Bi ismillahi rahmani raheem
do u like mawiyah that much that u can't bear to read about his disgracefulness?
You have an over simplistic view of the subject, it is not a matter of like or dislike if you would uphold a lie simply becouse you like it or hide a truth becouse you dislike it then this is despicable behavior. To simplify the subject to such a degree is an indication of your train of thought, i dont think like you so please dont use your reasoning to explain mine you will fall short.
was the prophet sunni or shia?
He was sunni by the definition of the word and according to his teachings.
But answering the question according to how you intended it, As Islam stands some 1400 years after the time of the prophet [sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam] it is fard for you to practice what the He taught and what the Quran says, according to the Quran itself you are obliged, duty bound and will be held accountable if you do not follow expert opinion regarding the legal injuctions of the Quran unless you are qualafied to deduce your own legal rullings from the Quran and sunnah.
Why should we follow a madhhab [shia or sunni] instead of our own understanding of the religion?
After understanding what a madhhab actually is rather than some vague understanding based upon gossip the answer to this has to come from two sources The revealed guidance, whether the sunnah and/or the quran and our intalect, this is because the Quran and sunnah guides and validates our reasoning, while the intalect is needed to apply general principles found in the Quran to every day life.
"Ask those who recall if you know not" (Qur�an 16:43),
This verse indicates that Allah has people on earth who he has guided to know his religion, it also instructs us to ask them about the matter we don�t know thus giving people authority to say what is right and what is wrong after the prophets time. We also know from this verse ""and in Surat al-Nisa,
" If they had referred it to the Messenger and to those of authority
among them, then those of them whose task it is to find it out would
have known the matter " (Qur'an 4:83), in which the phrase those of them whose task it is to find it out, expresses the words "alladhina yastanbitunahu minhum", referring to those possessing the capacity to draw inferences directly from the evidence, which is called in Arabic istinbat.
These and other verses and hadiths oblige the believer who is not at
the level of istinbat or directly deriving rulings from the Qur'an and
hadith to ask and follow someone in such rulings who is at this level.
It is not difficult to see why Allah has obliged us to ask experts, for
if each of us were personally responsible for evaluating all the
primary texts relating to each question, a lifetime of study would
hardly be enough for it, and one would either have to give up earning a
living or give up ones din.""
Also regarding the above verse ""Whoever makes ijtihad without this qualification is a criminal.
The proof of this is the hadith that the Companion Jabir ibn �Abdullah
We went on
a journey, and a stone struck one of us and opened a gash in his head.
When he later had a wet-dream in his sleep, he then asked his companions,
"Do you find any dispensation for me to perform dry ablution (tayammum)?"
[Meaning instead of a full purificatory bath (ghusl).] They told him,
"We don�t find any dispensation for you if you can use water."
So he performed
the purificatory bath and his wound opened and he died. When we came to
the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), he was told of this
and he said: "They have killed him, may Allah kill them. Why did they
not ask?�for they didn�t know. The only cure for someone who does not
know what to say is to ask" (Abu Dawud, 1.93).
This hadith,
which was related by Abu Dawud, is well authenticated (hasan), and every
Muslim who has any taqwa should reflect on it carefully, for the
Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) indicated in it�in the strongest
language possible�that to judge on a rule of Islam on the basis of insufficient
knowledge is a crime. And like it is the well authenticated hadith "Whoever
is given a legal opinion (fatwa) without knowledge, his sin is but upon
the person who gave him the opinion" (Abu Dawud, 3.321).
"Not all
of the believers should go to fight. Of every section of them, why does
not one part alone go forth, that the rest may gain understanding of
the religion, and to admonish their people when they return, that perhaps they may take warning" (Qur�an 9:122)
""where the
expression li yatafaqqahu fi al-din, "to gain understanding of
the religion," is derived from precisely the same root (f-q-h) as the
word fiqh or "jurisprudence," and is what Western students of Arabic
would call a "fifth-form verb" (tafa��ala), which indicates that the meaning
contained in the root, understanding, is accomplished through careful,
sustained effort.""
The verse indicates that a group of people in the ummah should
dedicate there lives to learning the religion and admonishing others which gives authority for the systematic scholarship we have and the ijazah system we currently implement.
A person can rationally conclude from this that what muslims have developed and refined in the madhhabs has authority in islam and is an indication of divine guidance for this ummah, so one must decide which legal scholars are on the truth, to deny that any exist would be to claim Allah did not preserve his religion or guide his people as he stated in the Quran.
how many sects of muslims are there?That depends on if you have invented a new meaning for the word or are following the islamic defanition. A religion can not be entirely comprised of sects, you have the orthodox understanding [sunni] and then you have the new [shia,mutazilli etc]. According to rasul allah's definition we will be split into 73 groups and only one will be on the right path.
Some simple question sister, are sufi's, wahhabi's, Habashis, deobandi's, berweli's a sect the same way shia are a sect in islam?
Do you consider ahmadi's to be an islamic sect what about nusairi's in syria?
are you a scholar?No, i try as best i can to give the scholars opinion regarding matters rather than my own which is why i may seem stern in my words becouse it's not certainty in my research that i am portraying.