmy Carter, Occupation, Palestine
Views: 3585

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Older Comments:
Peace, Salamat, As "technically correct" as President Carter's message is, it is, surprisingly for a man of faith, virtually devoid (as are most conversations about the Palestianian-Israeli conflict)of any reference to Almighty God and the Will of God. It is commonplace, even in discussions of this geographic area considered "holy" to billions of people of three monotheisms, to TOTALLY LEAVE GOD OUT OF THE PICTURE AND THE DISCUSSION. This is like leaving the approaching freight-train out of the discussion as to whether it is time to move one's car from off of the train tracks! Without knowledge of the approaching train, the people in the car can argue themselves to death about whether they should or should not leave the tracks NOW, but IF THEY WERE TO SEE THE APPROACHING TRAIN, THEN IN UNISON THEY WOULD YELL, "LET'S GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!" Read the Qur'an, surah 17, THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, especially verses 4-8, which describe God's plans (I call them his "train tracks") for the descendants of Israel in the holy land. If you only speak English, read several translations of the Arabic (including Yusuf Ali), as Muslims know how critical these verses are, and tend to mis-translate them to promote a pro-arab agenda in the holy land. You will be shocked to see that God has promised the land to the descendants of Israel, kicked them out already twice due to disobedience, but says in his mercy they may return again (hence, my use of the approaching train image). God, Allah in Arabic, is called in Muslim prayer and in the Qur'an: "The MOST Merciful." So, will the Jews be returned to the land? You bet!...For another round of trials with God, including the re-revelation of Jesus ("Isa") in Islam to them, which will cause many to repent of sin and convert to true faith and obedience. GET OFF THE TRACKS, BEFORE THE TRAIN OF ALLAH'S WILL CRUSHES YOU AS HE CRUSHED THOSE WHO DISOBEYED BEFORE. IN HIS MERCY, HE HAS WARNED YOU. HEED IT, FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR CHILDREN! AMEN

To Ramesh Chander, Pls once agn get your facts right..It was Israel who broke the cease fire..it seems like everyone is brain washed and keeps repeating that Hamas started it first..anyway Yes we Muslims should be ashamed of ourselves specially the Saudi Arabia who is the biggest enemy of all Muslim and they never taken any stand as long as dollars keep coming..I dont understand why they dont feel the pain like we all do..maybe the lust of money has made them

I condem Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan for not taking any action. But, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan has tacitly provided concurrence to the slaughter of Muslims and children. Muslims must understand that Saudi Arabian oil provides the stability to the killing machine. If Saudi Arabia stops taking dollar instead of Eruo, Israel will not stay for 15 more minutes. Israel knows that Saudis approve their attack. Instead of blaming others, Muslims should look into their own backyard. There is fitna in Makkah and Madinah. Open your eyes.

Just about all wars unnecssary, but we always end up with waging wars. Iran-Iraq war of 1980's was totally unnecassary, but lasted 8 years killing millions. Sadam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990 which led to his defeat and entire change in Arab politics. If Palestinians had not shooting rockets into Israel, the current war would probably would not have started.

Wars are easy to start, very difficult to end. They are monument to human stupidity. And we have been fighting for thousands of years, which means we have remained stupid for thousands of years.

Welcome to this insane world; and we are part of that insane world. The entire planet should be called insane asylum and insane running the asylum.

World and especially islamic countries should arm Palestinians. With all the necessary amunition off course of defensive nature like surface to air missiles and TOR M1 and S300.

All nations/communities of the world should know that they have the right to self defece with appropriate weapons, period. The security balance needs to be there and people of Palestine are not different and needs to be armed at all time with these surface to air missiles and anti tanks missiles.

Once the balance of power is created equally between Israel and its neighbours the wars will end. And no more suffering.

This article provides a unique insight into the issues causing the current military incursion in Gaza. Jimmy Carter deserves huge credit for his on-going humanitarian commitment and efforts to provide a solution acceptable to all parties.

Israelis wish to live without constant security fears, which is entirely reasonable. Citizens of Gaza want to live their lives with access to food, water, medicine and freedom of movement, which is also reasonable.

A clear example of differences is when considering the underlying reasons for current Israeli military action. Israel claims the fundamental issue is missiles from Gaza while regional analysts say the fundamental issue is two groups of people who claim the same land. Without being prepared to address the land issue I find it difficult to believe that Israel will ever live in peace. Destroy Hamas and another group will pick up the fight against Israel. You can't kill an idea with a bullet.

Like many around the world, I pray that current military actions cease and that wiser heads are prepared to genuinely tackle the land issue with a preparedness to seek a lasting solution.

Ex-President Carter should be commended for his efforts to bring peace to this region. I hope that President-elect Obama draws on this experience and commitment to help the US participate in a solution.