In the name of God, The Beneficent The Merciful

"The best form of charity is for the Muslim to gain knowledge and then teach it to his fellow Muslims."

Prophet Muhammad (s)

7 Reasons Why Ramadan Fasting Is Good for You
Ramadan is the month in which Allah Almighty opens His doors of mercy, forgiveness and blessings upon Muslims. This month is anxiously awaited by all the Muslims as they perform the duty of fasting in this month. There is a good reason behind such joyful anticipation; Ramadan is a time of reflection, soul-searching and strengthening your faith and your
How to increase Taqwa during Ramadan
Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, is approaching fast. Through fasting from dawn to dusk a Muslim experiences hunger and thirst, and sympathizes with those in the world who have little to eat or drink every day. It teaches him/her to be charitable. Through increased charity, Muslims develop feelings of generosity and good-will toward fellow human beings.
The Inner Dimensions of Fasting
It should be known that there are three grades of fasting: ordinary, special and extra-special. Ordinary fasting means abstaining from food, drink and sexual satisfaction. Special Fasting means keeping one's ears, eyes, tongue, hands and feet - and all other organs - free from sin..
Anti Sharia is Anti Judeo-Christian
Sharia, literally means the way to water for all. Implied in the term is the idea that God’s guidance is useful for all regardless of their orientations and backgrounds because God is neither a Muslim nor a Christian nor a Jew nor a Hindu or Buddhist or Sikh.
Health Benefit of Fasting (Part 1)
We fast the month of Ramadan for spiritual purification and out of obedience to the orders of Allah SWT.  However, verse ends with the statement that “for to fast is to do good unto yourselves - if you but knew it.”
Best Quran Recitations
When Allah speaks about Ramadan, He introduces Ramadan as the month in which the Quran was send down. Ramadan is about reconnecting with the word of Allah. "Towards Eternity" has collected a few of the best recitations of the most famous reciters.
All bazar products help support IslamiCity's outreach efforts.

Our Pendants will not tarnish or loose their luster for a very long time. ABOUT 0.75 x 1 inch in size.

100% Authentic. 400gm Pack. Contains about 50 AJWA DATES.
Imported from the Prophet's (pbuh) beloved city of Madinah, Saudi Arabia. Mentioned in the Hadith AJWA DATES were the Prophets (pbuh) favorite dates..

BISMILLAH hand engraved in beautiful Arabic calligraphy on Crystal. Size about 9 inches wide and 8 inches high.
The perfect gift idea. Full of Blessings. Looks beautiful and elegant.. Lasts forever.



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