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sent the prophets as a mercy to the slaves and supported them with miracles to
indicate the truthfulness of their message. Of all the prophets, our Prophet,
Muhammad, was blessed with the most miracles. Al-Isra 'and al-Mi ^ raj are
among the many miracles of Prophet Muhammad. |
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The Victory of Byzantium Another astonishing piece of revelation that the Qur'an gives about the future is to be found in the first verses of Sura Rum, which refers to the Byzantine Empire, the eastern part of the later Roman Empire. In these verses, it is stated that the Byzantine Empire had met with a great defeat, but that it would soon gain victory. "Elif, Lam, Mim. The Romans have been defeated in the lowest land, but after their defeat they will themselves be victorious in a few years' time. The affair is God's from beginning to end." (The Qur'an, 30:1-4) The Dead Sea basin where Byzantium was defeated by Persians. Above is a satellite photograph of the region. The Lake of Lut region, which is the lowest region of the world, is 395 meter below the sea level. These verses were revealed around 620 AD, almost seven years after the severe defeat of Christian Byzantium at the hands of the idolater Persians. Yet it was related in the verses that Byzantium would shortly be victorious. In fact, Byzantium had then suffered such heavy losses that it seemed impossible for it even to survive, let alone be victorious again. Not only the Persians, but also Avars, Slavs and Lombards posed serious threats to the Byzantine Empire. The Avars had reached as far as the walls of Constantinople. The Byzantine Emperor Heraclius had ordered the gold and silver in churches to be melted and turned into money in order to meet the expenses of the army. When these proved insufficient, even bronze statues were melted down to be turned into money. Many governors had revolted against Emperor Heraclius, and the empire was on the point of collapse. Mesopotamia, Cilicia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Armenia, which had earlier belonged to Byzantium, were invaded by the idolater Persians.(20) In short, everyone was expecting the Byzantine Empire to be destroyed. But right at that moment, the first verses of Sura Rum were revealed, announcing that Byzantium would triumph in a few years' time. This victory seemed so impossible that Arab polytheists had gone so far as to make fun of these verses. They thought that the victory announced in the Qur'an would never come true. Around seven years after the revelation of the first verses of Sura Rum, in December 627 AD, a decisive battle between Byzantium and the Persian Empire was fought at Nineveh. And this time the Byzantine army unexpectedly defeated the Persians. A few months later, the Persians had to make an agreement with Byzantium, which obliged them to return the territories they had taken from it.(21) At the end, "the victory of the Romans," proclaimed by God in the Qur'an, miraculously came true. بريطانية تريد معانقة شمسي بعد نطق الشهادتين https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAEigVNQkPo |
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macoooo ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 27 August 2014 Status: Offline Points: 577 |
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qibla change in islam
There are 2 billion Muslims in the world, and each time they pray, they turn their faces in one direction, towards Mecca. The Islamic term for this direction is qibla. When a Muslim prepares to pray, no matter where he is, he turns towards the qibla, the direction of the Kaba. The Kaba is a small cube shaped building in the courtyard of the mosque known as Masjid Al Haram, in the city of Mecca, in the country of Saudi Arabia. “For every nation there is a direction to which they face (in their prayers). So hasten towards all that is good. Wheresoever you may be, God will bring you together (on the Day of Resurrection). Truly, God is Able to do all things. And from wheresoever you start forth (for prayers), turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Mecca), that is indeed the truth from your Lord. And God is not unaware of what you do.” (Quran 2:148-149) Muslims do not worship the Kaba, or its contents, it is simply a focal point. Muslims worship One God, the Most Merciful, and the Most Wise. God decreed that when Muslims pray they all face one direction. It is a sign of unity that encapsulates the unity embedded in the religion of Islam. The Arabic word for prayer is salah and it demotes a connection between the believer and God; when all believers face the same direction it adds an extra dimension to the connection. The prayer connects the believers to God and the qibla connects the believers to one another. It has been said that if one could observe all the Muslims at prayer we would be able to see lines of worshippers bowing and prostrating like the petals of a flower opening and closing in unison. The qibla was not always oriented towards Mecca. The first Muslims prayed towards the al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Around sixteen months after Prophet Muhammad and his followers migrated from Mecca to the city of Medina, the qibla was changed to the Kaba. According to accounts by Prophet Muhammad's companions, the change happened very suddenly. During the noon prayer, Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, received a revelation from God instructing him to, "Turn your face towards the Masjid al Haram". “Thus, we have made you real believers in Islamic Monotheism, true followers of Prophet Muhammad and his legal ways, a just nation, witnesses over mankind and the Messenger a witness over you. And We made the Qibla (prayer direction towards Jerusalem) which you used to face, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (i.e. disobey the Messenger). Indeed, it was great (heavy) except for those whom