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Is the BEAST OF THE EARTH Good or Evil? |
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Sawtul Khilafah ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 20 July 2006 Location: Peru Status: Offline Points: 623 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted: 12 March 2008 at 4:10pm |
Bismillahirrahmaanerraheem In Surah Naml verse 82 we we read: And when the word shall come to pass against them, We shall bring forth for them a Beast out of the earth who will speak to them, because people did not believe in Our Ayat with assurance. For some reason most Muslims are under the impression that the Beast is Good. However after some research I found that the Beast is in fact working with the DAJJAL. In Sahih Muslim there is a long narration about Dajjal living on an island with a Beast and according to Imam Nawawi, ibn Omar narrated that this is the same as the Beast mentioned in Naml 82. Also the Hadith in Sahih Muslim is self evident as according to it, the Beast who lived with Dajjal could SPEAK. So why do so many Muslims think the Beast is "Good"??? I have found a number of reasons why: 1) Bad translations of Qur'an. 2) Weak/fabricated narrations. 3) Baseless interpretations. 4) Heretical sects
And when the word shall come to pass against them, We shall bring forth for them a Beast out of the earth who will speak to them saying: "people did not believe in Our communications." This translation which is very common (especially in Iranian/Shiah translations but also Some Sunni translations) wrongly translates the words to make it seem that the Beast is Good and will tell people that they should believe in the Ayat of Qur'an!! This translation is false because the Qur'an says "Inna al-Nass" which means "that people" or "because people" and NOT "say to people". The word "Saying" is not in the Ayah at all.
Sadly however, they are often quoted by the Mofassireen in connection with this Ayah and so people reading the Tafsirs often assume that such unauthentic narrations are the correct interpretation. The only narration in the Sahihayn regarding the Beast is the one about al-Jassasah and Dajjal and according to Imam Nawawi al-Jassasah is the Beast of the earth. There are also a number of Sahih narrations in Musnad Ahmad and other books that dont say the Beast is Good or Bad, but simply describe it/her.
They actually say in their Tafsirs and "Hadith book"s that Ali ibn Abi Talib is the Beast (and some of their scholars disagree and say the Beast is Imam Mahdi!!!). As ridiculous as this is, they have been trying hard to defend the Beast and in most if not all Shiah translations of the Qur'an they translate the Ayah in such a way so as to maek the Beast seem "Good".
Also it is important to note that the Bible also says the Beast of the earth is Evil (in the New Testament, revelation chapter 13) and it also says that the Beast will work with the FALSE PROPHET (Dajjal). The Qur'an mentions the Beast without refuting or condemning the Christians, unlike in the case of Jesus where Allah condemns the Jews for hating him, and the Christians for worshipping him, the Qur'an does not refute Christian scriptures and beliefs when it comes to the Beast and thus implies that the Christian belief regarding the Beast is true. Allah says in the Qur'an that the Qur'an confirms the previous books, so in this case it is clear that the Qur'an is confirming the Bible or else the Ayah would have clearly refuted the Christian prophecies and remember this is important because if the Christians believed something so "Good" to be Evil, then surely the Qur'an would either have condemned them for this, or made it very clear that the Beast is good, or both, but the Ayah does neither. In fact the Ayah says the Beast will come because people did not believe in Allah's Ayat with assurance, this means the coming of the Beast is a bad thing (notice the Ayah says "people" did not believe with assurance, not Kafirs, so the coming of the Beast is a bad thing for people/Naas/humans in general, including Muslims. The word used is "Yoqenoon"/belief with assurance, and not "Yo'menoon" which means belief. Some have believed and are Mo'men but people do not have Yaqeen.) |
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poga ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 03 January 2007 Location: United Kingdom Status: Offline Points: 322 |
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The BEAST of burden Say's oh my easy human KARM
The emergence of the beast ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^AMONG the
