IslamiCity Preserves Quran as NFTs on the Blockchain
With the aim of preserving the Quran in perpetuity, the Quran Verse NFT project by IslamiCity is the first instance of minting the entire Islamic scripture as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the blockchain. Once on the blockchain

5 things to find
Simple advice in numbers -

Quran in Numbers
Say, O Prophet, “If the ocean were ink for writing the Words of my Lord, it would certainly run out before the Words of my Lord were finished, even if We refilled it with its equal.” Quran 18:109

Science in Quran - Pharaoh and the Sorcerers
In this lecture, we emphasize the importance of knowledge to faith – in our case, scientific knowledge.  This is done through the story of Pharaoh, Moses (PBUH), and the sorcerers.  It is shown that without the necessary background knowledge, we may miss many of the miracles of the Quran.  This, hopefully, will inspire us to do the work

Quran Visual Recitation: Surah Yasin (36)
Quran: Surah Yasin (36), recited by Shaikh Sa'dullah Khan with visual nature scenery

What the Quran Meant: And Why It Matters
Garry Wills has been a leading commentator on political and religious life in America for decades, winner of a Pulitzer for "Lincoln at Gettysburg", and two National Book Critics Circle Awards for Criticism. In his new book, "What the Qur’an Meant", he offers a timely reconsideration of the sacred text. Reading with sympathy and rigor, Wills takes us back to