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The Saint ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 07 November 2014 Status: Offline Points: 832 |
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First, the quotes (I think three altogether) were not yours to begin with. They were from a bunch of other anonymous writers that you copied from the Internet and then pasted into the discussion, as if they were your own. Yes, I am intolerant of plagiarism and impatient with copy/paste responses in general. My "blah, blah, blah" is meant to show my disdain for that. Nothing to do with Islam.
You may be whatever you choose to be. But you do not have the right to pass judgements on others? Or, is it that you hide behind such criticisms? if I fail to give credits I show myself in a poor light how and why does that bother you? Your intolerance reflects poorly on you. Whether it is against Islam or copy/paste responses. You may give your opinion about things when it is asked for. BTW, IMHO copying the whole text of a lengthy comment is not a sign of respect. On the contrary, it is a waste of bandwidth and disrespectful to the reader. Anyone who has been following the discussion has already read the earlier comment. If they need to reread it they can just glance up at the previous message. I generally post only enough to indicate what I am responding to. If the original message and the reply are several days or several posts apart, I may include more of the original text, but rarely would I repeat multiple paragraphs. More of the same unabashed opinionatedness! To each his own. You do what you deem right and let others do what they deem right. Which is why I regard islam as a failure, at least if success is to be measured in terms of its benefit to society. Which is exactly why you are wandering in the dark without a clue as to whose failure it is. Although it is not even dark. You have just chosen to wear intellectual blindfolds. If you considered the proposition without malice you would have seen that the failure is of Muslims not Islam. Because Islam was and is the same even today. Only the attitude of Muslims changed. They stopped doing their jobs. They went off the Siratul Mustaqeem. They are still paying the price. Yes, it had some successes in its first few centuries, but it refused to progress as humanity progressed. The very concept of "innovation" is pejorative in Islam. Thanks God Almighty, Islam shuns the idea of progress that you hold dear. What you fail to see beyond your sacred truths is that Islam is and shall always be constant. It is not going to change with the times as I have said earlier also. Those faiths which were willing to be changed have been swept aside. But Islam is a genuinely divine faith. Thus complete and timeless. Valid until the end of times. Competent to lead its followers into the next life. Something, you have a difficult with, also. However, at this juncture I see it appropriate to show you how your kind of progress has damaged the world. 1. Selfish development that has created adverse side-effects, proving to be detrimental to the very existence of the human race. 2. Undermining the core values which form the basis of humanity, happiness and satisfaction. a) Modern colonization in the name of Development African countries lose almost $700 billion every year due to unfair trade practices, 70% of which is controlled by MNCs. The people are suffering from "Resource Curse" - the richness of resources have attracted Western corporations who exploit all these, making these countries some of the poorest in the world. People are living in misery, child labor is at its peak. This is the modern-day colonization being legally celebrated by the rich and powerful. b) Environmental Degradation in the name of Advancement They have reached the moon and now aiming for other planets and solar systems. In the process, they have created a big passage to outer space. Literally. The famous Ozone Hole. Each minute, at least 51 acres of tropical forests are destroyed and 12000 tons of carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere. 110 million Americans live amongst such high levels of air pollution, the federal government considers it to be harmful to their health. I will let the numbers drive my point. c) Materialism in the name of satisfaction and happiness It starts with iTouch. Then iPhone. And then iPad. Nike X for running, Nike Y for walking, Nike Z for office. You would start with Swatch, then Tissot. Still unsatisfied, would buy a Rado. For clothing, you would begin with H & M, move to Zara, and then would always look out for Gucci. The person who is forced to stop at Zara or Tissot is unhappy and unsatisfied because he couldn't climb higher while the world raced ahead. The person with Rado and Gucci is unhappy and unsatisfied because he doesn't know what to do with remaining money and is always worried that someday he may lose it all. But the question is who has been able to keep the materialistic things forever? It is still the most simple things that gives eternal happiness and satisfaction - helping a disaster victim, educating an orphan, working for community, sit in meditation. Happiness is always found within. Just relax and breath slowly. You would understand. d) Diluting Family Relations in the name of independence Kids leave their parents as soon as they reach high school/college in the name of independence. Couples break up marriage vows and divorce rates are high. If you take a ride in public transportation, you would see lonely old aged people murmuring to themselves, lifting heavy bags from Walmart, asking the bus driver to help them get into the bus. They don't expect their children to be with them at that age - because they themselves left their parents. Everyone wants to be independent, but this is just an excuse that the civilization makes to cover up the failure of keeping family together. Browse on Google, and you would see that unstable relationships and regret of having spent less time with dear ones are the major factors of unhappiness. e) Erosion of Leisure time : post industrial development people have to spend more time to obtain the necessities of life. It takes more time to simply