Do our pets go to heaven?

Asked by Pet Lover on Apr 21, 2024 Topic: Other

Dear Hadi,


I was wondering what happens to our animals (Dog, Cats) after death? Do we find them in heaven?

Also, if I have a dog, live in a cold country, what should I do with him? As in, it's my understanding that they are not allowed in the house, but I can't bring myself to abandon him or let him outside in -30 Celsius.

Thank you for your answers!

Dear Pet Lover,

Thank you very much for your question.  As to the first part of your question – about what happens to pets after death and whether they may be in heaven – of course, we do not know.  However, what we do know about all animals, including our pets is that there is an opinion that they will all be gathered on the Day of Resurrection.  This is based on a verse from the Quran, (6:38):

There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you.  Nothing have We omitted from the Book, and they (all) shall be gathered to their Lord in the end. 

Some have interpreted this that in this earthly life, animals are communities like humans, with their own social organization, division of roles, care for the young, and so on.  Others, however, think that this verse suggests that like humans, animals will also be resurrected on the Day of Judgement.  However, what happens after that is only within God’s knowledge.

Our personal opinion, and God knows best, is that animals are not liable to judgement, and therefore do not go to heaven or hell, since life for them is not a test in the sense that it is for humans.

That being said, even if the general rule is that our pets will not be in heaven, we do know that the Quran tells us in 42:22 that “…those who believe and work righteous deeds will be in the luxuriant meads of the Gardens.  They shall have, before their Lord, all that they wish for.  That will indeed be the magnificent bounty.”  Presumably, if one merits heaven and finds themselves wishing for their pets to be with them, their wish may indeed be granted as a special dispensation for them, and God knows best. 

With respect to the second part of your question about having a dog and living in a cold country, we will refer you to a detailed earlier answer we posted (Distressed Dog Lover).  In addition to the detailed answer there, there have also been relatively recent fatwas (in the last 5-10 years) issued by the Grand Muftis of Egypt allowing dogs as household pets providing emotional support and companionship.  These fatwas have also pushed back against the notion that dogs are impure or unclean.  Certainly, in your circumstances, we think it would be cruel to leave a dog outside in the weather conditions you describe.  If you have a dog in such weather, you would want to be compassionate with the dog and bring him into the house. 

In peace.