In the name of God, The Beneficent The Merciful

Dear IslamiCity Friend,

This is the last call to support IslamiCity Spring Drive.

We hope you will join IslamiCity’s work for the last 22 years to promote the message of peace and counter the misinformation and hate that Islamophobia groups have been spreading.


1. 250 million visitors served since 1995

2. Over 30,000 Free Quran requests fulfilled in the last 10 years

3. Just the Understanding Islam and Muslims section on IslamiCity has received over 7 Million visitors over the last 10 years

4. Top Islamic website visited by non-muslims as soon as there is any breaking news about Islam and Muslims

5. Recognized and referenced by major media outlets in the USA and around the world

6. Oldest & Largest Islamic site serving the message of peace for the last 22 years


With Sincerity and Gratitude,

-IslamiCity Team

Legend of the Coconut Head
Following is an excerpt from the al-Rihla of Ibn Battuta where he describes, while traveling Southern India, his discovery of the coconut and a bizarre legend on how this fruit came about.
Fasting in Shaban to honor Ramadan
Shaban is the 8th month in the Islamic calendar and is considered one of the meritorious months for which we find particular instructions in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad . It is reported that Prophet Muhammad, used to fast most of the month in Shaban except the last few days of the month.
How Islam Spread in India
Today, there are over 500 million Muslims throughout the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh), making it one of the largest population centers of Muslims in the world. Since Islam first entered India, it has contributed greatly to the area and its people. Today, numerous theories about how India came to be such a largely Muslim land ..
Islam and Christianity: A Misunderstood History
There are many people today that argue Islam and Christianity are locked in a civilizational war, a view that has become a rationale for a number of the Trump administration’s policies.
The Muslim Americans
THE MUSLIM AMERICANS explores the diversity of Muslims in America, focusing on communities' experience after 9/11, and contrasting life for Muslims here in the United States compared to Muslims in Britain and Europe.
Science in Quran: E03 - Laws of Nature
This lecture continues our introduction to the topic of Science and the Quran by discussing the broad notion of the existence of “laws of nature.” We stress the fact, made by many leading scientists, that both the existence of such mathematical laws, and our ability to discover and to understand them, is itself quite miraculous, apart from the specifics of
All bazar products help support IslamiCity's outreach efforts.

Let’s Explore Arabic Numbers
A unique and fun way to teach Arabic Numbers for Apple iOS devices. Innovative teaching methods based on the latest findings of neuroscience, together with digital technology can make language learning more intuitive, easy, and enjoyable.

Framed Faux Canvas Print: FOUR QULS
The famous "FourQul's" from the Quran written in highly stylized Arabic calligraphy. Bless And Beautify Your Home Instantly with superbly framedIslamic Art at affordable prices..

Bismillah frame
This beautiful frame has a folding easel stand on the back.So it is ready to display on your table, mantle or hang from the wall without any additional expense

$ 11.95


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