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Day of Judgement |
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icforumadmin ![]() Admin Group ![]() ![]() Joined: 15 February 2005 Status: Offline Points: 1056 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted: 13 March 2005 at 11:31am |
Topic: day of judgement (1 of 16), Read 80 times salam alaikum strange things are happening around the world. It's Muharramm and...there's floods in asia (tsunamis)hurricanes in Floridatornadoes near where i live(I have never seen a tornado here b4)earthquake yesterday in Iran (6.4 mag.) turmoil as usual in the Mid. East (Karbala) I know these things happen all the time but all this has happened real fast... and it's muharram. Am I just being paranoid or does the Day of Judgement seem really really close? =============================== It's quite logical for the believer to suppose that the Day of Judgement is coming closer. But I don't think because natural disasters are occurring its the work of some prophecy. I think things that happen around the world would be more of an extraordinary case rather than some explainable natural occurence. I think anything that deals with God, it would be an unexplainable act rather than something that can be explained. ================================= Topic: day of judgement (3 of 16), Read 70 times On 2/22/2005 6:45:00 PM, Israfil wrote: I disagree.. I think an ACT of GOD.. will be explainable because God as allowed us to Explain his Laws of Nature... so i guess from this point one can say the real test of a "Believer" is that whether he can assume that a natural disasters as a result of Science... or rather as an Act of GOD punishing people etc.. BUt then this goes into the argument of Secular and Faith-Oriented.. Ignorant and Enlightened.. A debate that has been exausted since the beginning of time... I Guess this leaves us to hope for some ULTRA MIRACLE.. like.. GOD making The moon Switch Places with Jupiter, or my Coffee Mug to start talking to me... .or making 2 + 2 = 19 but then also people have been talking about the end of the world coming for ever.. year 999 as I hear.. in europe people thought the end of the world was coming (Although at this time the common peasant didnt read the Bible and was under the influence of the local priest who interpreted for the masses) and they didnt plant any food.. if the end of the world was coming.. why would you?.. and the following year many perished due to starvation.. this could be a myth but eh you know... There are also those end of the world christian wierdos.. like Jack Vanimpe.. he has a show that comes on at 1am.. good for some laughs somtimes.. haha.. I know he being seriouse.. but its just so funny.. I did some research on this guy and hes been saying the same stuff since the 70s.. THE END IS NIGH! ________________________________________________ ================================ "What experience & history teach is this: that people & governments have never learned anything from history". ~Please dont frown! For you never know who may be falling in love with your smile!~ I too think acts of God can be explainable ;-) ============================================== Perhaps in God's view life on earth is not as important as DavidC ============================================== Arabian Knight said: >>>I disagree.. I think an ACT of GOD.. will be explainable because God as allowed us to Explain his Laws of Nature... so i guess from this point one can say the real test of a "Believer" is that whether he can assume that a natural disasters as a result of Science... or rather as an Act of GOD punishing people etc.. BUt then this goes into the argument of Secular and Faith-Oriented.. Ignorant and Enlightened.. A debate that has been exausted since the beginning of time...<<<< That is good that you disagree. I understand where you are coming from but at the same time I have to disagree with you. Of course a ��believer�� in (or A) God would say that a natural disaster is an act of God and is an explainable act. You would not hear the same response from an Agnostic and if you did, he/she wouldn��t be an agnostic. You wouldn��t hear the same response from a nihilist because he/she doesn��t subscribe to any spiritual belief, you wouldn��t hear it from an atheist because atheist deny God in the first place. So if your comment is coming from a more spiritual context then yes. But though I myself believe in the Creator and know that each action on earth is either a direct act of God/ or an act of God��s creation, I��m firmly aware that not all catastrophic natural disasters are signs of the end times. If that were such then we can say that a tornado that happens in California (which rarely does and is happening now actually) is a sign, an act of God telling us about the coming future. You see the differences I assert are not unorthodox, because what I��m trying to imply is that there are differences when we talk about explainable acts of God. I��m referring to things that can be explained and cannot. The title of this forum talks about the day of Judgement. I doubt simple humans such as we would predict through natural disasters that the day of Judgement is coming. First off, there are various commentaries on this subject most of which contradict each other such as signs of the Dajjal��s coming, and the words of every Qur��an on the planet earth disappearing etc. Again this subject is not in a matter of faith but in a matter of discerning God��s act and God��s will upon nature (though similar these subjects are different actually).
