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    Posted: 23 October 2006 at 11:41pm

Some amazing interesting headlines some simple straight people had predicted. I know, our �great minds� will still demand proofs.

There is never going to be a Nato victory in Afghanistan

The military option is going nowhere.

The way forward is to emulate Pakistan by withdrawing troops and making deals

Jonathan Steele
Friday October 20, 2006
The Guardian

Britain's presence in Iraq is exacerbating the security problems, and "we are in a Muslim country and Muslims' views of foreigners in their country are quite clear".

Lieutenant General David Richards, the Nato commander, believes in hitting the Taliban hard, using air and artillery strikes, even though they risk killing many civilians. "They think they can face us down. We will prove to them that they are defeatable," he said last week.

How very civil of him!

In Washington and London the desire to eliminate al-Qaida was wrongly combined with seeking regime change in Kabul - a goal the security council never authorised. A propaganda campaign demonised the Taliban so as to justify their removal as a victory, even though Osama bin Laden might not be found.

. . the Mirage of Peace, an excellent study by Chris Johnson and Jolyon Leslie, two aid workers with long experience of working there, describes how under the Taliban security was better than it was before or after.

In many regions they were flexible and pragmatic: humanitarian aid flowed, and girls' education continued in "home schools".


This is the tack Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf has been using in the troubled Pashtun provinces of Waziristan that border Afghanistan. After being bullied by Washington to use troops against the Taliban and their tribal supporters - a strategy that ended in failure - he has switched to making deals, withdrawing forces in return for undertakings of no Taliban attacks on Pakistani government buildings and no parallel administration. Religious scholars, tribal elders and Pakistani officials will monitor the deal.

Musharraf explained it last month in words that echo General Dannatt's: "On our side of the border, there will be a total uprising if a foreigner enters that area. We will never allow any foreigners into that area. It's against the culture of the people there."

We've lost battle for Baghdad, US admits

President concedes war may be at turning point
Mounting death toll brings comparison with Vietnam

Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
Friday October 20, 2006

America has finally taken on the grim reality of Iraq

The US is radically rethinking its exit strategy, while Britain waits zombie-like for new instructions

Simon Jenkins
Wednesday October 18, 2006
The Guardian

A measure of the collapse is the astonishing suggestion that America find a new regime in consultation with Iran and Syria.

What is humiliating for Britons is that not a whisper of such lateral thinking can be heard from the government. Downing Street is intellectually numb, like a forgotten outpost of a crumbling Roman empire. It can see the barbarians at the gates yet it dare not respond as it knows it should because no new instructions have arrived from Rome.

Blair's last comment on Iraq was that any withdrawal would be "craven surrender" and would endanger British security. This is mad. Even Bush can admit to be "open to new ideas on Iraq". Blair has clearly not heard of Baker's report. Perhaps he should hurry to Washington for new instructions from the boss.


A splendid achievement

George Bush should be congratulated - he has surely earned the right to join the ranks of despots

Terry Jones
Tuesday October 10, 2006
The Guardian

Dear President Bush,


Army chief: British troops must pull out of Iraq soon

General attacks government policy that has 'exacerbated' security risks

Richard Norton-Taylor and Tania Branigan
Friday October 13, 2006
The Guardian


300 million and counting ... US population milestone

Composition and culture of America changing dramatically - as consumption keeps on rising

Ed Pilkington in New York
Friday October 13, 2006
The Guardian

Early Flag Worship Class! 

Sorry the picture (of lovely kids with hands on their hearts before the only thing the US has) went missing


US free speech row grows as author says Jewish complaints stopped launch party

Row over postscript on Palestinians' plight
British-born academic claims lectures cancelled

Ed Pilkington in New York
Wednesday October 11, 2006
The Guardian

Pilot seeks compensation after false 9/11 claims

Tuesday October 10, 2006
Guardian Unlimited

A commercial pilot held in jail for five months "without any justification" after he was wrongly accused of training the pilots responsible for the September 11 attacks was unjustly denied compensation by the government, a court was told today.
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