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minuteman ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 25 March 2007 Status: Offline Points: 1642 |
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Seeks, the undermentioned Hadith was posted care of Ilyas sattar:
"There is another important statement by the Holy Prophet. During his last illness, the Holy Prophet said to his daughter Fatima: �Once a year Gabriel used to recite the Quran to me. This year he recited twice. He also told me that every succeeding Prophet has lived up to half the age of his predecessor. He told me that Jesus, son of Mary, lived to 120 years. Therefore, I think, I may live to about 60 years."
You may have some knowledge of the Hadith. It is narrated by Hazrat Fatima r.a. Do you believe the Hadith is true? The words or translation of the Hadith may not be perfect. But it is required to know if this Hadith is true. Please inform.
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minuteman ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 25 March 2007 Status: Offline Points: 1642 |
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S*R, I ahd mentioned on Hadith about who is a Momin. The prophet s.a.w.s. said , "Any one who recites the kailmah and faces the Qiblah and eats from our food is a Momin. There is guarantee of his safety from Allah and the Messenger..." What do we do with this Hadith? Bye-pass it? or invent our own religion?
I had another belief for a log time. I now find it is all true. "It is not allowed to call a Kalimah-go as kafir." The above Hadith supports it.
Also, there are more proof. There re only two types of enemies of the Ummah and Islam.
1. The Munafiq
2. The Kafir.
The first one claims that he is a muslim. But tries to harm the Ummah. While sitting in the fold of Muslims.
The second one never says that he is a Muslim. He is against Islam openly. He denies Islam. That is a Kafir.
I feel that Ahmadis could fall in the first category. But never in the second category. That is they could be called Munafiq. But never Kafir.
That is in accordance with the words of the prophet s.a.w.s. that any one proclaiming kalimah is a Momin. Do not disturb him. At the most, be careful about him. But why to abuse him? Who taught that? Edited by minuteman - 28 September 2008 at 2:25am |
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minuteman ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 25 March 2007 Status: Offline Points: 1642 |
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the post of seekshidayath in which he gives some reference of Illias Sattar is taken from an anti-ahmedi site so we are not going to expect a objective unbiased opinion from there.
Thats why ive been repeating it time and time again that dont accept anything from here or there or u will only get mislead. There are lots of devils in this world. Try to find out ur self by studying there(AHMEDIS) books and the interpretations of their khalifas. Ilyas sattar was known to be against Ahmadis. But he did not know much. He tried to disprove and bring down Ahmadis. We do not hear much about him now and where he is now.
At one time, he was preaching against "Allah u Akbar" that it is no where in the Quran. Nobody understood what he wanted to prove and why he was against Allah u Akbar.
The Sunni organisers of the program stopped Ilyas sattar from distributing his pamphlets against Allah u Akbar. Edited by minuteman - 28 September 2008 at 2:35am |
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minuteman ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 25 March 2007 Status: Offline Points: 1642 |
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Whisper, Thanks for the info that you did not meet your grand. But you have a good following (3M). Good luck. Enjoy. My question has been answered. You may have been born about 12 years after the passing away of your grand.
I hope there will be no more questions and no disrespect.
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H3OO ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 11 July 2008 Location: Switzerland Status: Offline Points: 215 |
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Then they become a different religion
which is islam. Of course but The Prophet(s) said he is leaving two things Quraan and his Sunnah you follow that instead of your own interpretations then you will not go estray! Then i think scholars dont need to write and we dont need to study those lengthy Tafseers(Tafseer sagheer and Kabeer) which also someones interpretation. Dont u have any Tafseer at home, if u have, whose interpretation it is, probably some scholars. and thats what they follow also; quran and hadith. Why are you acting as a Ahmedi attorney if you are not one? Why are we all muslims insulting them, calling them a fitna when they dont harm us and are peacefully following islam. u see that is why. Why it is that two false prophets being non Arab Their prophet/imam mehdi is not from a jew or christian side, he is from the ummah of prophet[sa]. that should be enough. Where is it written that God can give prophethood only to an arab. What is the MO for that? How do you get the paperwork signed sealed and delivered from the Prophet again and again? That must have been for the prophets before prophet[sa]. It could be that he confirmed their existence and their messages. There message hold no importance untill Prophet[sa] confirms them which just shows his[sa] importance/status and thats why we believe in all those prophets before him[sa] bcz of his confirmation and he[sa] also talked about the coming of imam mehdi, so if their prophet turns out to be the true imam mehdi that prophet [sa] talked about, then this could very well mean that his prophethood(ahmedis imam mehdi) bears the seal of the prophet[sa]. He said in the last sermon-no prophet after him. law or no law! Nice try Right and agreed right now. The revelation that prophet [sa] received during the last sermon was; This day the disbelievers despair of prevailing against your religion, so fear them not, but fear Me (Allah)! This day have I perfected for you your religion and fulfilled My favor unto you, and it hath been My good pleasure to choose Islam for you as your religion (Surah 5, Ayah 3). God reveals to prophet[sa] that he has completed the religion but there is no verdict as to, no prophet after prophet[sa]. Allah does mentions that the religion is completed and islam is their religion and hence automatically means that no new law/religion will now come but u see there could be a point/debate regarding whether it also meant from this revelation that no new prophet will come(i have to study regarding this more) and they [ahmedi] surely didnt bring any new law. had they brought then, there was a point. hey assisted the Brits in the dismantlement