In the name of God, The Beneficent The Merciful

"Rabia was asked, "Do you love God?" She answered, "Yes." - She was asked again, "Do you hate the devil?" She answered, "My love of God leaves me no time to hate.""

Rabia al-Adawiyya al-Qaysiyya (715-801 CE)

10 things you didn't know about food in the Quran
Muslims are permitted to eat “halal” – foods that are “good” as defined in the Quran.. Test your knowledge about the Quran and share it with your family and friends.
Good Manners in The Quran
Human nature desires a society based on morals and manners which provides a stable and secure life leading to liberty and happiness for all people. Following is list of good manners that we can learn from the Glorious Quran:
Rajab: The month of peace and pluralism
Rajab is the seventh month of Islamic Lunar Calendar. This month is a prelude to Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar in which Muslims are commanded to observe fasting from sunrise to sunset. It is also one of the four sacred months besides ..
What's the relevance of Islam for humanity?
What's the relevance of Islam for humanity - Dr Aslam Abdullah Sermon at Loyola Marymount Univ., Westchester, CA- March 23rd, 2018. Take a short Quiz on the main points of this Kutbah:
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity - A Conversation
An engaging panel discussion featuring Imam Omar Suleiman, Rabbi David Stern, and Saint Michael Rector Chris Girata.
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Arabic English Vocabulary Builder Game
This innovative, dual language, educational game, is ideal for second language learners. It teaches everyday words in a fun, interactive way with the help of digital Flashcards, and multiple Educational Games. Students will learn to understand, speak, read, and spell 50 Arabic and English words quickly, easily, and permanently.

Free: Learn Arabic Alphabet - iBook
Innovative teaching methods based on the latest findings of neuroscience, and modern digital technology help students to learn faster, remember longer, and actually enjoy the process..

Explore Arabic Numbers - iBook
This enhanced eBook will work well for English speaking students, aged eight and up. No prior knowledge of Arabic is required.



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