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.:: SoHaIB ::. View Drop Down
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    Posted: 30 March 2007 at 5:34pm
that was very informative.....jazakallah khair
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Amina16 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Amina16 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 August 2006 at 9:26pm
wow! jezakallahkheyr this was very informative
"Words have Power" ex: The Quran
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Fear_Allah View Drop Down
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Alsalam alikom w rahmato Allah w barakato,

Actually I searched the web for "Fatwa" about this matter and here you are some links you can see them yourself if you don't mind: owse&QR=3471&dgn=3 owse&QR=11588&dgn=3

Alsalam alikom w rahmato Allah w barakato..

Our LORD! accept from us. You indeed, You are the all-Hearing, the all-Knowing. (2:127)
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righteous_4ever View Drop Down
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Assalam o alaikum

Thank you so much for replying. Inshallah, I'll try the way you recommend in my next dua. Do we have to make dua in a certain language (arabic) or can it be in your native tongue like Angela asked? Arabic isnt my first language, and I dont know it, except for reading Quran.


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Quote *Duaa may be said in any language however in salah, only Arabic is allowed.

I was told by a sister that the only this required in Arabic was the recitation of the Quran.  That the rest can be in your native tongue?

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Fear_Allah View Drop Down
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And here you are the 99 names of Allah"SWT",I hope you memorize them"If you don't memorize them"

1. Allah
2. The Compassionate (al-Rahman)
3. The Merciful (al-Rahim)
4. The King/Sovereign (al-Malik)
5. The Holy (al-Quddus)
6. The Source of Peace (al-Salam)
7. The Giver of Faith (al-Mu'min)
8. The Overall Protector (al-Muhaimin)
9. The Strong (al-`Aziz)
10. The Almighty (al-Jabbar)
11. The Majestic (al-Mutakabbir)
12. The Creator (al-Khaliq)
13. The Maker (al-Bari')
14. The Fashioner (al-Musawwir)
15. The Great Forgiver (al-Ghaffar)
16. The Dominant (al-Qahhar)
17. The Bestower (al-Wahhab)
18. The Provider (al-Razzaq)
19. The Opener, The Reliever (al-Fattah)
20. The All-Knowing (al-`Alim)
21. The Restrainer, The Withholder (al-Qabid)
22. The Extender (al-Basit)
23. The Humbler (al-Khafid)
24. The Exalter (al-Rafi`)
25. The Empowerer (al-Mu`izz)
26. The Humiliator (al-Mudhill)
27. The All-Hearing, The Hearer (al-Sami`)
28. The All-Seeing (al-Basir)
29. The Judge (al-Hakam)
30. The Just (al-`Adl)
31. The Kindly One (al-Latif)
32. The Gracious, The Aware (al-Khabir)
33. The Clement, The Forbearing (al-Halim)
34. The Mighty (al-`Azim)
35. The Forgiving (al-Ghafur)
36. The Grateful, The Appreciative (al-Shakur)
37. The High, The Sublime (al-`Aliyy)
38. The Great (al-Kabir)
39. The Preserver (al-Hafiz)
40. The Protector, The Guardian, The Feeder, The Sustainer (al-Muqit)
41. The Reckoner (al-Hasib)
42. The Sublime One (al-Jali)
43. The Bountiful, The Gracious (al-Karim)
44. The Watcher, The Watchful (al-Raqib)
45. The Responsive, The Hearkener (al-Mujib)
46. The Infinite, The All-Embracing (al-Wasi`)
47. The Wise (al-Hakim al-Mutlaq)
48. The Loving (al-Wadud)
49. The Glorious (al-Majid)
50. The Resurrector (al-Ba`ith)
51. The Witness (al-Shahid)
52. The True (al-Haqq)
53. The Advocate (al-Wakil)
54. The Most Strong (al-Qawiyy)
55. The Firm (al-Matin)
56. The Patron (al-Waliyy)
57. The Praiseworthy (al-Hamid)
58. The Numberer (al-Muhsi)
59. The Commencer (al-Mubdi)
60. The Restorer (al-Mu`id)
61. The Giver of Life (al-Muhyi)
62. The One Who Gives Death (al-Mumit)
63. The Living One (al-Hayy)
64. The Self-Subsisting (al-Qayyum)
65. The Perceiver (al-Wajid)
66. The One (al-Wahid)
67. The Independent (al-Samad)
68. The Powerful (al-Qadir)
69. The Dominant (al-Muqtadir)
70. The Giver (al-Muqaddim)
71. The Retarder (al-Mu'akhkhir)
72. The First (al-Awwal)
73. The Last (al-Akhir)
74. The Manifest (al-Zahir)
75. The Hidden (al-Batin)
76. The Governor (al-Wali)
77. The High Exalted (al-Muta`ali)
78. The Righteous (al-Barr)
79. The Relenting (al-Tawwab)
80. The Forgiver (al-`Afuww)
81. The Avenger (al-Muntaquim)
82. The Compassionate (al-Ra'uf)
83. The Ruler of the Kingdom (Malik al-Mulk)
84. The Lord of Majesty and Bounty (Dhu'l-Jalal wa'l-Ikram)
85. The Equitable (al-Muqsit)
86. The Gatherer, The Collector (al-Jami`)
87. The Self-Sufficient (al-Ghani)
88. The Enricher (al-Mughni)
89. The Bestower (al-Mu`ti)
90. The Withholder (al-Mani`)
91. The Propitious (al-Nafi`)
92. The Distresser (al-Darr)
93. The Light (al-Nur)
94. The Guide (al-Hadi)
95. The Eternal (al-Azali)
96. The Everlasting (al-Baqi)
97. The Heir (al-Warith)
98. The Guide to the Right Path (al-Rashid)
99. The Patient (al-Sabur)