live. http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/... f) Geographic sprawl negated the benefits of cars: Prior to the internal combustion engine, people generally lived within about 20 minutes walking distance of their place of work, shops, and social venues - that is, in a village. As cars and roads were created, we scattered these things out farther so now they are at least 20 minutes away and we need a car and we're burning up fuel like crazy and our cities are choked with cars. g) Imperialism : Stronger nations - without a trace of apparent regret - routinely seize the resources of weaker nations, topple their governments, and invade them. This is done under the rubric of "protecting their interests." h) Nuclear weapons : As stronger nations came into conflict over control of the world's resources, a nuclear arms race ensued where we actually built enough bombs to torch the planet 1000 times over. i) Regimented educational system : We have a school system whose purpose is job training, not the development of the intellect. We take a billion young, inquisitive minds and force them to sit down and listen to some adult talk at them. What do the following people have in common? : Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Woody Allen, James Cameron, The Beatles, Lady Gaga, Buckminster Fuller, Nikola Tesla, Andrew Carnegie, Frank Lloyd Wright. You guessed it - drop-outs. Einstein couldn't get a recommendation to graduate school. j) Economic booms and busts : 100's of millions of people routinely end up without the necessities of life for no external reason; the capitalist book-keeping system simply goes haywire, goes into a feedback loop and fails to allocate labor, goods and services successfully. k) We cannot walk around on our own planet : Every square inch of land has been sold off, except for a few Reservations (parks) and paved passage-ways on which we are expected to be in transit at all times. Amazing to reflect on, we cannot legally simply walk in any direction we choose. Just a few things that you may dwell upon. Go here for more: http://www.quora.com/What-is-the-greatest-failure-of-Western-civilization. I could write an entire essay on this topic, but I will try to be brief here. Women are beautiful. As objects. No doubt many of them are also beautiful people with beautiful minds and so on; but surely it is undeniable that their physical form is among the most beautiful things that Allah (if you believe in Him) has created. Or in my terms, we (both men and women) have been programmed by millions of years of evolution to find the female form to be very attractive. Western culture acknowledges that, and celebrates it. Sometimes it goes too far, I agree, but there is nothing wrong with admiring women's beauty. True. But Islam never considered them as objects. You have admitted that you do. And you speak the truth. your societies do exactly that. Their physical form is, indeed, beautiful. And it is usually likely to cause excitement to the male. And that is exactly why Islam orders women to cover themselves. While you parade them in the skimpiest of clothes on them. You use them as models to sell all kinds of products. Mr Deedat in one of his debates made the point by relating an instance when he saw an advertisement of a BMW car. It had a barely clad woman sitting on the bonnet with a caption, 'Test drive her'. The innuendo is unmissable. What western feminists are complaining about when they accuse men of "objectifying" women is that we sometimes regard them as mere objects, with no other attributes. That is also somewhat true for certain men in certain situations. In general though, I think the accusation is made too often and with too little justification. To paraphrase Hugh Hefner, Playboy exploits women the way Sports Illustrated exploits athletes. So what? I'm not sure there is anything wrong with that. But regardless of how you see the question of "objectification", to use the feminist critique of western attitudes as a argument in favour of Islam is to turn their position on its head. I am not at all surprised that you are not too worried about the rampant exploitation of women in your society. You have been programmed and it is an ongoing process. You become gradually immune to the objectification. Because it is happening all around you and quite frequently. You have reached a stage when you see nothing wrong with it. Even if you see your mother, your sister or your wife in scantily clad pictures or even while they are at home. Not a single western feminist would choose traditional Islam over western liberalism, "objectification" or not. But let me inform you how terribly wrong you are about feminists not preferring Islam over western liberalism. You should know it is already happening but ignorance, is, indeed, bliss. In one of my recent messages I had quoted from a site how western women particularly were embracing Islam in droves. I suggest you go back to that post or as is your wont search google. Here let me help you:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1343954/100-000-Islam-converts-living-UK-White-women-keen-embrace-Muslim-faith.html And http://www.amazon.in/Women-Embracing-Islam-Gender-Conversion/dp/0292713029 Actually you were, although i neglected to quote your statement: "I believe the greatest achievement of Islamic culture is it's unprecedented (atleast when Islam was founded) emphasis on the Equality of all humans..." I had obviously meant that the immediate topic was not equality of men. You can discuss this topic whenever you are ready.But kindly do your homework. Edited by The Saint - 13 August 2015 at 9:00am |
and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious |
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Ron Webb ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male atheist Joined: 30 January 2008 Location: Ottawa, Canada Status: Offline Points: 2467 |
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My judgement is limited to commenting on what you say and do. I am not judging you as a person. In fact, you're probably a pretty nice guy, and if we meet face to face we'd probably get along just fine. It's not your fault that your parents filled your head with a bunch of mystical nonsense.
