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Secret behind Shalah (Prayer)

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    Posted: 28 November 2016 at 3:42pm

A. Hikmah (wisdom) and Benefits of Shalah
B. Special Peculiarity and Wonders of Shalah

A. Hikmah and Benefits of Shalah

As we know that the command of Shalah is the second pillar of Islam where the worship of this one is not just for a religious ritual, but also behind Shalat contains a lot of hikmah (wisdom), benefits, special peculiarity and wonders for the Muslims, among others are:

1. Always remember to Allah who has created the human race.

Quran, Surah Thaha (20):14
"Verily! I am Allah, there is no god but Me, so worship Me, and perform shalah to remember Me."

2. Always be aware that shalat is one thing that will be asked of accountability in the Hereafter.

From Abu Hurairah, he said: I heard the Prophet SAW said, "Indeed, first of all human actions are judged on the day Qiyamah is the obligatory shalah. And when he/she has perfected it (the problem are done). But if the shalat is not perfect, is said (to the angels), "Look out, if he/she had ever shalah sunnah! If he/she did shalah sunnah, the shortfall in the obligatory shalah perfected by shalah sunnah. Then all the deeds must be treated as such." (Narrated by Khamsah, in Nailul Authar juz 1, p.345).

3. Always be aware and faithful to its obligations in upholding the religion.

Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim:
"Shalah is the pillar of religion, whoever enforce it, then he/she has established his/her religion. And whoever leave shalah, he/she has been knocked down his/her religion. "

Narrated by Ahmad of Muadh ibn Jabal, the Prophet SAW said:
"Whoever leaves the obligatory prayer deliberately, the promise of Allah apart from him/her."

4. It can make muslims keep away from moral turpitude.

Quran, Surah Al-Ankabut (29):45
"Indeed, shalah restrains from shameful and unjust deeds .."

Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah (2):45-46.
"And ask Allah's help with patience and shalah. And (shalah) is really hard, except for those who khusu' (humility), ie they are confident that they will meet their Lord and that they will return to Him."

Narrated by Ahmad from Abu Dhar r.a., that the Prophet SAW said:
"Indeed, a Muslim, if shalah with sincerity for Allah, then his/her sins will fall like leaves falling from the tree."

(*) Unless hypocrites muslims:

Qur'an, Surah An-Nisa (4):142.
"And when they stand for shalah, they did it lazily. They intend riya (want to be praised) in the presence of humans. And they do not remember Allah except very little."

Narrated by Muslim:
"Whoever shalah can't prevent from shameful and unjust deeds, then Allah will not add to them unless they are further away from Allah."

5. Salah is the hallmark of a Muslim.

Narrated by Muslim (no.257) from Jabir bin 'Abdillah that the Prophet SAW said:
�The differentiator between muslims and shirk and unbelief is abandoning Shalah.�

6. Heart will be quiet.

Quran, Surah Ar Ra'd (13):28
"Remember! only by remembrance of Allah do heart becomes quiet. "

7. Shalah can nourish the body.

Based on the research of experts that the shalah movements are proportional to the anatomy in the human body and is very beneficial for health. Example:

a. Takbiratul ihram.
This movement is beneficial for blood flow, lymph (lymph) and arm muscle strength.

b. Ruku'.
This movement is helpful to maintain the perfection of the position and function of the spine (vertebrae corpus) as a buffer body and nerve centers. Hands resting on his knees to work to relax the muscles of the shoulder to the bottom. It also can prevent prostate disorders.

c. I�tidal.
This movement is helpful for digestion, because the digestive organs will undergo massage and relaxation alternately.

d. Sujud (prostration).
With the motion of prostration regularly, the blood vessels in the brain is trained to accept a lot of oxygen supply. At the time of prostration, cardiac position is above the head which allows maximum blood flow to the brain. That is, the brain get oxygen-rich blood supply that stimulate the cells. Every inch of the human brain requires enough blood to function normally. Blood will not enter the nerves in the brain, but when someone prostration in shalah. The nerve fibers requiring blood for a certain time. This means that the blood will be entering the nerves to follow the shalah schedule, as has been required in Islam.

Harvard University Researcher, Dr. Herbert Benson, that constant repetition of the verses from the glorious Quran or zikr of Allah (Swt) can help to screen the mind from incoming thoughts; coupled with muscular activity with passive disregard to intensive thoughts causes a 'relaxation response' that leads to the lowering of blood pressure, decrease in the consumption of oxygen, and a reduction in heart and respiratory rates. The relaxed and calm state of mind may be partly due to the release of hormones known as beta-endorphins in the blood being circulated. Beta-endorphins found in the brain GIn is the most potent of the endorphins and is a powerful analgesic (pain killer) in humans.

Other statements of Dr. Herbert Benson:

�We found that there is a link between the physical condition of a person and any repeated activity of concentration he does, which involves control over random thoughts. Most people make it through prayer. So, we believe that when a person repeats a prayer over and over again, it can help cure a disease, especially if it is caused by stress.�

�Yes, there is a link between prayer and healing!� says Dr. Benson. �We studied people who prayed repeatedly and were very focused during the prayer. The magnetic resonance imaging showed that there was a decrease in metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate and brain activity. Thus, we got a scientific proof that prayer affects body functions and fights stress.�

e. Iftirasy (First Tahiyyah) and Tawarru� (Last Tahiyyah).
At the time of iftirasy, the body rests on the groin that is connected with nerve Ischiadius nervus. This position is able to avoid pain in the groin that often causes the sufferer unable to walk. At the time of tawarru 'very good for men because the heel to suppress your bladder (urethra), male sex glands (prostate) and channel vas deferens. If done properly, this position can prevent impotence.

f. Salam at the end of shalah.
Rotating head to the right and left maximally helpful to relax the muscles around the neck and head, improves blood flow in the head so as to prevent headaches, etc.

At first, shalah was known only as an obligation for Muslims to carry it out, but then health experts began to explore other benefits of shalah when viewed in terms of movements, and turns, besides becoming a major charity for the hereafter, but also the movements of shalah are very beneficial to human health.
Wallaahu a�lam.


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