Taqiyya: Do Muslims lie to spread Islam?

Category: Americas, Faith & Spirituality, Featured Topics: Islam, Muslims Views: 10427

The Anti-Muslim demagogues love to talk about this weird, so called, rule that permits Muslims to lie to spread Islam. I had never even heard of it until I was accused of it by an acolyte of Pamela Geller. The basic idea, according to them, is that if any Muslim ever denies being a blood thirsty lunatic engaged in perpetual war against the West, they must be lying. Muslims are simply presumed guilty, and if we profess innocence that is only further evidence of our guilt. 

It should be fairly clear to any rational being that lying to spread a religion is nonsensical. If I lie to you about what Islam is and you convert I haven't spread Islam because what you have accepted was a lie.

Robert Spencer and others often cite a book from the 14th century as evidence, Umdat al-Salik by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri. So I looked up Taqiyya in the index. All it says is, "Taqiyya: See Head covering." So, that's a dead end. Although, there is a section on permissible lying. The examples given in the book are concealing an innocent person from an oppressor, lying to a thief about one's possessions, and if one is asked about a sin committed in private that, "does not concern the rights of another" it is permitted to deny committing the sin. Take that for what it's worth.

The thing about moral principles is that they are universal. You can't selectively apply them to one group and not another. If you do you're a hypocrite. So, by condemning "sanctioned deception" in Islam, they de facto accept that deception is universally immoral, and should be condemned in all cases. With that in mind, we should talk about James O'Keefe. 

James O'Keefe is quickly making a reputation for himself as the Ashton Kutcher of conservative activists. In 2007 he secretly recorded several Planned Parenthood workers helping him and a woman posing as an underage pregnant girl to circumvent statutory rape laws. In 2009 he released highly edited hidden camera footage of ACORN employees in several offices providing advice to him and his girl friend on how to evade taxes on income earned through child prostitution. His most recent sting targeted Ronald Schiller, NPR's chief fundraiser at the time, this time posing as radical Muslim financiers.

Here's the plot. O'Keefe and friends set up a fake Muslim charity called the Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC), complete with website, who's stated goal is to spread Sharia law across the world and is founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. They offer NPR $5 Million dollars to help combat Republican efforts to cut their funding, then they sit back and wait for Schiller to say something embarrassing. 

In each case O'Keefe's goal is to generate public support to defund superfluous programs that could be privately funded. That's basic fiscal conservatism, and I'd support those goals. But there is no denying that what he has done is deceptive. The scenarios are all fake. The video and audio recordings are all acquired surreptitiously. And the finished releases are often heavily edited to make it appear that people said or intended things they didn't actually intend.

Before it was revealed as a fraud, Pamela Geller was eager to draw a line connecting the MEAC to Imam Feisal Rauf based on nothing but the proximity of the MEAC's fake address. But now that the cat is out of the bag, she's jumped on the bandwagon, praising O'Keefe and condemning NPR for, "jihadist-sympathizing" and "prostrating themselves at 'MEAC's' feet."

So, I guess my question is for the right-wing anti-Muslim crowd. Do you sanction this deception to achieve your larger objectives, or are you consistent in your condemnation of lying to achieve political goals? Is it permissible for right-wingers to engage in "Perverted Taqiyya" to spread the conservative message?

David Barker is a native of California and writes for the Examiner from San Francisco.

Look up Taqiyya in IslamiCity's Islamic Glossary

  Category: Americas, Faith & Spirituality, Featured
  Topics: Islam, Muslims
Views: 10427

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Older Comments:
Stupendous oral defense--as if we need to defend our faith. But, it's about time someone so verbally gifted articulated so eloquently and succinctly the no-win scenario that Muslims are incessantly and outrageously expected to endure--by those who treat our religion as "sport." Thank you, David.

Victory you are absolutely right! you are hitting the nail on the head. Do you know why? Bigotry and Prejudice! ...sick mind people.

Why in the name of God do we commit so much injustice? Really why such hypocrisy? Can someone tell me why when nuns in our convents wear a head dress to cover their head we are so respectful of them but when we see a muslim girl with head cover we immediately label her as extremist and look downupon her? Why??????

Not that it's right--but, at least in America, lying is expected of politicians. Right-wing or left. This is only one of the reasons I abhor politics. Far be it for me to defend them.

On the religious (and if possible, non-political) topic of Taqiyya, I am of the understanding that it is a doctrine derived straight from the Qur'an and Hadith. Therefore, despite its uncomfortable ramifications, were I a Muslim I would feel compelled to seek a better understanding of it and to accept it.

I am including a link to what I found to be a a very helpful reference. However, I must caution you that it comes from a site that is not pro-Islam and often represents the actions of small groups or individuals as representative of Islam as a whole. That being said, I believe the text references on this particular page prove truly illustrative: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Quran/011-taqiyya.htm