Well, no. I'm sorry, but stealing is stealing, and if I see someone stealing others' words or ideas without attribution, I feel compelled to point it out. But again, it's probably not your fault. You have just never given much thought to the ethics of passing off someone else's writing as your own.
If I bake a cake from a recipe, and it turns out horrible, then I might think maybe I made a mistake somewhere. But if a billion Muslims all over the world and for centuries follow the same recipe, and almost nowhere does a satisfactory cake result, then at some point I think you have to start wondering whether the recipe itself is wrong.
On the contrary, I see that. That is exactly what I'm saying. Times and circumstances change, and society's norms must change along with them. For instance, Islam encourages large families through various religious and cultural norms (polygamy, wives' obligation to be sexually available to their husbands, attitudes toward contraception and abortion and homosexuality). That made sense in the seventh century., when population was sparse and children were needed to support their parents. It doesn't make sense in advanced societies today, where overpopulation, not underpopulation, is the problem; where machines, not children, do most of the work; and where social support systems can provide for the elderly, who therefore need not be dependent on their children.
Advanced civilization has certainly created a great many problems, no question about it. The question is, has it created more problems than it solved? In other words, would you rather live in an Islamic culture, or a western one? And before you answer that, please consider all the things you currently enjoy that are unequivocally part of western, liberal, secular culture. To live a purely Islamic life, without any western influence, you would need to shut down your computer, for a start. Then disconnect your phone (cell phone too). If you have air conditioning, turn it off. Get rid of your car -- if a horse or a camel was good enough for Muhummad, then it's good enough for you, right? Oh, and if you get sick, don't accept modern medical treatment. Just pray, and see how that works. Look around you, and see all the items you use daily that are undeniably western in origin, and which would not have existed in a culture that spurned "innovation" and free inquiry. Science and secular values created those things. Not Islam, and not Allah. |
Addeenul �Aql � Religion is intellect.
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The Saint ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 07 November 2014 Status: Offline Points: 832 |
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Well, we have Bin Laden's video confession, just for one thing. What evidence do you have that the Jews (which Jews) were involved?
You call that evidence? ![]() ![]() ![]() Are you telling me that if Laden had not allegedly sent you a video, you would not have known who really did 9/11?Tell me is this evidence enough to condemn a man? Will a court of law hold a man guilty on the basis of a video in which a man alleged to be Laden, supposedly speaking like him accepted he had masterminded the worst attacks on US soil? No that is not evidence. You should know better! The technology that the CIA and the FBI possess they could make Mickey Mouse look and sound like Laden. LOL Do you know what detectives do when they go to a crime scene? They look for clues, of course. But they also look for motive/s. They do the latter to identify who could benefit from the crime? So, ask yourself who really benefited from this crime? Certainly not the Muslims! then who did? The worst enemies of the Muslims. The jews, yes! Or, the Jews and the Christians conniving. Have you heard of Boko Haram? Yes, I have. What about them? First, I am Canadian, not American; but yes, the number of reported rapes is probably much higher in the west than in Muslim countries. Are Canadians better than Americans in any way? What does the horrifying data demonstrate to you? That the American society is morally bankrupt. Or, do you have some self-deceiving mundane explanation for that too? Sharia makes it almost impossible to get a conviction for rape, so most do not get reported. That doesn't mean it's not happening. It just means we'll never know the true extent of it. Lame. It is because of tough laws in most Muslim countries that rape is rare. Even theft and other crimes have a low rate because criminals know there is swift and painfully effective justice awaiting crime of any kind. Also, the west has much more strict definitions of exploitation and rape. Really? Would you be good enough to list some of those laws here? surprising isn't it then, that america is the leading raping nation on this planet today. But I have more interesting stats. Among the top ten in the worst only two are not western countries although one is a hindu nation and the other is a predominantly Buddhist and Christian nation. http://www.wonderslist.com/10-countries-highest-rape-crime/ Many of Muhammad's sexual liaisons (with a nine year old girl, with his slaves, with multiple wives) would have been considered statutory rape in our culture. So would have been King Soloman, his father David, in fact several Jew prophets and the husband of Mary, father of Jesus, because when they married, the former was sixteen and he was ninety. And Judah the father of the Jewish race who fornicated with his daughter-in-law by the road side. How many counts of laws violated as per you laws? Plus, sharia doesn't even recognize marital rape as a crime. So it's hard to compare. Is that so? Let us have a reference. However, the point I was making was that Islam provides a religious justification for various kinds of exploitation. At least we know it's wrong. What did you say? Yes, nonsense. I am saying this is pathetic lying. But I shall still give you a chance to prove your nonsense. If you don't approve of same-sex relationships, you don't have to be involved in one. What's revolting is the idea that you or I have any right to tell others who they can or cannot love. Not one among the following would approve of this hideous aberration. Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad PBUT all......Newton, Edison, Einstein, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, King Salman, Imran Khan, Muhammad Ali, Mel Gibson, Alec and Adam Baldwin, Brigitte Bardot, Pat Boone, Tom Cruise, Jeremy Irons, Jerry Lewis, Chuck Norris, Mickey Rourke.....Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and 65 more of US politicians. The list can go on But the point is who are you to decide what people can comment about or not. Don't you guys scream and never tire about freedom of speech? It's no different than telling them who they can or cannot worship. There is no compulsion in religion, nor in love. Gay associations are not an expression of love. They are an unnatural union that have no meaning and cannot have any result. They defy the laws of nature. It is a choice dictated by depravity. This is why God Almighty's guidance is so vital. So, that people do not get lost and lose the straight path. |
and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious |
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Ron Webb ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male atheist Joined: 30 January 2008 Location: Ottawa, Canada Status: Offline Points: 2467 |
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Yes, I do. But you forgot to tell me about your evidence that "the Jews" (whoever they are) did it.
