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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Yusuf Estes on Hamza Yusuf
    Posted: 27 January 2009 at 8:00pm
Auzubillahi Minash Shaitan ir Rajeem,
Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf is an excellent contemporary scholar. There is nothing deviant in his teachings.
Anything that comes against him is from an anti-sufi camp, because they cannot see him enjoying all this popularity and fame - after all this in a way is promotion of sufism which is got to be bidah, so it should be silenced - that's the bottom line!

Edited by Nausheen - 27 January 2009 at 8:00pm
<font color=purple>Wanu nazzilu minal Qurani ma huwa

Shafaa un wa rahmatun lil mo'mineena

wa la yaziduzzalimeena illa khasara.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23 January 2009 at 10:17pm
Bro Talib here is another link..which inshAllah share more light into your question about Mazab.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21 January 2009 at 11:04pm

Walaikumsalam.Bro Talib

MashAllah you are well informed thats good.This is exactly the cause of todays differences in Ibada , it all arises with our slowly discarding the 4 Imams. Bro Talib I am sure your intention in this forum is to achieve clarity and to further your deen inshAllah.

As to your question regarding what madhzab of  the you know in this time the prophet is with them! theres no need for some Imam. However, The 1st Imam  Abu  Hanifa rahmatullahaihi born 80 years after Hijra.had students that were  grandsons of the sahaba!

This issue needs time and room for discussion...allhamdullilah i,ve found a link that would be interesting for you to read!!
Bro.Talib I used to think like you before,but then i realised how could i not follow any Imam! there are thousands n thousands of Hadith,,and when I read about these Imams i was moved to tears...All of them are Hafiz and their knowledege of the Hadith,Adab.Piety and their deep love for the prophet saw...subhanallah,, Then the words of the quran came to me, Allah commanded *And, ask the people of knowledge if you do not know*
I consider myself amongst those who dont know!
Bro Talib, here is the link i mentioned pertaining to Madhzab/ inshAllah it,ll be beneficial for you.
Here is one more link for you to ponder!!
If you desire,would be nice if we could correspond directly inshAllah.
writing to you from Saudi,
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Talib_Asadullah View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21 January 2009 at 1:13pm
Assalamu Alaikum


I have done a pretty good amount of reading about Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. Muslim and non-Muslim sources alike. Its interesting really. Either the source always denigrates and demonizes the brother, or he is praised for what he did fisabillah. Sometimes I dont know what to believe, but I do take the Muslim over non-Muslim sources, and I happen to be cautious of Muslims talking bad about other Muslim..if it cant really be substantiated.

I dont follow any mathhab, so I dont know if someone would put me in this category of being outside Ahl us Sunnah wal Jammah. May I ask what was the Mathhab of the Sahabah,Radiallahuanhum??

I wouldnt say that swaying and moving in Dhikr is something that I find deviant at all.

Muhammad(SAWS) commanded the man to have a beard and trim his mustache. So this is something that I dont take lightly..however, it all comes down to someone's decision.

Edited by Talib_Asadullah - 21 January 2009 at 6:50pm
Al-Qur'an was-Sunnah
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 January 2009 at 12:34am

wa,alaikumsalam Bro Talib.

Thank You for your opinion of Bro Hamzah Yusuf.
I am not a knowledgeable scholar to answer your question regarding wahabism. But I try my best to explain inshAllah...wahabism is related to Imam wahab from Saudi Arabia....the imam which the muslims in saudi follows and export to everywhere.!!!So unknowingly one tends to follow this way because it comes from saudi and disregards the other 4 Imams unintentionally..namely Imam Hanafi,Maliki,Shafie and Hambali..rahmatullahalai ajmain...this is the way the majority muslims have been practising  till today except in Saudi. We are called Ahli sunna wal jamaat...well salafi is a branch from wahabi..and extremist is a name given by the WEST to bearded muslims.I am not saying that the Saudis are wrong NO, Astaghfirullah!!!I am just stating a point here! According to the majority muslim census, they dont fall in the ahli sunna.Only the 4 Imams is the Ahli sunna way!. Actually Wahabism is in fact new ..since 1800s!!it have something to do with the creation of Saudi Arabia..please find time to read about it very interesting!! With the advance of technology, instead of being united ,we are more separated in thoughts and way of ibada.....           The spinning round in circles...actually is the way sheikh Jallaluddin Rumi kadasallahusiruhu.....does unknowingly ,as he feels Allahs love enveloping him. Now it may sound to you strange!..but bro. Allahs mercy and way is vast......beyond our comprehension!! Unfortunately today, this spinning round has been a tourist attraction!! Of course there are wrong deviation in Religion....if a practise doesnt confirm with Quran and the sunna it is .definitely unexcepted.
As to swaying and movements in dhikir this is natural...theres report of the sahabah doing it...are we more knowledgeable than them??
As for brothers without beard, that is a private, taqwa and a sunna issue.lets not be too critical about appearance, Allah look at our hearts.
Dear bro.Talib I apologized for any mistakes I might have made.
I recommend you to read the life of Prophet saw. and his sahabah radiallahuanhum. And books pertaining to the 4 Imams, related issue on tasawuff by Sheikh Nazim Qubrisi?  or
May Allah open our hearts and grant us more understanding Ameen.
Fee Iman Allah.
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Talib_Asadullah View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 January 2009 at 12:23pm
Assalamu Alaikum

In my short experience, I havent found anything deviant in Hamza Yusuf's talks,etc.

However, I do wonder why brothers with so much knowledge dont even have a full beard. That bothers me, Alhamduillah.

Assalamu Alaikum, totek.

Could you please do me a favor and enlighten me to what "wahabism" is???

From point of view, alot of knowledgable and good Muslims who adhere to the Sunna are called "extremist,wahhabi,salafi,"etc.

And to be honest, Muhammad(SAWS) never prescribed or taught to the Muslims the act of spinning around in circles as a way to get closer to Allah Ta Ala. What is this but a deviant innovation!
Al-Qur'an was-Sunnah
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06 January 2009 at 1:45am
Jazakullah khairan dear Rami for your good reply to yusuf estes criticism against Bro. Hamza yusuf.
I am not a member of zaituna institute but I want to take this oppurtunity to quote a saying from..Imam Ghazali (rahmatullaalaihi)biggest scholar ever lived!
He says .a (scholar)couldnt feel and understand what a student of tasawwuf *sufi*feels in his daily ibada!!
To be a sufi... is a deep journey to oneself!
These things which a sufi does, is considered under nafile acts!
No one can force u to make hours of dhzikir!
So my advise to brothers n sisters, dont condemned if u dont understand!
Read and be informed! So basically a so called *sufi* as negatively toned by people like  Estes and B.Philips is a muslim who is seeking the nearness to Allah swt. is that wrong?
Sheikh Hamza Yusuf is an honourable scholar trying to bring people closer to Allah...I see light in his face! whilst i didnt see by Yusuf Estes, he is surely a good muslim,and I feel sorry that he has fallen unknowingly to wahabism..( many people does!) 
May Allah guide us all in peace n understanding and steer us away from unbeneficial knowledge!..Ameen
Fee Iman Allah
A Naqshiband from Switzerland

Edited by tokek - 06 January 2009 at 2:00am
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 August 2007 at 11:32am
Bi ismillahi rahmani raheem

Do you know what the funniest thing is, Shaykh Hamzah Yusuf does not belong to any Tariqah.
Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.
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