God guided. And God would never make your prayers to be lost (i.e. your prayers offered towards Jerusalem). Truly, God is full of kindness, the Most Merciful towards humankind.” “Verily! We have seen the turning of your (Muhammad) face towards the heaven. Surely, We shall turn you to a Qibla (prayer direction) that shall please you, so turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid- al-Haram (at Mecca). And wheresoever you people are, turn your faces (in prayer) in that direction...” (Quran 2:143-144) Changing the direction of prayer establishes Mecca as the fixed central point for worship. It establishes a common sense or purpose. Throughout the centuries, mathematicians and astronomers have established correct ways to determine the qibla (direction) from any point on the earth’s surface. There are two precise moments each year when the sun is directly above the Kaba, thus the direction of shadows in any sunlit place will point away from the qibla. There are also two moments per year when the sun is directly over the exact opposite position of the Kaba, thus pointing towards the qibla. It is important the Muslims make every effort to face the right direction when praying; however, slight deviations do not invalidate a person’s prayer. Prophet Muhammad said, “What is between the east and the west is qibla”.[1] Nowadays it is easy to locate the qibla. It is a simple matter to look at a map and draw a line between your location and the city of Mecca. Compasses and computer programs that locate the qibla are readily available and most mosques throughout the world have a niche in the wall to indicate the qibla. Islam is a religion of unity. Muslims are united by their belief in One God. They are one brotherhood united in the language and ritual of prayer and united by the direction of their worship. The qibla is not only about degrees of latitude or longitude it is about unity. It is about humankind united in the worship of the One God, Creator, and Sustainer of the universe مسيحي يتحدى المسلمين �£ن يروه نبوءات لسيدنا محمد فجاءه الرد https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HfurAzuj-A Change Of Qibla From Jerusalem To Kaaba By Nouman Ali https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpBKVSMOStc Christians say Ayah 'Allah is the best of deceivers' is one of His attributes? Is Allah a deceiver? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyAFoiC1Ls4 DID MUHAMMAD (PBUH) AUTHOR THE QUR'AN FOR STATUS, FAME OR LEADERSHIP? DR ZAKIR NAIK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdIbSoZ3SHU difference between Islam and Christian Dr Zakir Naik a debate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngJtkDyyaNg |
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miracle revealed in these verses is the announcement of a geographical
fact that could not have been known by anyone at that time. In the third verse of Sura Rum, we are informed that the Romans had been defeated in the lowest region of the Earth. This expression, "Adna al Ard" in Arabic, is interpreted as "a nearby place" in many translations. Yet this is not the literal meaning of the original statement, but rather a figurative interpretation of it. The word "Adna" in Arabic is derived from the word "deni", which means "low" and "ard", which means "world". Therefore the expression "Adna al Ard" means "the lowest place on the Earth". Most interestingly, the crucial stages of the war fought between the Byzantine Empire and the Persians, when the Byzantines were defeated and lost Jerusalem, had really taken place at the lowest point on earth. This specified region is the Dead Sea basin, which is situated at the intersection point of the lands belonging to Syria, Palestine, and Jordan. The "Dead Sea", lying 395 meters below sea level, really is the lowest region on Earth. . The altitude of the Dead Sea could only be determined with modern measurement techniques. These measurements led to the discovery that this is the "lowest region on the Earth". This means that the Byzantines were defeated at the lowest part of the world, just as stated in the verse. The most interesting point lies in the fact that the altitude of the Dead Sea could only be measured with modern measurement techniques. Before that, it was impossible for anyone to know that it was the lowest region on the surface of the Earth. Yet, this region was stated to be the lowest point on the Earth in the Qur'an. Hence, this provides further evidence that the Qur'an is divine revelation مكسيكية تعتنق الإسلام + 5 �£شخاص آخرين في ظرف يومين مع ش.عثمان بن فاروق https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUtMUv5dAlo |
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macoooo ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 27 August 2014 Status: Offline Points: 577 |
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modern Medical science discovered that leprosy disease is one of the
most dangerous skin diseases which gets transferred by the Leprosy
microbe which has been seen and recognized before one hundred years,
however, still (modern medical circles could not find an effective cure