No, we knew it long before then. The identity of the nineteen hijackers was easily determined, and their links to Al Qaeda were in many cases already known. We probably still aren't sure of the extent of Bin Laden's personal involvement, but as the head of Al Qaeda, the buck stops with him anyway.
You've got to stop thinking of "the Jews" and "the Muslims" as if they were monolithic. No, Muslims in general did not benefit from 9/11, but Muslim extremists certainly did. 9/11 was a great recruiting tool for them.
Did you click the link I provided? (As if you didn't know already...)
It tells me that American society offers much more freedom to women than Muslim society, and that freedom does have inherent risks. But there aren't many American women who would trade their freedom for the "safety" of virtual house arrest, which is how traditional Muslim women are treated.
You don't know that. You know that reports of rape are rare, and the reason is obvious. Unless the woman can get four eyewitnesses (!) to testify on her behalf, the rapist will be absolved and the victim is often the one who is punished.
IMHO your "justice" is itself a crime.
As I implied, sex with nine year old girls and sex with slaves are both considered statutory rape; and most jurisdictions now recognize that rape can occur within a marriage as well ("marital rape"). Polygamous and temporary marriages can also lead to all sorts of exploitation. In fact the whole treatment of Muslim women under sharia is exploitative, IMHO.
Lots of them. As I may have mentioned, western culture and ethics have evolved over time. Muslim ethics are medieval (literally) by comparison.
Rape 'impossible' in marriage, says Muslim cleric See also the Quran 2:223: "Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will."
Nobody's asking you to approve. Just understand that it's none of your business.
Thanks for your opinion, but you obviously don't know any gay couples. (Probably just as well...) |
Addeenul �Aql � Religion is intellect.
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The Saint ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 07 November 2014 Status: Offline Points: 832 |
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And which of these countries do you regard as "notable successes"?
None. Even though they are client states with access to western technologies. Do you think a government dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood would have been a "notable success"? A free government without external pressures and threats could be as successful as a western secular government, yes I'm not sure there is a "status quo" at the moment. The 2014 election was flawed by sectarian violence and widespread fraud. Are you suggesting that in spite of US and UN monitoring the elections were flawed? Sectarian violence should have been anticipated? Sometimes I am forced to think whether these western interferences under the guise of supervisions are meant to fail or are they supervised by *****s? The American led coalition in Iraq blundered in so many ways that one might be forgiven to believe that they were st**id monkeys not fit to administer a primitive tribe. And in their blundering they allowed the deaths of a million civilians. In my book they are criminals who should be punished. If the governments concerned are not fair and there is no trial, God Almighty will punish the criminals. The UN and US continue to intervene, without which the country would quickly descend into chaos. Whatever your view on the situation, I hardly think you'll find any "notable successes" there. Both named here are dubious entities as interventionists. Because they create more chaos than resolving any. No, you're thinking of "revolutionary". By "radical" I mean extreme, fundamentalist. I mean governments that chop off hands and stone adulterers and murder apostates and mandate niqabs and deny freedom of religion. What is the difference between both, according to you? It seems a revolutionary to you is more preferable than a radical? Is it because of the contemporary connotations of these words? Because the dictionary holds them as synonymous! And how can you justify pointing fingers at certain governments and people because they hold certain beliefs, while you hold a certain set of them which are patently anti-God. Anathema to God-fearing people. Niqabs are also worn by nuns. But I have not heard criticism about them. Capital and lesser punishments are decided by individual governments. Western governments prefer chemical injections and the electric chair as methods of death punishments. Islamic laws are tougher and different and to my mind more deterrent. Don't your kind do periodic introspections to evaluate your attitudes and conducts? More importantly, do you have the courage to make changes when you realise you have been wrong? My point is that the Quran did not teach us how to extract the nerve of a tooth without pain. The Quran and the Prophet PBUH encouraged Muslims to seek knowledge. They sought knowledge and became mathematicians, physicists and surgeons. And they taught other races. Secular, liberal, democratic western society did that. Yes, after learning the basics from Arabs. For at least the past five centuries, virtually all such advances in science and medicine, and all the other things that have materially and spectacularly improved the condition of humankind, have come from western and non-Muslim cultures. But before that the same western culture was sunk in darkness of bigotry, witch-hunting and persecution within. Wreaking untold bloodshed and misery on brethren. And if that was not enough, they embarked on a blood and ruthless trail of occupation and colonizing, which is still continuing in different guises. If success is defined has providing benefits to human life, then Islam