of the Caliphate and declaring the Jihad was unnecessary! Again u are clueless here and further shows how much mislead u are bcz of not studying the ahmedis views through their books and believing in non ahmedi sources which will only give a biased opinion. and thats why im repeating again and again that dont do that if u want to reach an objective opinion. here is the link to a book(pdf) that pretty validily clears the allegations against them that they have abrogated jihad on the orders of british by their 4th khalifa Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad. http://www.alislam.org/library/books/TrueIslamicConceptofJihad.pdf http://www.alislam.org/jihad/(More References relating to their concept) i hope u find some time if u really want to know the ans. It is very good explanation and show how much false propaganda we are doing against them. Threat to Islam is obvious that the minorties are ruling with the wink and nod of the old colonial and the neocolonial power the US! There is not a single independently functioning regular Muslim state in the ME or in the neghborhood! Prove that ahmedis are working under the power of US. When u people dont have any sensible answers, that is the last thing u've got, that is just to associate them with either Brit or jews and now US. U are just stating what our maulvis have incorporated in all our minds and every person comes up with exact similar response with out knowing how they are a threat. and if there is not a single independently functioning regular Muslim state, how can that be an ahmedis fault, just try to make some sense. what muslims are going through is their own fault. If u read quran and understand it properly, u will get the all the answers pretty clearly for the reason of muslims current state. so stop playing the blame game and see the facts which are pretty clear. Look at the Arab. They are lucky that they have got natural gift in the form of oil which has made them wealthy otherwise what have they earned themselves. where are they when it comes to education, science and technology, when it comes to sports, etc, etc. All the work/research today whether related to humans, animals or universe, medicine, technology, all the the advancement is being done today by the nonmuslim world, so is it ahmedis fault for the Arabs sleeping despite so much wealth. Edited by H3OO - 28 September 2008 at 7:37am |
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Whisper ![]() Senior Member ![]() Male Joined: 25 July 2004 Location: United Kingdom Status: Offline Points: 4752 |
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Prove that ahmedis are working under the power of US. When u people dont have any sensible answers, that is the last thing u've got, that is just to associate them with either Brit or jews and now US.
How can you be so effing sure of your assertions?
Who do you think you are? Why should we just take your word for eveything you just bark at us and prove everything, all historical facts to you?
If you have any sense YOU will come with the P R O O F of your effing prophet's prophet hood.
Do you understand that?
You are some real juggler and we will put you where you belong.
S*R, SeeksHidayat and also Minuteman
This man is an effing troll and a most dangerous psychopath. Remember my intuition of these past few years. I want you to join hands in putting him where he belongs - in some dust bin.
This will save me asking some of my Niazi, Rao or other more martial muridayn to put him in some hole and gut him for some tennis raquet.
I have told him umpteen times that his Nabi failed to turn up fo munazara three times + he put a contract on my grandfather's head. This is a huge Historic event. He has not answered what that means. He just keeps barking at us. I am not going to tolerate this tauheen e rasalat. I promise you upon my scout's honour, if you don't scalp this son of som B then I am going to get him. Switzerland is not very far from here.
I know what to do with any b's bones.
Edited by Whisper - 28 September 2008 at 4:51am |
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Whisper ![]() Senior Member ![]() Male Joined: 25 July 2004 Location: United Kingdom Status: Offline Points: 4752 |
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If you study him just even plainly, you don't need any special lense for that, he is an Ahmadi and is here just to disturb us.
I have been asking him for Proof of his Nabi's prophethood for days, but has he shown up?
And, now he is asking S*R for PROOF. What an effing nerve. We will get him. And, anyone who does not get him, will be in the same category as him.
Oye! H(arami 300 - if you bark any further come laced with the proof of Prophethood of your nabi. And also with total proof of the fable that Hazrat Issa reached Kashmir and died there.
No more juggling my Morshed. I am in a different vein since you demanded proof from my friend Sign*Reader.
If you bark here without any proof, we know what to do with you. Edited by Whisper - 28 September 2008 at 5:00am |
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Mansoor_ali ![]() Senior Member ![]() Male Joined: 25 September 2008 Location: Pakistan Status: Offline Points: 584 |
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I am very surprised if you have read Maulana's tafssir which is very scholarly work then why you are still running behind false prophet? You should produce response to Maulana's work on the topic of 'Finality of Prophethood' line by line which you still didnot. I didnot quote only Mualana's tafssir but on the same time i also quoted oldest tafssir of Quran wriiten by Ibn Kathir which says that there is no prophet after Muhammad. Here are other famous Mufassirs who openly say there is no prophet after Muhammad(In commentary of Surah 33:40) Tafsir al-Jalalayn Tafsir Ibn Abbas Tafsir Ibn Abbas is attributed to Abdullah Ibn Abbas(Cousion of Prophet Muhammad) Here is my challenge to minuteman: 1.Quote any single authentic mufassir which support your claim that there is prophet after Muhammad. Now i come to your last question which is about life and death of Jesus Christ. If you read above quoted mufassir including Ibn Kathir these mufassir have a unique faith regarding this matter. Below you will find a link that has a mini book that proves that Prophet Issa (latinized to Jesus) (peace be upon him) did not die according to Qur'an and that he will return. The link also has articles from Ahadith [sayings of Prophet Muhammad (may
upon him be mercy of God and peace)] for those who do believe in Hadith but call
them to be metaphorical in the situation of Prophet Issa (peace be upon him).
The articles from Ahadith are quite interesting as they involve interpretation
of many sayings in the context of modern scenario. |
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