Biohacking Your Lifestyle
Biohacking has become an increasingly popular trend in recent years as people look for new ways to optimize their health and wellness. Sometimes referred to as do-it-yourself biology, biohacking is the practice of making small changes to your lifestyle to improve your overall health.

Losing Faith
I recently read a post in an online group where a young lady posted the following: "I used to be a gung-ho hijabi and never missed a Jummah. I loved listening to Islamic lectures at every opportunity and being transported to an ideal land of Islam.

Fascism of Quran and Book Burning
Instances of desecrating the Quran, such as burning or disrespecting it, keep occurring from time to time in various countries, particularly in Europe and North America. These acts have been perpetrated by various groups, including right-wing Christians, Zionist extremists, Hindu nationalists ..

A Tribute to Dr Shabbir Akhtar
Paul Williams pays tribute to Dr. Shabbir Akhtar, who passed away on July 25, 2023, in Oxford, United Kingdom. Dr. Akhtar was the son of a bus driver and one of the foremost Muslim philosophers and scholars of today.

The Quran on Creation: Debunking Myths and Discovering Meaning | Ep 6
This episode dispels two common misconceptions about the Quran's 41:9-12 verses on Creation. The first is the consistency of the number of days or eons of creation. The second is the order of creation ..

Modern Islamic Wall Art
Summer is a perfect time to beutify your house and office with Modern Islamic Wall Arts.

Sakoon HALAL Nutrition, boost your health.
Sakoon Nutrition is Cruelty free, 100% Halal, No Gelatin, Paraben free, Non GMO. No Burps, No Bitterness! It's the essential protein that is one of the main building blocks of healthy bones, skin, hair, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Alcohol Free (Halal) Roll-On and Spray Perfume
Our perfumes are alcohol-free they do not evaporate quickly and are not overpowering

Muharam gift for her
Beautiful Islamic Pendant Express Your Identity

Islamic Calligraphy Frames
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