has been a failure. Don't tell me you forget so soon! Just the other day I attempted to show you a mirror which if you looked keenly in would have made you recoil with horror. http://www.quora.com/What-is-the-greatest-failure-of-Western-civilization As for Islam, tell me of one proven ill that Islam has caused? I can, of course list numerous benefits that Islam has brought about. Fine, Next time you are lost, try praying to God and see if that helps. I'll use a GPS, thanks. I will pray to Him and use the GPS, too. Because that is what the Prophet PBUH taught. Go to the expert. Actually, you're right. If Allah actually existed, He could do much better in communicating. IMHO the fact that He does not is ample evidence that He does not exist. What is better? Who decides that? You are incompetent because your knowledge is insufficient. You are not even well-taught by humans what to say of divine knowledge. There is more proof of Bin Laden's involvement in 9/11 than there is of Allah's involvement in the Quran. Yeah? Videos, CIA or FBI handouts? Government versions and mainstream media stories? That is proof? I am surprised ...........no I have been surprised earlier too, because I have seen people like you who are apparently educated and reasonably intelligent accepting official lines hook, line and sinker! Actually this is not the first time the American government has duped its own citizens and others who do read the same stuff. You have been had before also, I am sure you know that. As for Allah's existence, it is seen every where by those who want to see it. The Quran is a divine book and every sentence speaks of ts divine origin. It is a pity you and your ilk are blind to its magnificence. The two propositions are not mutually exclusive. Sure. But in my opinion only one is likely given what America is capable of. Also given that it had a motive. You asked earlier, "why is the individual an outcast if he speaks a different language?" I'm not sure I understood you but I assumed you meant some sort of persecution. Yes, I did intend it as a reference to how the world treats an individual vis-a-vis a country. A powerful and rich country which has many friends and adulators. And let's try to keep this discussion in the current century, please. Without a doubt, terrible things were done to minorities in the past, by all cultures. My point is that we have learned from those failures and progressed in our ethical standards. Except for traditional Muslims, who do not believe that progress is necessary or possible. Our past always comes to haunt us in some form or the other. Even though you appear to be wary of it there is little you can do to run away from it. Because divine justice moves at its pace but it comes. And it will, In Sha Allah. You are not repentant but I am of what Muslims may have done. Because I know divine justice when it comes will be swift and absolute. You say you learned from your failure but I see no sign of it. In fact, I see that the war and colonialists industry has become even more ruthless and it is now aiming at global dominion through arms supplies and exchange control. OTOH, Muslims continue to be victimised and persecuted. Allowing Israel a free hand even in defying the mandates of the UN and allowing Muslims to suffer in Palestine, Syria, Libya, Iraq the West is not really endearing itself to them. Muslims have different standards of progress and liberty. We have a manual which holds certain things to be right and others wrong. While you live with double standards. Muslims abhor that but continue to try to live peacefully and struggle and strive where they must. No doubt you can quote "sources" who make such claims. That's not the same as proving them. Why the double standards again? When you cite sources, it is proof. But when we do it is not. This IS the attitude that you must change. If I said such things about Muslims I would be banned from the discussion board. You cannot, because Muslims are not at all like that. the Muslim Ummah is bigger than Boko haram and ISIS. No, the article does not mention Israel. By "the birthplace of Christianity" they mean the Middle East as a whole. Does the article say that? But we were discussing "the incident of Hazrat Aisha RA", not the Roman victory over the Persians. Specifically, I was suggesting that the timing of the revelation seems rather self-serving of Muhammad. Side-tracking on the same grounds I notice that you accused me of in another post..........LOL Why should it not be? He was a faithful servant of Allah and it was his wife's integrity at stake. There is no good reason for Allah not to have revealed the law before the incident occurred, so that those who were unjustly accusing Aisha would know that they were wrong to do so. There was a very good reason, in fact. Allah SWT wanted to see who were the hypocrites and who the believers. None of these prophecies are very impressive either, but I won't be stampeded. Why am I not surprised! You keep giving yourself away, you know. Well, the part that says the Romans will be victorious "within nine years" (as your translator renders it, though "within a few years" might be a better translation). But I wasn't talking about the prophecy as a lie. I'm talking about the numerous times you have quoted Muslim apologetic sources and i have shown that they were lying, or at least in reckless disregard for the truth. When are you going to realize that things you find on the Internet -- especially anonymous sources -- are not necessarily true? I already have. But when are you going to get tired beating this drum? Why not? Because no one needs substantiation against the best and most authentic substantiation. That is a challenge for you. Go and find an inconsistency in the Quran. They are legion (just Google "Quran contradictions"), but I won't stampede you either. My favourite is verse 18:86, where the sun sets "in a spring of murky water". I am happy you chose this one. Btw, Google may be an expert for you, it is not for me. But it does tell me where you get your knowledge from. The sun setting "in a spring of murky water" is an allegorical reference. "Although we keep answering accusations of Christian missionaries against our religion and Scripture, they vehemently keep parroting them again and again as if we have not answered them already!! Jesus is reported to have said, "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" (Matthew 7:1-3)" You may want to read a completely logical explanation to the allegation at:http://www.letmeturnthetables.com/2011/03/sun-sets-in-murky-water-as-per-quran.html Let me know if you have more! |
