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RIP Micheal Jackson - Event Date: 25 June 2009

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PattyaMainer View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote PattyaMainer Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 August 2009 at 4:17pm
Originally posted by Sign*Reader Sign*Reader wrote:

Originally posted by PattyaMainer PattyaMainer wrote:

Originally posted by Sign*Reader Sign*Reader wrote:

Originally posted by PattyaMainer PattyaMainer wrote:

Who is Cranmer
blog's ghost writer? or  you just copied & pasted thoughtlessly just that site happens to be quite anti Muslim ...

IMHO this the blog's post is a pathetic attempt to preach their dogma in post MJ' scene...
In this age of the internet there are rumors galore about his brother Jermain trying to get him follow his footsteps but failed and this ghost blog built the tirade on a false assumption...He was very sick person albeit a great entertainer. A very simple test to see if he reverted he could not entertain with the material contents of his upcoming concerts for which he was training like a slave to money handlers ...and shooting Diprivan and what not to go sleep from which he couldn't wake up...
So why is this blogger getting bent out of shape on a non existent issue?
What gives?

Btw wasn't Archbishop Cranmer burnt at stake on the orders of Catholic Queen Mary... and following were the parting words he uttered , "And as for the pope, I refuse him, as Christ's enemy, and Antichrist with all his false doctrine....
Patty you being RC should have thought twice before posting thisWink

The point is not who wrote this article!!  The point is what the person wrote is true.
IMHO the whole thing is rubbish based on an assumption....
 I'm assuming you are a very young person, and love to see the rockers and rappers perform.  Good for you.  Someday you will grow up and learn to appreciate less sexy forms of entertainment, I hope.
Wrong assumption again; I happen to be couple years senior than you are per your profile; grandma...
Please do not every insult me as a Roman Catholic....oh, I'm not an RC, I am a Roman Catholic.  Archbishop Cranmer was not Catholic of course, he caused the split between England and the Holy See, at which point they mostly became Protestants....Anglicans in fact.  He caused this split because he submitted to the demands of King Henry VIII and allowed his divorce from his wife.  This was considered heresy in the Church.  He recanted his statements made against the Church on several occasions, but died a Protestant martyr when he died making the heretical statements he made against the pope.
You don't need to tell me the Brits history...
Is it my problem that Christians or Catholics don't have clarity between  right and wrong and they can't control what is between their legs... 
  In this day and age, it is quite possible the Holy See and the Archbishop of Canterbury will come together once again and embrace the Catholic faith.  My brother-in-law, who is British and has lived his entire life in England is an Anglican priest. I have learned much from him!   He is very hopeful that the Anglicans will rejoin the Catholic faith.....we believe virtually the same doctrine anyway.
Good luck, birds of a feather flock together...
Sooooo, what is your problem?
Your preachy attitude amongst us...
 You don't like anyone stating the addictions and psychiatric problems Michael Jackson had developed?
Sure go for it... drug addiction is a gift of the western and American cultural heritage and the musicians represent, he was not the only one and won't be the last one...
 I liked Michael Jackson's listen to them, but I felt they were wayyyyyyy too sexy to watch him perform.
That is why it is called music and illegitimate by Islamic rules if any one cares to follow
 I thought Muslims were to refrain from such vulgar entertainment too.  Is that not so?
DUH, you ignored my point that I have made bold above for you...
I rest my case..........
I am stepping out of your circle, not because I believe anything you've written, but because you are a very rude, insulting person.  For years I had worked for some professional Muslim men who were wonderful and became good friends with my husband and family.  They were not like you. We visited their homes, ate meals together, and had very interesting conversations about everything.....including religion.  Many of these men were physicians.  It is a shame that you pick out little snippets and twist them to enable you to be extremely rude and insulting toward me.
You are not anyone I would care to know or have a meaningful dialogue with....because your only purpose for posting on this site is to spread hatred and bad feelings against Americans, the West, and anyone who is not Muslim and/or a non-muslim hater.  I wish you well, and hope one day you may see that the West, America, and the entire world is comprised of many very kind, gentle, and lovely people.  It must be very ugly in your world which is filled with so much hatred and resentment.
God's Peace,
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