Mustafa Khattab:

So ask them ˹O Prophet˺, which is harder to create: them or other marvels of Our creation?1 Indeed, We created them from a sticky clay.1
1   i.e., the angels, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the mountains.


A. Yusuf Ali:

Just ask their 4040 opinion: are they the more difficult to create, or the (other) beings We have created? Them have We created out of a sticky clay! 4041

4040  Their, "they" are the doubters, the evil ones, the deniers of Allah's grace and mercy, who laugh at Revelation and disbelieve in a Hereafter. Are they more important or more difficult to create than the wonderful variety of beings in Allah's spacious Creation? Do they forget their own lowly state, as having been created from muddy clay?

4041  Cf. 6:2; 7:12 ; 32:7; etc.


Muhammad Asad:

AND NOW ask those [who deny the truth] to enlight­en thee: Were they more difficult to create than all those [untold marvels] that We have created? - for, behold, them have We created out of [mere] clay commingled with water! 7
7  I.e., out of primitive substances existing in their elementary forms in and on the earth (see surah 23, note 4) - substances which are as nothing when compared with the complexity of "the heavens and the earth and all that is between them": hence, man’s individual resurrection is as nothing when compared with the creation of the multiform universe.