and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious |
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The Saint ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 07 November 2014 Status: Offline Points: 832 |
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My judgement is limited to commenting on what you say and do. I am not judging you as a person. In fact, you're probably a pretty nice guy, and if we meet face to face we'd probably get along just fine.
That is good to hear. But when a person is stating a judgement it contains a bit of his own belief. It is not purely what he has read somewhere or heard from someone. But it is his belief then which matters, as to what it is based on. It's not your fault that your parents filled your head with a bunch of mystical nonsense. My parents introduced me to the basics of Islam. the rest I picked-up willingly, particularly after being convinced that it was the truth and the most compelling truth I had heard. Well, no. I'm sorry, but stealing is stealing, and if I see someone stealing others' words or ideas without attribution, I feel compelled to point it out. You showed yourself to be a conscientious person. But are you honestly like that? But again, it's probably not your fault. You have just never given much thought to the ethics of passing off someone else's writing as your own. No, I never try to pass it as my own. I forget. If I bake a cake from a recipe, and it turns out horrible, then I might think maybe I made a mistake somewhere. But if a billion Muslims all over the world and for centuries follow the same recipe, and almost nowhere does a satisfactory cake result, then at some point I think you have to start wondering whether the recipe itself is wrong. It is absolutely astonishing to hear you draw such an analogy! Besides being inappropriate it demonstrates colossal st**idity or obvious and damnable dishonesty. First of all Islam did shine and how, for about 800 years in every way any religion could. We have already discussed that so I will not go over that again. But it makes me wonder how can you behave as if nothing of that sort was discussed and you cannot even claim ignorance. Islam has produced great leaders, statesmen, diplomats, generals, soldiers, scientists, doctors and engineers besides men of honour and integrity. You should go to http://lostislamichistory.com/ and educate yourself in certain aspects of the history of Islam. Huffington Post describes your mental state as historical amnesia. LOL "In his recent article, Sam Harris, a popular critic of Islam, referred to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani education activist, as "the best thing to come out of the Muslim world in 1,000 years." Hidden in this comment is the idea that Malala's fellow Muslims are backward and that her religion, Islam, is not conducive to change or progress. Conversely to the beliefs of Harris and others like him, Muslims have actually made enormous contributions to civilization, perhaps due to the heavy emphasis that Islam places on knowledge. People who forget or blatantly ignore major trends or events in world history can be said to suffer from "historical amnesia." Though this mindset cannot be cured in one short blog post, I hope to dispel some of the stereotypes and misperceptions exacerbated by Harris and other anti-Islam activists by highlighting the contributions that Muslims have made to civilization over the years." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/craig-considine/overcoming-historical-amnesia_b_4135868.html?ir=India&adsSiteOverride=in On the contrary, I see that. That is exactly what I'm saying. Times and circumstances change, and society's norms must change along with them. For instance, Islam encourages large families through various religious and cultural norms (polygamy, wives' obligation to be sexually available to their husbands, attitudes toward contraception and abortion and homosexuality). Islam proscribes contraception the way it is practised in the west. It holds that god Almighty provides for all of us, including babies. This precept made sense then and it makes sense now. Abortion is strongly banned for the same reason. Wives should be sensitive to their husband's needs. That is again seen differently in Islam from what the west prescribes. Although if violence within marriage is an indicator to go by and the extremely high divorce rate is anything to go by, Muslims are much better of. Homosexuality is of course, not even worth talking about. It is abhorrent. That made sense in the seventh century., when population was sparse and children were needed to support their parents. It doesn't make sense in advanced societies today, where overpopulation, not underpopulation, is the problem; where machines, not children, do most of the work; and where social support systems can provide for the elderly, who therefore need not be dependent on their children. No, if the norms are practical, prescribed by God Almighty then they need not change