Dear Patty,
I thought this was the perfect opportunity to comment on something which is not related to the flag more on what you said regarding idolatry.
You wrote:"worship" an inanimate object is idolatry....a grievous sin.
I am glad to know you understand this. But what is your perception of idiolatry? First let me say I am curious what you think idolatry is? Perhaps the Golden Calf comes into mind? The story with Mousa pbuh?
As I can tell you already know in Christianity all idiolatry is wrong. But, I have another question which is:When you pray to God what picture comes in your head if any? Perhaps Jesus pbuh? Most all Christian faiths pray to God thru Jesus pbuh right? If your answer is "Yes" when you do pray to God a picture of what you think Jesus pbuh looks comes in your head. So, please explain how do you differentiate that as not being idiolatry? How do you know what he looks like? Even your picture you have on this website which is supposed to represent Jesus pbuh and Mary God be pleased with her how is that not a form of idiolatry?
You do not need a golden object to bow and pray to,to only comment idiolatry. Many Christians even in my Catholic Family prays to God thru objects (pictures in their heads etc) and they don't see that as a greivous sin, but it is.
I hope I maybe helped in your quest for the truth. Inshallah (If God Bless)