to this disease or control it. Doctors do not know until today the path of infection with the leprosy microbe.. The prevailing opinion now is that infection with it occurs by touching the patient’s skin many times and repeatedly for a long time.. Therefore, it appears in contacts For the patient..however, it appears in only 1% of the contacts..which indicates that contact with the patient’s skin does not transmit the infection until after a long time, and the disease microbe is not transmitted through food or drink, because it is a very weak microbe, even if it reaches the stomach To kill immediately in the acidic medium of the stomach.. Leprosy affects the terminals of the nerves such as the limbs. It makes the leprous lose the sense of feeling. Therefore, he does not feel heat or cold. He may not even the piercing of at horn to his skin. The leprous faces atrophy of the muscles of arms and legs. Ulcers spread on his body particularly on hand and legs. Bones erode and the leprous loses his fingers. It may affected the cornea of the eyes & makes him blind, it may also affect his testis & this means that the leprous may loose fertility & becomes sterile. Leprosy is of two kinds, the knot leprosy. It affects the people with weak immunization system. It appears in the form of different size knots. It spreads all over the body, particularly, the face and gives it a special shape which makes it resemble the face of a lion. It also causes hair drop. It may also affect the mucous membrane & creates bleeding. The numbed knots Leprosy is the second type of leprosy which appears on the skin in the form of pale knots which have different shapes and sizes. They are characterized by loss of sense, sweating and loss of the skin pigment. This type of leprosy affects people who have good immunization system. The greatness of the directive of the prophet (PBUH) appears in the fact that he advised people into to gaze at leprous. He said “Don’t gaze at Leprous” [Refer to Irshad Elsari to Sharh of Bukhari]. The modern science proved that when the leprous sees a healthy or normal person, he gazes at him and then suffers from psychological pain. Therefore, the advice of the prophet wanted to respect the feelings of the leprous. The saying of the prophet (PBUH) which asked people to run away from the leprous as they run away from the lion shows the dangerous nature of this disease which can be transferred easily and its overwhelming nature. Warning against the leprosy disease, the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said: “Escape away from the Leprous the way you escape away from the Lion” [Refer to Bukhari] In the nineteenth century (1847), the first description of a leprosy patient was written by the two doctors, Daniel and Boyck, who said in describing them in one word: (The face of a leprosy patient resembles the face of a lion), and the face of a leper patient was never described with this description before 1847...except We notice that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, mentioned this scientific description in his saying: “Escape away from the Leprous the way you escape away from the Lion” But he chose the word (the lion). It happened to describe the words of the noble Prophetic hadith that is described in a description that combines meaning and image, , all in one word, , which indicates that it is a revelation from God Almighty to His Messenger. Modern science also advised people to avoid leprosy people so long as the disease they nurse is active and not neutralized and its activity is not suspended by the use of the available resistant. Source: “Scientific Miracles in Quran And Sunna Nabawia” By: Mohammed Kamil Abdel Samed. لماذا القرآن معجزة؟ - شمسي في حوار مع شاب جزائري Speaker's corner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tYfzhiRvCI |
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BISMILLAHIR RAHMANINIR RAHEEM (In the Name of Allah Most gracious Most merciful) How Petroleum/ Gas Formed? As we all know, the formation of petroleum can be easily explained in three steps. Step 1 - All of the oil and gas we use today began as microscopic plants and animals living in the ocean millions of years ago. As these microscopic plants and animals lived, they absorbed energy from the sun, which was stored as carbon molecules in their bodies. When they died, they sank to the bottom of the sea. Over millions of years, layer after layer of sediment and other plants and bacteria were formed Step 2 - As they became buried ever deeper, heat and pressure began to rise. The amount of pressure and the degree of heat, along with the type of biomass, determined if the material became oil or natural gas. More heat produced lighter oil. Even higher heat or biomass made predominantly of plant material produced natural gas. Step 3 - After oil and natural gas were formed, they tended to migrate through tiny pores in the surrounding rock. Some oil and natural gas migrated all the way to the surface and escaped. Other oil and natural gas deposits migrated until they were caught under impermeable layers of rock or clay where they were trapped. These trapped deposits are where we find oil and natural gas today. Allah (SWT) says this in his holy Quran as follows, “Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High: He Who created and molded; He Who determined and guided; He Who brings forth green pasture, then makes it blackened stubble. (Qur'an, 87:1-5)” The three elements identified in the first four verses of Surat al-A'la parallel the formation of petroleum. It is quite likely that the term "almaraa," meaning pasture or meadow, refers to the organically-based substances in the formation of petroleum. The second word of note in the verse is "ahwa," used to describe blackish-green, greenish-black, dark or sooty colours. This word can be thought of as describing the waste plant matter accumulated underground gradually turning black, since these words are supported by a third word, "ghuthaan." The word "ghuthaan" translated as stubble, can also mean flood-water plants, plants brought together by waste matter being collected and dispersed around valleys, rubbish, leaves or foam. In addition to the connotation of "vomiting out" implied in the word, it may also be translated as "to flood forth vomited matter," and describes the way that the earth "vomits" forth petroleum. In fact, in the light of the formation of petroleum, the way it emerges, its foam-like appearance and its colour, one can better see with what wisdom were employed the words in the verses. As has been discussed, the plant in the verse turning into a dark and viscous liquid bears a strong resemblance to the formation of petroleum. The description of such a formation over many years, at a time when the formation of petroleum was unknown, is without doubt another proof that the Qur'an is the revelation of Allah. ISLAM AND SCIENCE: FORMATION OF PETROLEUM IN HOLY QURAN هل تتبعون يسوع �£م بولس؟ عدنان رشيد في حوار هادئ مع مسيحيين طالبة �£مريكية مسلمة جعلت قسيسا يتخبط من سؤال واحد A question by a student made a priest mumble