signs of the Hour will be the emergence of a beast from theearth. It
will be very strange in appearance, and extremely huge; onecannot even
imagine what it will look like. It will emerge from the earthand shake
the dust from its head. It will have with it the ring of Solomonand the
rod of Moses. People will be terrified of it and will try to runaway,
but they will not be able to escape, because such will be the decreeof
Allah. It will destroy the nose of every unbeliever with the rod,
andwrite the word "Kafir" on his forehead; it will adorn the face of
everybeliever and write the word "Mu'min" (true believer) on his
forehead, andit will speak to people. Allah SWT said: "And when the
Word is fulfilled against them (the unjust), We shallproduce from the
earth a Beast to (face) them: it will speak to them,'"(al-Naml 27.82)
Ibn 'Abbas, al-Hasan and Qutadah said that "It will speak to
them"(tukallimuhum) means that it will address them. Ibn Jarir
suggested thatit means that the Beast will address them with the words
"'for thatmankind did not believe with assurance in Our Sings" (al-Naml
27:82 -latter part of the Ayah). Ibn Jarir reported this from 'Ali and
'Ata' Itwas reported from Ibn 'Abbas that tukallimuhum means that the
Beast willcut them, i e, it will write the word "Kafir" on the forehead
of theunbeliever. It was also reported from Ibn 'Abbas that he will
both addressthem and cut them; this suggestion incorporates both of the
previoussuggestions; and Allah knows best. We have already mentioned
the Hadith of Hudhayfah ibn Usayd, in which theProphet (sallallahu
alayhe wa sallam) is reported to have said, "The Hourwill not come
until you see ten signs: the smoke; the Dajjal; the Beast;the sun
rising from the West; the descent of Jesus son of Mary; Gog andMagog;
and three landslides - one in the East, one in the West, and one
inArabia, at the end of which fire will burst forth from the direction
ofAden (Yemen) and drive people to the place of their final assembly."
Abu Hurairah said: "The Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam)
said,'Hasten to do good deeds before six things happen: the rising of
the sunfrom the West, the smoke, the Dajjal, the Beast, the (death) of
one of youor general tribulation." (Muslim.) Baridah said: "The Prophet
(sallallahu alayhe wa sallam) took me to aplace in the desert, near
Makkah. It was a dry piece of land surrounded bysand. The Prophet
(sallallahu alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Beast willemerge from this
place. It was a very small area." (Ibn Majah.) It was reported from Abu
Hurairah that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) said, "The Beast
of the Earth will emerge, and will have with itthe rod of Moses and the
ring of Solomon." It was also reported that hesaid, "(The Beast) will
destroy the noses of the unbelievers with thering, - so that people
seated around one table will begin to address oneanother with the words
"O Believer!" or "O Unbeliever!" (i e, everyone'sstatus will become
clear). (Ibn Majah.) 'Abd Allah ibn 'Amr said, "I memorised a Hadith
from the Prophet(sallallahu alayhe wa sallam) which I have not
forgotten since. I heardthe Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam) say,
'The first of the signs (ofthe Hour) to appear will be the rising of
the sun from the West and theappearance of the Best before the people
in the forenoon. Whichever ofthese two events happens first, the other
will follow immediately.'"(Muslim). That is to say, these will be the
first extraordinary signs. TheDajjal, the descent of Jesus (alayhe
salam), the emergence of Gog andMagog, are less unusual in that they
are all human beings. But theemergence of the Beast, whose form will be
very strange, its addressingthe people and classifying them according
to their faith or unbelief, issomething truly extraordinary. This is
the first of the earthly signs, asthe rising of the sun from the West
is the first of the heavenly signs. THE RISING OF THE SUN FROM THE WEST
ALLAH SWT says: "Are they waiting to see if the angels come to them,
orthy Lord (Himself), or certain of the Signs of thy Lord? The day
thatcertaof thesigns of thy Lord do come, no good will it do to a soul
tobelieve in them then, if it believed not before nor earned
righteousnessthrough its faith. Say: 'Wait ye: we too are waiting'"
(al-Anam 6:158.) It was reported from Abu Sa'id al-Khudri that the
Prophet (sallallahualayhe wa sallam) explained, "The day that certain
of the Signs of thyLord do come, no good will it do to a soul to
believe in them then",referring to the rising of the sun from the West.
