Mustafa Khattab:

Then Moses showed him the great sign,2
2   The staff turning into a snake. See 20:17-23.


A. Yusuf Ali:

Then did (Moses) show him the Great Sign. 5931

5931  What was the Great Sign? Some Commentators understand by it the "White Shining Hand": see n. 2550 to 20:22-23. Others think it was the miracle of the rod that became a "snake active in motion": see 20:20, n. 2549. These were among the Greater Signs: 20:23. In 17:101 there is a reference to nine clear Signs given to Moses, and these are specified in detail in n. 1091 to 7:133. the fact is, there were many Signs given, "openly self-explained," but Pharaoh and his men "were steeped in arrogance-a people given to sin" (7:133). the pre-eminently Great Sign was therefore the fact of Moses being sent to Pharaoh, which subsequently converted the magicians and the more learned Egyptians to the true God (20:70-73), though Pharaoh and his Chiefs resisted and suffered for their sins. (R).


Muhammad Asad:

And thereupon he [went to Pharaoh and] made him aware of the great wonder [of God's grace]. 9
9  Lit., "showed him the great wonder", i.e., of the guidance which God, in His measureless grace, offers even to the most recalcitrant sinner.