Dear Hadi

Lifestyle Advice for American Muslims

Can God decree a haram thing as someone's destiny?

In Islam, can Allah decree a haram thing for a person in his destiny, i.e. make it obligatory? Or is this not possible, since Allah would never force a... more

Spouse converted to get married

A Muslim woman married for over 20 years to an American who converted to Islam in order to fulfill marriage requirements. The wife knew that and back then, she... more

How do I resist temptation?

What should a person do if he's not getting married because of studies and parental pressure, but simultaneously finding it very hard to refrain from sins. I know fasting... more

Does Performing an Abortion Align with Islam?

I am a newly practicing gynecologist and found myself facing a deeply challenging situation. A 16-year-old girl came to me seeking an abortion during her third month of pregnancy. She... more

What is apostasy in Islam?

What is apostasy in Islam, and what are its implications? more

What can I do with interest from the bank?

Assalamoalaikoum, Recently I received a large sum of money as interest from my savings account, and I am aware that using this money for personal benefit is not permissible in Islam.... more