The ‘Eid Crescent
O Crescent of Shawwal! O light of fasting people’s eye
Arrive! Since Muslims have been eagerly awaiting you
Epistle of Eid is inscribed clearly on your forehead
Your evening is the Omen to the dawn of pleasure
You are the mirror of the history of Muslim Ummah
O Crescent! Your affection resides deep in our hearts
Our embrace of this emblem is linked to your fortune
The Muslim Ummah’s honor is linked to your growth
Our nation cherishes your embrace; truth is your way
This Shining dress of yours is the portent of friendliness
From your high celestial position look down at our world!
From your high eminence, watch our low status in the world!
Look at all the other life’s caravans and observe their fast movement
And see how our tired travelers are oblivious of their final destination
Seeing you we used to donate our most cherished possession for humanity
But look at our indigence and indignity now, O empty bowl of shining luminary
(Ghurrah-e-Shawwal or Hilal-e-Eid)
Translated by Dr. Mansoor Alam.