Lecture 2: Where Does the List of Names Come From? - 99 Names of Allah Series

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Videos Topics: Allah Channel: 99 Names Of Allah Views: 983

99 Names of Allah (Asma’ Al-Husna) Series by Dr Gasser Hathout

Lecture 2:  Where Does the List of Names Come From? Continuing the “intellectual” component, this lecture explores the notion that, according to our scholars, the list of names cannot be traced back to the Prophet PBUH through sahih hadeeths, and has been attributed to narrators who came after him.  Therefore, there is no “one” list agreed upon by scholars, and there is even some debate about whether the names are actually 99 in number.

This lecture series introduces the viewer to the Divine Names, or al-Asma’ Al-Husna, of Allah SWT, as a springboard for further study.  It has two components: an “intellectual” component, and a “spiritual” component. The intellectual component tackles the foundational questions of how we know that there are Divine Names, how do we know how many they are, and where does the list of names (that perhaps hangs on our wall at home) come from?  The spiritual component then explores the possible purpose behind the Divine Names, and introduces the viewer to the classification scheme posited by some of the scholars, and then takes some examples of Divine Names from each category of the classification to explore their spirituality and beauty.  Along the way, nuances of the Arabic structure are explored, as well as the differences between similar names, and what those differences may imply.

Please take the following Quiz:

Lecture 2: Where Does the List of Names Come From?


Question 1 of 3

1. What is the true number of the Divine Names?

Question 1 of 3

Question 2 of 3

2. How did Imam Tirmidhi classify the status of the Hadeeth from Waleed ibn Muslim mentioning the 99 Names as part of the Hadith?

Question 2 of 3

Question 3 of 3

3. Which Hadith narrator was not mentioned in the video to have reported the Hadith about 99 Divine Names with the Divine Names added?

Question 3 of 3

This page is part of a series.
Click here to view the Series' Table of Contents

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Videos
  Topics: Allah  Channel: 99 Names Of Allah
Views: 983

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