(Source: Brown and Palmer, op. cit., pp. 9-11)

Our LORD! accept from us. You indeed, You are the all-Hearing, the all-Knowing. (2:127)
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Fear_Allah View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Fear_Allah Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 August 2006 at 11:33am

Alsalam alikom w rahmato Allah w barakato..

Here you are the gold keys for answering duaa

There are five elements that cause the duaa to be answered:

I. A Reason related to the one making duaa, or a state in which he is in that makes his more likely to be answered (as mentioned in the Qur'an and Sunnah), examples include:

1) fasting person
2) traveler
3) one who is oppressed
4) a pious child who makes duaa for his parents

II. A Reason related to the duaa itself; meaning the etiquettes of duaa are adhered to so that the duaa may be perfected:

1) begin by praising Allah and sending prayers and blessings upon Rasoolullah (saws)
2) gain nearness to Allah through tawassul, either by:
a. calling upon Allah by His names and attributes
b. calling upon Allah by one's good deeds (ex. like saying "O Allah, I have beautiful hair and I covered it for your sake and for no other reason")
3) Be on wudu
4) Face the Qiblah
5) Never ask for that which is Haraam (such as breaking ties of kinship
6) Ask about anything and everything you need and the best way is to generally asked for the good of dunya and aakhirah
7) Make you duaa contingent upon Allah's knowledge (for examples say:
Allah give me such-and-such "if it is good for me" because only He truly knows what is good for you.
8)Insist for it, beg, stay determined to get it b/c you are fully dependent on Him.
9) Don't use "if you want/will to" because Allah does what he wants.
10) Raise hands to shoulder level with palms facing towards the sky
11) Lower one's gaze in humility and don't look to the sky
12) Lower one's voice in humility, don't say it aloud
13) End your duaa with praise of Allah and prayers upon Rasoolullah
14) Be patient in waiting for the response:

Rasoolullah (saws) said that whenever anyone makes duaa, he will be answered unless he says "Allah didn't answer me." And if he or she is not answered in this dunya then either Allah will remove from him some harm in this dunya because of his duaa or he will save his reward for him on the Day of Judgment.

III. Special Times when duaa' is most likely to be answered:

1) when it's raining (rain is blessing from ALLAH)
2) Last 3rd of night esp. before Fajr; called Sahr
3) Between Adhan and Iqama
4) Standing at mount 'Arafat (part of Hajj)*
5) During the Qonoot of Taraweeh in Ramadan
6) Lailatul Qadr
7) Friday, after Asr till Maghrib
8) When a fasting person breaks his fast
9) Before drinking Zam-Zam
10) Right after salah**
11) In sujood

IV. That there be no obstacles for the duaa to be answered: This usually refers to one's relationship with Allah. Does one truly feel dependant and humble in front of Allah? Does one truly believe that Allah has the power to do whatever He wishes? And most importantly, is this person so sinful, having no regard for Allah's commands, yet he expects Allah to grant him what he wishes for? If one's food, drink, and clothing are all from Halal sources, Allah would not honor such a person with a response as is mentioned in a hadith.
NOTE: However, all humans are sinners, and they may , at any time, choose to change and come back to Allah. True tawbah means that one's istighfar changed their heart and being. This is what all of us should
seek. Allah accepts the repentance from his servants if they are sincere. Even if we have sinned so much, we must always call upon Allah, for we cannot live without His blessings and sustenance. In fact, to not make du3aa is another sin which angers Allah. So if one fears that his duaa may not be answered because of sins, let him begin his duaa with istighfar and its conditions of acceptance are the following:

1) immediately stop the sin and anything related to it.
2) regret what you did sincerely.
3) to promise never to return to that sin
If it is between you and another person, then also:
4) ask their forgiveness

*fasting on the day of 'Arafah (for non-pilgrims) is highly recommended and and will expiate a preceding and future year of sins.

*Duaa may be said in any language however in salah, only Arabic is allowed.

NOTE: For those who seek to gain tawassul to Allah, it is extremely helpful to memorize the 99 names of Allah and use them in your duaa'


Our LORD! accept from us. You indeed, You are the all-Hearing, the all-Knowing. (2:127)
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righteous_4ever View Drop Down
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Salam Alykum

Wats the best way to make dua, so it gets accepted?

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