On Israel and Palestine

Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by author and political scientist Dr. Norman Finkelstein after being one of our most highly-requested guests to cover the Israel and Palestine conflict.

In this interview, the Jewish scholar answers whether he condemns the attacks by Hamas on October 7th, explains some of the historical mistreatment Palestine has suffered, the conditions of Gaza, an explanation and context for his seemingly inflammatory tweet in reaction to the October 7th attacks as well as some more nuance conversations about the intricacies of the conflict between Israel, Hamas and Palestine.

He also tells Piers he saw he had 'humanity' when he watched him judge Susan Boyle on Britain's Got Talent - before comparing the singer to the people of Gaza.

( Source: Piers Morgan Uncensored )

  Category: Featured, Highlights, Middle East, Videos, World Affairs
  Topics: Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Palestine, War Crimes
Views: 613

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