Translation: On high have He raised its canopy, and He have given
it order and perfection. 5935
5935 Cf. 2:29. The mystery of the heavens with their countless stars and the
planets obeying the laws of motion, and the sun and moon influencing the
temperature and climates of the earth from thousands or millions of miles,
illustrate the order and perfection which Allah has given to His Creation. Can
man then remain exempt from his responsibility for his deeds, endowed as he is
with a will, or deny the Day of Sorting Out, which is the Day of Judgement?
Muhammad Asad:
Translation: High has He reared its vault and formed it in accordance with what it was meant to be; 13
Commentary: 13 See 87:2, which is the earliest instance, in the chronology of Qur'anic revelation, of the use of the verb sawwa in the above sense.
5935 Cf. 2:29. The mystery of the heavens with their countless stars and the planets obeying the laws of motion, and the sun and moon influencing the temperature and climates of the earth from thousands or millions of miles, illustrate the order and perfection which Allah has given to His Creation. Can man then remain exempt from his responsibility for his deeds, endowed as he is with a will, or deny the Day of Sorting Out, which is the Day of Judgement?