If you want to ascend like the Prophet to the sky of immortality, know this very well: Fasting is your Arabian stallion.

Health Benefits: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Recommended Superfoods
The scientifically based use of superfoods date back to the era of Prophet Muhammad along with other historical uses of plant products.

Names of the Prophet
Defining the meanings of many of the names that have been given to the Last of the Prophets, taken from various works of hadith.

Proof of God in Intelligent Design?
I have traveled a lot around the United States and the United Kingdom, lecturing to Muslim audiences. One common trait I have noticed is the concern Muslims feel for the future of their children. Several conferences I attended had topics such as “Saving Our Families” or “How to Raise Our Children as Good Muslims.” The reason for this concern is ..

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Family Tree
An in-depth overview of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) family tree.

The Mawlid
Listen to Awakening Music's "Mawlid Album" featuring some of the best songs about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by your favorite artists.

A soup beloved by the Prophet (PBUH). It is made with barley flour and has the consistency of yogurt. “At-talbina gives rest to the heart of the patient and makes it active and relieves some of his sorrow and grief.” (Bukhari)