Looking for a good Muslim matchmaking site

Asked by Looking on Dec 24, 2023 Topic: Marriage & Relationships

Dear Hadi,

I tried many social media sites to find a good match. But many Muslim/Arabic sites felt like they were scams.

Can you suggest any resources?


Dear Looking,

Thanks for your question. 

Finding a suitable spouse can be challenging.

We cannot comment on the authenticity of the matchmaking sites you’ve visited.

We can say that not all online match-making platforms out there are suitable for all users.  

If you are in North America, one avenue you may want to consider is ISNA (Islamic Society of North America). 

ISNA is a reputable Islamic organization, and as part of their services to the Muslim community, they have an online platform, ISNA matrimonials, that may be better suited for you than some of the other sites you’ve tried. 

ISNA also hosts banquets that provide single Muslims a safe and comfortable opportunity to meet and interact with other single Muslims.  

We have also heard of individuals who have met their right match using the Salams app (formerly Minder): Salams

We pray one of these resources may be helpful to you.

In peace.