O you who believe! Do not befriend those who take your religion in mockery and as a sport, be they from among those who were given the Scripture before you, or the disbelievers. And obey God, if you are believers.
Quran, Al-Ma'idah (The Table Spread) 5:57

Exciting Quiz Competition on Islamic Knowledge
As Salaam Alaykum.  We are thrilled to inform you that IslamiCity and Southern California Muslim Community Organization (SCMCO) will be hosting jointly a virtual quiz competition on Saturday, October 17, 2020. It will be held between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

Afterlife: The Justice of Judgment
You never get a second chance to make a good first impression” - old proverb. True belief has a reward in the hereafter. Disbelief does too, buuuut … you don’t want it. Such has been the message of all the prophets - each and every one of them.

Period of Respite
It is no question that the hardest thing for anyone to do is to critically examine one’s own religious belief. Everyone assumes his/her belief to be true. However, the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates taught that the pursuit of truth can only begin when we start to question and analyze every belief that we hold dear. If a certain belief...

Allah’s Revelation (Wa‘hi) to His Messengers
Whatever history of past nations and divine messengers the Quran has described, it makes one thing absolutely clear: that its goal is not subject to random events or circumstances; that the struggle between the truth and falsehood is perpetual, not incidental (17:81; 21:18). The Quran gives history of past nations to highlight the workings of its eternal principles and to emphasize the goal of Allah’s Deen. It has described the condition and the state of past nations so that we can learn from their history; so that we can deduce the underlying principles and values from their history for our own good.

The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital
The modern West’s approach to health and medicine owes countless debts to the ancient past: Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome and India, to name a few.

Greater Creation than Creation of Man
In Stephen Hawking’s final book 'Brief Answers to the Big Questions,' published by Brantom Books, the late professor begins a series of 10 essays by addressing “a challenging hypothesis”: Is There a God? “I have no desire to offend anyone of faith,” Hawking wrote. “But I think science has a more compelling explanation than a divine creator.”

Life in this World & Hereafter
Friday Sermon (10-02-2020) by Dr. Aslam Abdullah Topic: Life in this world & the hereafter During the Covid-19 pandemic, we host weekly online Friday Khutbahs by various speakers.  Please tune in at https://www.islamicity.org/24431/live-khutba/ at 1:30 PM PST (4:30 PM EST; 8:30 PM GMT)

The World of Ibn Al Haytham
Watch the short film '1001 Inventions and the World of Ibn Al-Haytham'. From director and producer Ahmed Salim, starring legendary actor Omar Sharif, voice by Khalid Abdalla and music composed by Sami Yusuf. The creators of '1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets' bring you this short film on the 11th century scientist Ibn Al-Haytham.

Peace Train
Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) performs 'Peace Train' live at the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in 2006, awarded to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank "for their efforts to create economic and social development from below

40 Rabbana: Duas from the Quran
40 RABBANA - POWERFUL DUAS FROM THE QURAN. Recited by Qari Omar Hisham Al Arabi

Lighter than pancakes, and way more delicious. you can stuff them with sweets or savory components. The first dish I learned how to cook. Also you do not need fancy crepe pans, a 10in non-stick skillet will work perfectly

Pendant: Kalima (Large Size)
Bring beauty and blessings into your life with The IslamiCity Collection of Pendants. Our Pendants are simply the "Best" gift for her. Each Pendant is painstakingly hand crafted by a master craftsman in the traditional manner. All pendants and chains are made from SILVER and than plated with REAL GOLD for that special look. The gold plating is of superior quality and our Pendants will not tarnish or loose their luster for a very long time. So what are you waiting for. Buy a Pendant now for her or for yourself!

SubhanAllah Infinity Bold
Subhanallah is an Arabic Term who's meaning often gets mixed in translation. There is no correct or precise definition in English but more generally Subhanallah means “Allah is Perfect”, “Glory be to God”, “How Free of any Imperfection is Allah” or “May He Be Exhalted”. Stainless Steel Thin Plate Choose...

A Treasury of Quran Stories Box-3. Set of 4 HARDBOUND Books. Ages 4 & Up.
The Quran is full of exciting stories, adventures, teachings and prayers, which show Allah’s love for us and explain what He requires from us as believers in and sincere servants of our Creator.

A Treasury of Quran Stories Box-5. Set of 4 HARDBOUND Books. Ages 4 & Up.
The Quran is full of exciting stories, adventures, teachings and prayers, which show Allah’s love for us and explain what He requires from us as believers in and sincere servants of our Creator.