Palestine Will Never Die

Category: Featured, Highlights, Life & Society, Middle East, Videos Topics: Gaza, Palestine Values: Freedom Channel: Nasheed Views: 646

Lowkey releases his new track 'Palestine Will Never Die' featuring Mai Khalil. Produced by ScotZilla. Video directed and produced by Bold Stories.


[Intro: Mai Khalil (Translated)]

Alone, the child stood amidst nights, bullets, and soldiers

The child stood admist piles of stones

Eyes determined and resilient

Eyes determined and resilient

[Pre-Chorus 1: Mai Khalil]

Falastine, Falastine

[Chorus: Mai Khalil]

From the river to the sea

Palestine will be free

From the river to the sea

Free, free, free, free

From the river to the sea

Palestine will be free

From the river to the sеa

Free, free, free, free

[Verse 1: Lowkey]

How can I start?

Can't get the image out of my hеart

When we've seen the bodies found in a mountain of parts

Netenyahu told you just another child of the dark

Clear it's gonna take much more than thousands to march

More than a speech

More than a poem, more than a track of music

Gonna take more than a sit-down with Bassem Youssef

Even bringing back ambassadors is an act that's useless

As long as you pump oil for Apaches

And the tanks they're using

Freedom just beyond reach for people you cannot see

He's wheezing and cannot breathe

And screaming through the concrete

Looking for his four children

The bombs leave structures that I wouldn't wanna call buildings

My fingers pointed at this government, you all killed them

Tell me that you wouldn't take up arms

If those were your children

Let me make the factor clear

Those bombs were manufactured here

And they want the lands that's theirs

Because of natural gas in there

It's all death in the atmosphere

While we hapless, stand and stare

And a little boy begs for his brothers strand of hair

Truth is, I don't know how anyone can live

After digging for their dead kids buried under bricks

Israel is a terror state, terrorists that terrorise

I testify my television televise I'm telling lies

This is not a war, it is systematic genocide

But whatever they try, Palestine will never die

[Pre-Chorus 2: Mai Khalil & Lowkey]


(They're not prepared to face the pain so they're

Scared to say your name)


(They're not prepared to face the pain so they're

Scared to say your name)


(They're not prepared to face the pain so they're

Scared to say your name)


(They're not prepared to face the pain so they're

Scared to say your name)

[Chorus: Mai Khalil]

From the river to the sea

Palestine will be free

From the river to the sea

Free, free, free, free

From the river to the sea

Palestine will be free

From the river to the sea

Free, free, free, free

[Verse 2: Lowkey]

They bomb churches and paramedics

It's hurting, the panics spreadin'

Hospitals where the doctors do C-sections, no anaesthetics

The pressure is manifestin', humanity stands connected

Masses seem apathetic and actually just accept it

When our grandchildren ask us "what did we do to stop it?"

I'm determined to say I did more than make music on it

That's why we shut down arms factories

You can try stoppin' us

Palestine Action's the opposite of white phospherous

We tell 'em on the television but they never listen

Tell Piers Morgan that resistance isn't terrorism

They want them fled or missin', dead or prison, endless killin'

I seen a father hold his baby up, the head was missin'

Imagine demolition of home where your parents livin'

Kings won't say a thing

But at least we know that Yemen's with 'em

Ethnic cleansing, it ain't hard to see the stages but

Gaza, graveyard of the invaders

Ears close to the savagery, clear though and there's clarity

The journalists and doctors are heroes of humanity

As sordid and as gory as this story is for now

Are they depopulating Gaza for Ben Gurion's canal?

Israel is a terror state, terrorists that terrorise

I testify my television televise I'm telling lies

This is not a war, it is systematic genocide

But whatever they try, Palestine will never die

[Bridge: Mai Khalil (Translated)]

I call out to you, and I clask onto your hands

I kiss the earth beneath your soles and say

I call out to you, and I clask onto your hands

I kiss the earth beneath your soles and say

[Chorus: Mai Khalil]

From the river to the sea

Palestine will be free

From the river to the sea

Free, free, free, free

From the river to the sea

Palestine will be free

From the river to the sea

Free, free, free, free

  Category: Featured, Highlights, Life & Society, Middle East, Videos
  Topics: Gaza, Palestine  Values: Freedom  Channel: Nasheed
Views: 646

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