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islam permit�s contraception |
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kim! ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 17 September 2001 Location: Australia Status: Offline Points: 2390 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted: 12 April 2005 at 8:40pm |
3) 'Umar ibn al Khattab (RA) narrates, "The Prophet (SAWS) forbade the practice of 'azl with a free woman except with her permission." Ok, so what is the definition of a woman who is not "free" and does the above suggest that women who are not "free" get no choice about being made pregnant? Kim... |
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rami ![]() Moderator Group ![]() ![]() Male Joined: 01 March 2000 Status: Offline Points: 2549 |
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Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem
Kim I dont trust the above article the wording seems strange, it is also overly simplistic. Hanafi Madhhab
Is contraception permissible? Is it disliked? What
is the better way?
Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
![]() In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate May Allah's peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad, his folk, companions, and followers Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, Contraception is permitted. However, it is superior not to engage in contraception without genuine reason or benefit, because the Qur'an and Sunna have encouraged having children, and there is great benefit to the individual and society in raising righteous children. Allama Jad al-Haqq (Allah have mercy on him), the pious late 20th Century Shaykh al-Azhar, wrote in a fatwa dated 1399 AH (1979 CE), that: 1. Contraception is permitted if the husband and wife agree, as there is nothing in the Qur'an or Sunna to prohibit it; rather, the hadiths and practice of the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) indicate permissibility, and this is confirmed by the words of the jurists across the schools of Islamic law. 2. It is not permitted to engage in contraception without the agreement of the spouse--for both husband and wife. 2. Contemporary forms of contraception, whether used by the husband or the wife, are akin to the `azl (ejaculating outside the vagina) mentioned in the hadiths, as is explicitly understood from the words of the jurists of the Hanafi and other schools. Rather, they are superior, more natural, and less harmful. 3. It is not permitted to use irreversible contraception--such as sterilization. 4. It is not permitted for there to be state-imposed forcible population planning. [Summarized from Jad al-Haqq's fatwa, from Mawsu`at Fatawa Dar al-Ifta' al-Masriyya] Other contemporary fuqaha state likewise. While some texts indicate that it is somewhat disliked (makruh tanzihan) to do so, this is not what most of the major jurists of the Hanafi school state. Even jurists who stated that it is disliked mentioned that if there is a sound reason or benefit to engage in contraception then it is not disliked. In our times, this would include reasons such as having a manageable family size, when one does not have the support of extended families in raising the children; the desire to give the children the attention, education, and support they need in difficult times; genuine (physical or emotional) health reasons, and so on. However, we understand at the same time that one of the purposes (maqasid) and wisdoms of marriage is to have children, as mentioned by Imam Ghazali in his Ihya' Ulum al-Din. The Qur'an and Sunna of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) have encouraged having children. There is great benefit to the individual and society in having children. Not only does having righteous children maintain healthy communities and societies, but it also teaches humanity: few things are more effective in teaching good character, mercy, compassion, and true love as having children does. This is why the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Marry and multiply." [Abu Dawud and Nasa'i] Regarding the Permissibility of Contraception Sayyiduna Jabir ibn Abd Allah (Allah be pleased with him), the notable Companion of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) relates that, "We used to engage in contraception (`azl) while the Qur'an was being revealed. Had it been something that was interdicted, the Qur'an would have forbidden it." [Bukhari (5209); Muslim (4220)] Kasani (Allah have mercy on him) states in Bada'i` al-Sana'i` (2.334-335), "It is disliked to engage in contraception (`azl, preventative ejaculation) with one's wife without her permission. This is because intercourse with ejaculation is the means to having a child, and having a child is her right. By resorting to contraception [without her permission], having a child is prevented, which is akin to being a reason for not fulfilling her right. However, if the contraception was with the wife's agreement (rida), then it is not disliked. In such a case, she will have willingly forgone her right." This is also mentioned by Marghinani in al-Hidaya, and Nasafi in Kanz al-Daqa'iq. Zayla`i confirms this in his commentary on Kanz al-Daqa'iq. [Tabyin al-Haqa'iq Sharh Kanz al-Daqa'iq, 6.21] Ibn Taymiyya (Allah have mercy on him) and others relate that the permissibility of contraception with the wife's permission is agreed upon by the four schools of Sunni Islam. [al-Fatawa al-Kubra, 2.101] Ibn Nujaym (Allah have mercy on him) says in al-Bahr al-Ra'iq Sharh Kanz al-Daqa'iq, "The permissibility of contraception (`azl) is the position of the generality of scholars, because of the [abovementioned] hadith in Bukhari..." [3.214] Is Contraception Disliked, Though? Ibn Nujaym then quotes Ibn al-Humam (Allah have mercy on him), who mentioned in his magnificent commentary on al-Hidaya, Fath al-Qadir, that some scholars of the Hanafi school considered contraception to be permitted yet disliked, while others did not consider it disliked. [ibid.] Mulla Khusro, the great Ottoman master jurist, said in al-Durar, that it is permitted to engage in contraception. He does not state that it is disliked. [1.315] Shurunbulali (Allah have mercy on him) does likewise in his marginal commentary, al-Shurunbulaliyya. In fact, he relates that some scholars permitted it even without permission because of the bad times. The Fatawa Hindiyya, compiled by some of the greatest jurists of Moghul India under commission from the righteous Sultan Aurangzeb, explicitly negates that it is disliked by stating, "Contraception is not disliked with the wife's permission... " [1.315] This is also what Haskafi relates in al-Durr al-Mukhtar, and is confirmed by the words of Ibn Abidin in his marginal commentary (hashiya), Radd al-Muhtar. And Allah alone gives success. Faraz Rabbani Source: Sunnipath.com Edited by rami |
Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.