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2nlXvBwIqc الاف الجنود الامريكان يدخلون الإسلام Thousands of US Soldiers Become Muslims
قسيس روسي شهير يؤكد �£ن الإسلام سيعم العالم كله - Russian Archpriest Assures that Islam Will Spread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-dSAqN3oqk |
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The Relativity of Time
Today, the relativity of time is a proven scientific fact. This was revealed by Einstein's theory of relativity at the early years of the 20th century. Until then, people did not know that time was a relative concept, and that it could change according to the environment. Yet, the great scientist Albert Einstein openly proved this fact with the theory of relativity. He showed that time is dependent on mass and velocity. In the history of humanity, no one had expressed this fact clearly before. With one exception though; the Qur'an included information about time's being relative! Some verses about the subject read: "They ask you to hasten the punishment. God will not break His promise. A day with your Lord is equivalent to a thousand years in the way you count." (The Qur'an, 22:47) "He directs the whole affair from heaven to earth. Then it will again ascend to Him on a Day whose length is a thousand years by the way you measure." (The Qur'an, 32:5) "The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day whose length is fifty thousand years." (The Qur'an, 70:4) In some verses, it is indicated that people perceive time differently and that sometimes people can perceive a very short period of time as a very lengthy one. The following conversation of people held during their judgement in the Hereafter is a good example of this: "He will say, 'How many years did you tarry on the earth?' They will say, 'We tarried there for a day or part of a day. Ask those able to count!' He will say, 'You only tarried there for a little while if you did but know!" (The Qur'an, 23:12) The fact that the relativity of time is so clearly mentioned in the Qur'an, which started to be revealed in 610, is another evidence that it is a holy book. 2_2 الثالوث في مواجهة التوحيد - عثمان بن فاروق في مواجهة �£شهر ثلاثة منصرين في �£مريكا ال�£مين العام لل�£مم المتحدة يستشهد بآية من القرآن
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres quotes the Holy Quran
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SulH-vhHtoo What did Mr. Green from Texas say about Islam in America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm8MwfeXaTw |
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most Christians who throw away the old testament easily, if a Muslim rejects a single verse in the Quran he becomes a kafir (non-Muslim).
Problem is most don't follow the 10 commandments, especially today. I have a Christian co-worker who loves to tell me the religion is evil. But I've caught him in multiple lies, seen him steal from the company and he cheats on his wife.
People can reject it all the way to the grave but the One who sent the Torah, Injeel and Quran is the same deity. The God of Abraham. Of course you are gonna find similar rules, at-least with what man has not managed to edit.
Why did God send prophets such as Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them?
To warn us against following the polytheists and atheists who are corrupt in the land and those who doubt the path and the straight path of God, who cares about the interest of the whole society.
Freedom in thinking and creativity does not mean deviating from God’s commandments, and every person does what he wants according to his personal whims, even if the person harms himself or others.
Because in this case, the criteria for good and bad will differ from one person to another What seems true to you will seem incorrect to another person because the constant criterion is personal interest only
Example Homosexuality is a deviation and destruction of offspring in the land and has serious medical damage to both parties
But for some people, homeopathy is harmless And agree his personal interest
is actually the logic behind why Catholics believe in a realm or state called "Limbo", because of infants dying they are not pure enough to enter into heaven because of inheriting Original Sin, so they are in this in-between state until the day of judgement. Purgatory is similar but doesn't have the same pre-mortal aspects to it.
We on the other hand believe in Fitrah, that the soul is created pure and that it is the interaction with sin in the world, and temptations of Shaitan (Satan) that makes it needing of repentance - which is also why God sends Prophets and messengers to give us the map of salvation. We do believe in an intermediate state, called Barzakh, but it doesn't function like the intermediate states in Christian theology. In Islamic theology, a soul is accountable only for it's own actions, whether it is good or bad to itself or towards others.
A large number of Filipino soldiers pronounce the Shahada and convert to Islam
�£حد �£شهر الباحثين ال�£مريكيين يدخل الإسلام ويتصدى للإلحاد بالقرآن – Reputable Doctor Refutes Atheism! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF-dak77ryQ
UK Gangster Reveals the Real Reason Why prisoners Convert to Islam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF2pSXWbTi8
U.S. Military Officer's Fascinating Journey to Islam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag1IZ9haT8E
Muay Thai World Champion Shocked the World by Unexpected Conversion!
A Muslim's Smile Transformed this Film Director's Life Forever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL3XT6Kkeio \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
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