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Muslims condemn killing of second U.S. journalist by terror group

Category: Featured, Life & Society Views: 4297

Birmingham Muslims issued a statement today condemning the killing of another U.S. journalist by the Islamic terrorist group ISIS.

"The Birmingham Islamic Society would like to reiterate its condemnation of the un-Islamic and morally repugnant violence of the so-called extremist group 'ISIS,'" the statement said. "Last month, BIS had expressed solidarity with several American Islamic organizations that condemned the killing of journalist James Foley by ISIS and had called for Steven Sotloff's immediate release. 

"No words can describe the horror, disgust and sorrow felt by Muslims worldwide and in America at the unconscionable violence perpetrated by the terror group ISIS in the name of religion. The criminal actions of ISIS are antithetical to the faith of Islam.

"Such brutal acts must face redoubled efforts by people of all faiths and backgrounds to promote peace and justice and to reject the religious divisions these monstrous acts are designed to create. Our hearts go out to Mr. Sotloff's loved ones and to all the loved ones of those murdered by ISIS."

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today condemned the reported murder of American journalist Steven Sotloff by the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

"No words can describe the horror, disgust and sorrow felt by Muslims in America and worldwide at the unconscionable and un-Islamic violence perpetrated by the terror group ISIS. The criminal actions of ISIS are antithetical to the faith of Islam.

"Such brutal acts must face redoubled efforts by people of all faiths and backgrounds to promote peace and justice and to reject the religious divisions these monstrous acts are designed to create.

"Our hearts go out to Mr. Sotloff's loved ones and to all the loved ones of those murdered by ISIS."

Imams from across Britain have united in their grief over the deaths of Steven Sotloff and fellow American James Foley last month.

Sayed Razawi, an Imam from south London, said the killings were a perversion of their faith.

He said: "The first reaction on hearing the news for many of us was shock and horror. It shouldn't surprise us because of what IS has done in the past.

"But it is very shocking when someone like IS carries out such barbaric actions in your name.

"I have been in contact with Imams tonight and they are all saying 'this isn't in our name' - it is not Islam."

Muslims have repeatedly condemned ISIS and other extremist groups:

Over 100 British Sunni and Shii Imams declare Islamic State Is An "Illegitimate, Vicious Group."

U.S. Muslim religious council issues Fatwa against terrorism

  Category: Featured, Life & Society
Views: 4297
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Older Comments:
The US and UK Fatwas against the terrorists are educational in the
west, and help show non-muslims that the word means "edict," not
contract killing, since media has reported it as such in the past. In
the "muslim world," there should be some way to explain that the west
has become anti-Christian and anti-Faith in any traditional sense.
There is continual mocking of morality in the west, with constant
pressure to accept such things as gay marriage by law. Both Muslim and
Christian beliefs are under fire, but the way out is not violence.

The edicts against violent groups are a good thing, and help non
muslims to understand that fatwas are not just code for contract
killing, since that is what context media has spread the the word
"fatwa" in the west. In the Islamic world, it would help to know that
the US and UK are not "Christian," and long ago began policies on
morals that are against most Faith traditions, forcing them to accept
gay marriage, for example. Christians are hated in the west.

Such one-sided condemnations are counter-productive on so many levels, like
Indian Jews apologizing for the defenders of the Warsaw ghetto' s excesses against
Nazi German forces. Condemn all or none, the Golden Rule.

Furthermore one cannot be naive with regard to the US & Israeli security services
abusing the cover of innocent occupations for spying. this 2nd journalist was a dual
citizen. 5th Gen info warfare is taught to the military & various leaks Wiki, Snowden
etc expose a glimmer of truth. Embedded journalists as a weapon of Total war acting
in an Orwellian fashion like their colonial predecessors. 99 truths one big NOBLE lie.
The military industrial arm of the corporate media was a WMD ='weapon of mass