at all. Procreation is an activity that is practiced to perpetuate the human race. Not to create slaves, servants or helpers. Muslims have large families because they love children and nurture them as gifts from God Almighty. Your societies need to do urgent rethink on their negative growth rates. Your women are averse to childbirth. Which is why surrogacy is preferred. In a few decades you will cease to exist. Advanced civilization has certainly created a great many problems, no question about it. The question is, has it created more problems than it solved? You have definitely created more problems. In my humble opinion, you are teetering just above an abyss. You can still save yourself. I am sure you know that the weapons of mass destruction that you invented are sufficient to annihilate the human race more than ten thousand times over. In other words, would you rather live in an Islamic culture, or a western one? In an Islamic culture, of course! And before you answer that, please consider all the things you currently enjoy that are unequivocally part of western, liberal, secular culture. To live a purely Islamic life, without any western influence, you would need to shut down your computer, for a start. Then disconnect your phone (cell phone too). If you have air conditioning, turn it off. Get rid of your car -- if a horse or a camel was good enough for Muhummad, then it's good enough for you, right? Oh, and if you get sick, don't accept modern medical treatment. Just pray, and see how that works. Why will I need to shut down my computer or get rid of my car or phone? What are you talking about? Don't you ever pay heed to what I tell you? I can see now that this is a mental block that prevents my words to register in your mind. Let me say this one more time. The God of Islam and the Prophet PBUH that he sent and the book that He sent with him teach us that we must acquire knowledge even with hardship and sacrifice? Now why would have they said that if improvements in standards of life were not desirable? The fruits of science and technology that you are enjoying and which we are enjoying as well, are a gift of God to all mankind. So, why should we deprive ourselves of them? Why?????? Muhammad PBUH used the means available to him. But he never ordered a ban on things to come. Why would he have? A horse was good enough for him and so was it for us. But if God Almighty has blessed us with better transportation and communication devices we are grateful to him. Look around you, and see all the items you use daily that are undeniably western in origin, and which would not have existed in a culture that spurned "innovation" and free inquiry. Science and secular values created those things. Not Islam, and not Allah I knew there was a blind spot in your reasoning. You have proved my suspicion here. The West that we keep referring to in our conversations is a cultural entity within certain geographical boundaries which have a history that we both know about. It is a product of its culture, religion, norms, practices and convictions. Yet it is within the dominion of God Almighty. Thus, its product does not belong to it alone. In fact, your own brethren will rebuke you if they learnt what you might be promoting . It is rank bad economics! Where will you sell your cars, phones and air conditioners, if you sold them only to your own people?The success of the car industry, phone industry and all other industries that you boast of depends on the consumption outside the West. I am sure you are familiar with the arithmetic. Then how can you spout such nonsense? |
and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious |
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Ron Webb ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male atheist Joined: 30 January 2008 Location: Ottawa, Canada Status: Offline Points: 2467 |
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So I come back to my original question: If Islam is the ideal form of society and/or government, why do we not see a single working example of this either in contemporary nations or even in the past half millennium or so?
A revolutionary is one who promotes a revolution, in this context a change in government. "Radical" means extreme, as I said; and many revolutionaries are indeed extreme. However, once in power, they are no longer the revolutionaries because they are the government. Their ideology remains radical, however. Anyway, semantics aside, my point was that Muslims cannot blame imperialism or colonialism for their extremist governments, when we force one batch of extremists out only to have Muslims themselves vote another batch of extremists right back in.
That may have been true a thousand years ago, but look around you today. Among Middle Eastern Muslims at least, "seeking knowledge" usually means reading the Quran and hadith, and little else.
And I agreed that western civilzation has many problems; but our successes far, far outweigh our failures.
How about all the Sunni/Shia violence that has been going on for a thousand years? Religious wars could not happen without religion.
Just one or two, please.
I was not taught by Allah at all. He left it to incompetent and disputatious humans to spread His word. If I had been Allah, people would not receive the Quran as hearsay. The rocks and trees themselves would sing the Quran, and babies would be born with it already memorized.
Yes, it's called the Tinkerbell Effect. If you believe strongly enough, you will see evidence of your belief. But it works for all religions, not just for Islam. I've had Christians, Buddhists and Hindus all tell me the same thing.
We used to think slavery was okay, but not anymore. We used to deny women's rights, but not anymore. Islam still allows slavery, and still places women under the authority of men.
