Creation: 6 Days or Billions of Years? | Ep 0

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Videos Topics: Islam And Science Views: 932

According to the Quran, the skies and the earth were created in 6 days.

Science tells us the earth is 4.5 billion years old.

This video shows how a Day to God may be interpreted to be hundreds of millions and even billions of years of human reckoning.

1) Calculations assume 3 significant digits, but sometimes are shown with more digits in the video.
2) Converting years to days used 365-day solar years, however using a 354-day lunar year did not materially influence the results.
3) I chose the start of the Cenozoic Era 66 million years ago as my guess to the end of the 6th day of creation because, during this period, the earth transformed into an environment habitable for human life.

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  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Videos
  Topics: Islam And Science
Views: 932

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