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Tuesday, November 26, 2013  

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You can learn Arabic online - Today!
As the language of Quran, Arabic is considered as the first language for Muslims throughout the world.

Make a commitment to learn
the magnificent language of the Quran.

From the convenience of your computer you can learn Arabic from one of the worlds leading sources for online Arabic learning. A team of Arabic language teachers are ready to respond to any of your questions. 

Click Here to learn more.

IslamiCity is a Non-Profit Site supported by donors and members

    When (even small) blessings come to you, do not lose them through ungratefulness (to God).

- Ali ibn Abi Talib
The cousin and son-in-law of the prophet Muhammad,
and the first male to accept Islam (600* to 661)


Giving thanks Ihsan, the pursuit of excellence
Being thankful/grateful is an essential part of our faith and way of life. There are over seventy verses in the Qur'an pertaining to thankfulness. We must realize that as we journey through life we find ourselves in basically one of two situations; moments of ease for which we ought to be thankful, and moments of trials and tribulations through which we ought to patiently persevere.  Ihsan (Excellence in faith)...just thinking the word in my head has a special ring to it, brings a certain unique, inspiring feeling to my heart. This word, this topic moves me. I hope it has that effect on you as well. 

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

- Aristotle

Thanksgiving & Islam: Who are we thanking?
Peter Casey, a New York based revert to Islam, reflects on Thanksgiving and Islam.

Box of TEN ISLAMIC DUA Cards. 
ALLAH. Large Faux Canvas Frame. 
Miniature painting of Mecca and Medina. Reproduction of an antique painting from Ottoman Turkey.

All bazar proceeds help IslamiCity's outreach efforts. is a non-profit website

IslamiCity Advertiser  

  • 1.6 Million non-Muslims visit IslamiCity each year.
  • 900,000 people have read the section "Understanding Islam"
  • Requests for Quran & Islamic brochures received on a daily basis.


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