(Ahmad.) Abu Hurairah said, "The Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam)
said, 'TheHour will not come until the sun rises from the West. When
the people seeit, whoever is living on earth will believe, but that
will be the timewhen - No good will it do to a soul to believe in them
then, if itbelieved not before'" (Bukhari.) It was also reported from
Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhewa sallam) said, "The
Hour will not come until the sun rises from theWest. When it rises and
the people see it, they will all believe. But thatwill be the time when
'No good will it do to a soul to believe in themthen'" (Bukhari.) It
was reported from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhe
wasallam) said, "There are three things which, if they appear, 'No good
willit do to a soul to believe in them then, if it believed not before
norearned righteousness through its faith' They are: the rising of the
sunfrom the West, the Dajjal, and the Beast of the Earth." (Ahmad,
Muslim,Tirmidhi.) Abu Dharr said, "The Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wa
sallam) asked me, 'Doyou know where the sun goes when it sets? I said,
'I do not know'He said,'It travels until it prostrates itself beneath
the Throne, and asks forpermission to rise again. But a time will come
when it will be told, 'Goback whence you came.' That will be the time
when 'No good will it do to asoul to believe in them then, if it
believed not before nor earnedrighteousness through its faith'"
(Bukhari.) 'Amr ibn Jarir said, "Three Muslims were sitting with Marwan
in Madinah,and heard him say, whilst talking about the Signs of the
Hour, that thefirst of them would be the appearance of the Dajjal. The
three went to'Abd Allah ibn 'Amr, and told him what they had heard
Marwan sayconcerning the Signs. 'Abd Allah said, 'Marwan has not said
much. Imemorised a Hadith like that from the Prophet (sallallahu alayhe
wasallam) which I have not forgotten since. I heard the Prophet
(sallallahualayhe wa sallam) say: The first of the signs will be the
rising of thesun from the West, and the emergence of the Beast in the
forenoon.Whichever of the two comes first, the other will follow
immediately'" "The 'Abd Allah, who was widely-read, said, 'I think that
the first tohappen will be the rising of the sun from the West. Every
time it sets, itgoes beneath the Throne, prostrates itself, and seeks
permission to riseagain. A time will come when three times it will seek
permission and willreceive no reply, until, when part of the night has
passed and it realisesthat even if it were given permission, it would
not be able to rise ontime, it will say: "O my Lord, how far the
rising-point is from me! Whatcan I do for the people now?" Then it will
seek permission to go back, andit will be told: 'Rise from where you
are now' - and it will rise from theWest'" Then 'Abd Allah recited the
Ayah: "No good will it do to a soul to believe in them then, if it
believed notbefore nor earned righteousness through its faith."
(Ahmad.) Some scholars interpret "the rising of the sun from the West"
as meaningthat Islam will appear in the West, as strong as it was in
the beginning,and that the people of the West will carry the flag of
"While a man was giving a speech among the people of Kindah,he said,
'There will be smoke on the Day of Resurrection which willdeprive the
hypocrites of their hearing and sight, but the believers willonly
suffer something like a cold' We were terrified, so we went to
IbnMasud, who was reclining. When he heard about this, he became angry
andsat up, and said: 'O people, whoever knows a thing, let him say it;
butwhoever does not know, let him say, "Allah knows best." It is a part
ofknowledge, when one does not know something, to say "Allah knows
best."Allah SWT said to His Prophet Mohammad (sallallahu alayhe wa
sallam):"Say: 'No reward do I ask of you for this (Qur'an), nor am I a
pretender'"(Sad 38:86.) "Quraysh were being slow in embracing Islam, so
the Prophet (sallallahualayhe wa sallam) prayed against them, saying,
'O Allah, help me againstthem by sending seven years of famine like
those of Joseph.' They wereafflicted by a year of famine in which they
were destroyed, and ate deadanimals and bones. They began to see
something like smoke between the skyand the earth. Abu Sufyan came and
said, 'O Mohammad! You came to commandus to keep good relations with
our relatives, and your people haveperished, so pray that Allah may
relieve them'" The Ibn Mas'ud recited, "Then watch thou for the Day
that the sky will bring forth a kind of smoke(or mist) plainly visible,
Enveloping the people: this will be a Penalty Grievous. (They will sayWhen i asked ALLAH for the new dawn of ISLAM For darkened creation to give the light of NURANI sign And he said yes to him be praises in the heavens and on earth And in the late afternoon when sun begin to decline He gave me signs of cube and circle to say my straight saying He gave the lines of the staff of MOSES and the bendings of the SOLOMONIC ring The BEAST of burden Say's oh my easy human KARM It is i the ANIMAL who hold sign of all fake DEEN and true DHARM from SWEETSWORDS 101 [ Dawah ] ![]() |
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Sawtul Khilafah ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 20 July 2006 Location: Peru Status: Offline Points: 623 |
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What exactly is this?? What is "sweetsowrds 101"????
Edited by Sawtul Khilafah - 28 April 2008 at 2:53pm |
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