Comparative Study

1  and those taking the lead vigorously,  Dr. Mustafa Khattab

2  and yet overtake [one another] with swift overtaking:   Muhammad Asad

3  And those who race swiftly.  Talal Itani

4  and vie with the others (in carrying out their Lord's behests);  Maududi

5  And by those that press forward as in a race (i.e. the angels or stars or the horses, etc.).  Muhsin Khan

6  overtaking swiftly  Muhammad Abdel Haleem

7  the ones who take the lead, taking the lead,  Dr.Leila Bakhtiar

8  By the angels hastening,  Marmaduke Pickthall

9  And those who race each other in a race  Sahih Int.

10  Then press forward as in a race,  Yusuf Ali

11  and those who race each (in) a race,  Word by Word