The "sources" you cite are just random Web pages, often with anonymous authors, and which do not cite sources themselves. There is no "chain of narration", as your hadith scholars would put it. My sources are either authorities themselves or reputable organizations that provide appropriate citations to recognized authorities.
You're right. It's also the Taliban, and Al Qaeda, and Islamic Jihad, and Al-Shabaab, and Lashkar-e-Taiba, and Abu Sayyaf and on and on. A great number of Muslims are like that. My no means all, of course, nor even the majority; but enough that it's no mere coincidence. There is something about Islam that encourages fanaticism.
Because the Quran is supposed to be a message from Allah to all people. It's not supposed to be a personal defense of one man's wife.
You're saying that those who questioned Aisha's integrity were hypocrites and unbelievers? Why? Because they disregarded a scripture that hadn't even been revealed yet?
You're assuming your conclusion. How do you know the Quran is "the best and most authentic substantiation"? Because it says so?
The Web site doesn't actually explain the allegory at all. An explanation would tell us what the "muddy pool" is an allegory of. What does it represent, and why? The site makes a great fuss about the translation of the word wajada ("found"), arguing that it can be translated as "perceived". Perhaps it can be, but it makes little difference whether he found it or perceived it setting in a muddy pool. It still implies that it was setting in a muddy pool; and the only way to escape that implication is to add the words "as if". But I thought the Quran was complete. Did Allah omit those words? And if so, then we could play that game endlessly. Was Muhammad's "night journey" also just an allegory? How about the jinns? Satan? Perhaps when Allah said that men are tempted by Satan, He only meant "as if" by Satan. Perhaps the moon did not actually split, but was only "as if" split. Where do we stop with this? Maybe the entire Quran is just an allegory, "as if" revealed by Allah. The Web site also asserts that Muslims have always understood the "muddy pool" as allegorical. Unfortunately, the tafsirs it cites as evidence are from seven centuries or more after Muhammad, which proves nothing. Moreover, the verse also says that he reached the place where the sun sets. We know that is impossible, regardless of what he perceived or found there. No, there is no reason to suppose that Muhammad's contemporaries would have understood this passage as anything other than the sun literally setting at a particular place, in a literal muddy pool, with a people living near it. If it's an analogy, it seems like a pointless one; and if it's an analogy, then virtually everything in the Quran could be an analogy. |
Addeenul �Aql � Religion is intellect.
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Ron Webb ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male atheist Joined: 30 January 2008 Location: Ottawa, Canada Status: Offline Points: 2467 |
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No better or worse than anyone else. I try. That's the best anyone can say.
For the first 800 years, maybe. But what has it achieved lately? It is badly in need of a Reformation. The rules that (allegedly) worked so well in a tribal societies a thousand years ago no longer work in today's global village. But Islam forbids "innovation".
It made sense to forbid contraception when tribes needed as many babies as possible to grow. Why does it make sense now, when the planet has just about reached its carrying capacity?
Husbands should equally be sensitive to their wives' needs, shouldn't they? Why does the Quran only instruct women about this?
In 2013 the World Health Organization published a report, Global and regional estimates of violence against women. The report groups countries by region. The Eastern Mediterranean region is of particular note because it consists entirely of major Muslim countries: Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine. In that region, the lifetime prevalence of violence in marriage ("physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence") is 37.0%, the second-highest score of the seven regions (exceeded only by the Hindu-dominated South-East Asian region at 37.7%). Compare that to (Eastern) Europe at 25.4%, the Americas (not including U.S. or Canada) at 29.8%, and the "high income" region/category (including U.S., Canada and much of Western Europe) at 23.2%. Now tell me again how Muslim women are "much better off" with regard to violence within marriage. With regard to divorce rates, why would a low divorce rate make women better off? Is a Muslim woman better off being trapped in a loveless and possibly abusive marriage than getting a divorce?
It's also none of your business, nor the business of government or the police. It is a private matter between two individuals, and it's not abhorrent to them.
Even if the world changes? Even if the world population becomes (as it may already be) too big for the planet's resources to support?
In a few decades Muslim states will be overpopulated to the point of mass starvation. Oh wait -- that's already happening.
What I'm saying is that all this technology is only available to you because of western liberalism. It is not a gift from God. It is a gift from modern secular science, of which there is scarcely any to be found in contemporary Islamic society. The "knowledge" that the Quran encourages is not science. It is the rote learning of Islam and the Quran.
I don't mind outsiders buying the products of western society. I'm just saying that a purely Islamic lifestyle, untainted by western secular values, would have forego all those things. Without the west you would still be riding horses to get around and saying prayers to cure toothaches. |
Addeenul �Aql � Religion is intellect.
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