===================================== Disasters if we are careful to acknowledge are descriptions of what men think are disasters. We are human and we live on this earth, a lot of time we find ourselves delving in self-pity. God teaches us to Praise Him at times of easiness and adversity too. It is a thankful heart that doesn't lose faith in the sight of disasters. Disasters are an imbalance in our lives of ease/balance/His Will. I think they point to how gracious Allah is at times when we face ease/miraculous balance in our life, and how ultimately it is ALL HIS WILL (that He even chose to gave us the times of no-"disaster"). "...but little do thee give thanks"(Quran). And to Him we shall all return, so Praise Him who is the most deserving of Praise. (Reflect - why aren't there natural disasters All the time? stop - reflect - could we control the matter if we chose to? - think of His power - reflect around you - Allah is Al- Muqtadir - The Powerful. So appreciate one of His names. And help your fellow man in trouble, for Allah teaches that we have no power. All Praise is for Allah. By mentioning His names, we can know Him. By mentioning Ya-Muqtadir one can be aware of the Truth. All His Names are beautiful regardless of whether we feel (with little knowledge)/judge (imperfectly)/conclude (proudly)about what we think about disasters. It is hard to appreciate Him in disasters, but with His Names supple on our tongues, those with faith, confirm their faith. We must seek guidance, and when in confusion read the most beautiful of all surahs in the Quran - Al Fatihah. And pray we have no disasters, for man can not escape Allah. Do you wish to try? Reflect. All Praise is for Allah)
But when is the day of judgement coming?Can ========================================= Topic: day of judgement (9 of 16), Read 41 times I'm Glad you dissagree too.. becuase conflict is the essense of progress.. THis is not about who is agnostic.. deist, Nihilistic or atheist or some other wayward variation on monotheism.. This is about acts of God Being Explainable. And they ARE.. because GOD Taught things TO Man with the PEN Things HE DId NOt KNOW!.. YOu remeber that phrase?.. yes.. Its from The Qur'an. Why would God Teach things such as this TO MAN?.. For Fun? so we could eventually learn nuclear physics and blow each other up?... Save God the TRouble? Science is the Evidence of GOD, due to the complexities of the Universe, the universe is infinitely complex and chaotic, with out having some sort of unexplainable devine order having influence over it. Oh Sure.. back in the olden days, people attributed things that were unexplainable to acts of GOD.. also known as the "God Gap".. to fill in the little blanks in our comprehension of our environment... But even today, with what we know..we realize that we still are morons when it comes to alot of stuff.. we cant explain everything and never will... Only GOD will know because of Infinite Wisdom etc.. Our knowledge compared to the Devine is like a mathematical Asymptote we can get really really really close eventually .. but we never will completely. On 2/23/2005 4:34:00 PM, Israfil wrote: TheN Prepared to be amazed.. because I have one word for you.. "STRing THeorY".. Here is the link incase your interested... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_theory But this is exactly my point. Its a THEORY.. we could be dead wrong.. or 1/2 right.. we dont know what was there before the universe. No.. we might eventually - but not anytime soon. and even if we DID know.. what then?.. would it change my daily routine?.. does this mean I would not get speeding tickets anymore? No.. it would mean an advancement of Science - which is how we prove or try to, how God did This and this and how he did That and That. ________________________________________________ Topic: day of judgement (10 of 16), Read 23 times
lol! I liked that :-) Angel. ============================================= On 2/23/2005 6:19:00 AM, DavidC wrote: 3:185 Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception. 57:20 Know ye (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children. Here is a similitude: How rain and the growth which it brings forth, delight (the hearts of) the tillers; soon it withers; thou wilt see it grow yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away. But in the Hereafter is a Penalty severe (for the devotees of wrong). And Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the devotees of Allah). And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception? 29:64 What is the life of this world but amusement and play? but verily the Home in the Hereafter,- that is life indeed, if they but knew.
Risale-i Nur ======================================================= I give up. Arabian Knight you act like I don't know about the string Theory or any scientific advancement. You think I would challenge you if I knew you'd go to a website and pick an easy cosmological scientific theory? The challenge in question was for you to come up with, not someone else I'm talking your own thought and ideas! I highly doubt this commentary would advance because you totally had disregarded my point but never mind. On 2/24/2005 6:35:00 PM, Israfil wrote: of Course I dont know what your thinking.. and what you know and dont know... I'm not a mind reader.. Sorry =(.. one day.. but not yet... you know..
================================================ Topic: day of judgement (14 of 16), Read 23 times What's amazing to me is the relative calmness of Earths environment. If you compare with the other planets we have a mild climate and few earthquakes. The relative magnitude of variations in our environment seems very low. Our environment is pretty benign, and that may account for all the life that is here. F |
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unity1 ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 20 March 2005 Location: Pakistan Status: Offline Points: 116 |
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Asalam Aalaikum
Well, it is true that the Day of Judgment is close and several signs have appeared and will come in the future to show that the Day of Judgment is pretty close. Recently I read the predictions of the Scientists of NASA in the newspaper which said that "soon the direction of the rotation of earth around the Sun will change" which means that Sun which normally rises from East and sets in the West, will rise from West and set in the East. They mentioned that this will happen after sep 2004, I donot know whether this prediction came true but I know one thing that when I was 12 years old my mother while sitting on Prayer mat was reading a hadith of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) in which Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)foretold about this great incident when a Companion asked him about the arrival of the Day of Judgment and Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said that this will be the biggest sign of the Day of Judgment. Regards, Edited by unity1 |
who call themselves superior are actually inferior in the eyes of Allah.Those who call themselves slaves of Allah are superior not only in the eyes of Allah but also superior in the eyes of man. |
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musa_musoke2004 ![]() Starter ![]() ![]() Joined: 24 March 2005 Location: Uganda Status: Offline Points: 1 |
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quran has no mistake! it can take over a decade for the un believing man to understand this but for the believing lot its just a silverplate GOD told the prophet in one of the ayaat that .......(latuhariku lisaanak litaji alu bihi inah alainah jamu aha waquru-ana.....) in another version he says ....(innah antharina thikirah wa inahuu lahafithuun....).meaning that its me who revieled this book and its me to protect it. |
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femme ![]() Newbie ![]() ![]() Joined: 21 March 2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 9 |
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This might be a very basic question but I want to know....what are the
actual signs of the Day of Judgement and how authentic are they? Who
first spoke of them..who wrote them down? What is the story of this?
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