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jalillah ![]() Groupie ![]() ![]() Joined: 10 April 2005 Location: Antarctica Status: Offline Points: 77 |
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First of all I'll tell you step by step about islam's or you can call it gods law for man to ovide by... way.... before man thought he was better than any law of allah...and the aim allah intended for man too practise so he can say to himself that this is my righteous muslim...as follow.... Iwill first star with abraham =(may peace and blessing of allah upon him and his family)the ten commandment..if you look in todays law on criminal then you will know what it really represent...then I will go to jesus (may please and blessing be upon him and his mother mariam as she bore him a virgin with no man intervene but by the will of allah) then last but not least muhammad (peace be upon him, who was an orphan) their teaching is all alike and of the same but tell me... any of the believer today really know's whats been addressed to them and is any of this laws ever succumbs man's vanity,pride,opinion and self proclaiming individuals to there own man made law?? made or set up in the way that it only fits those whose either in power and then be supported by those do gooders, the lest effected or wish not to be effected by any such laws in the future so why everyone fighting,killing, getting medal becaused they killed some one, and the innocents ends up being charge for crimes they have'nt yet thought about doing or in near future... look in the case of sept-11 that every muslim in the world is cast as barberic all killers in the name of their god.. well!! god only wants what he knows best for his creation, He want's the world be less affected by the inspiration of evil thats been created to test man.. not too breed by man, a satan, thats the reason why!! and many other reason for gods law...example... permiscuos acts has consequences ..example..woman who bares a child without the consent of Allah is a child not of allah but a child of the same who bore that child,because its not in the blessing of Allah it cause's in itself permiscous acts and in turn will affect the weak then it goes on spreading.... god allow's such things is because he already foreworned us and if we still disobey he knows our return will be the same in measure.. that we will die at the time appointed by Allah...that there's no excape but man sees this life as paradised. To a muslim is hell...as allah quote's..One of the sign of the last hour the coming of Al-dhajal is he will make this life look like paradise to a believer and the hearafter as hell so when a believer is shown a calm blue water it is hell for Dhajal and if he is shown Fire, it is paradise for the believer and there you should turn... Obeliever. well how many of us after knowing this that we will go on punishing each other to claim paradise on earth..and sell the after life for such miniscule price...Thats why my friend muslim would not need contraceptive if we obey Allah's law then their we would have balance, but right now there ain't any balance in the world present is there..??? to many money and less of time that we spend in our own selve's we are all self contain, inbeded to think this life is paradise...
Edited by jalillah |
May Allah Bless those who seek the truth......Allah Stands Alone in truth..
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rami ![]() Moderator Group ![]() ![]() Male Joined: 01 March 2000 Status: Offline Points: 2549 |
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Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem
Birth Control: An Islamic Perspective
Answered by Qadi Mujahid al-Islam Qasimi
![]() by Qadi Mujahid al-Islam Qasimi (Allah have mercy on him)
About the Author Shaykh Q�d� Muhajidul Islam Q�sim� is the Chief Q�d� [Muslim Judge] of the Im�rate Shar�'yah
(Muslim Personal Law Body) of the states of Bibar and Orissa, India. This body was established
in 1921 and presides over cases involving disputes between Muslim parties and passes judgement
in accordance with Islamic law. Formerly, he was a lecturer in the Tafsir of the Holy
Qur��n, Hadith, Isl�mic jurisprudence and Philosophy at the famous Jamia Rahm�nia in Monghyr,
The concept of birth control is based on the Malthusian Theory which states that while
the harvest reaped from available land is limited, the rate of growth of human population
is not. Consequently it will continue to increase and will eventually reach an explosive
proportion whereby the available land will not be able to support the vastly expanded
population. Malthus stated that to control the growth of population, the husband and wife
should exercise self-restraint for curbing population growth. Owing to mass propaganda.
the phobia of "population explosion" reached such proportions that any and all methods,
including abortion to control population growth were advocated and accepted. However,
at present the situation is such that abortion even of well-formed foetuses is considered
justified and has been legalised in many countries. 'This is despite the fact that Malthusian
and Neo-Malthusian theories over the past two centuries have been disproved, and the myth
of "population explosion" laid bare.
As Muslims it is our belief that All�h, the Almighty is Rabb-ul-�lam�n, i.e. Lord of the
Universe. The quality of Rububiyat belongs to All�h i.e. He is the Creator, Nourisher,
Sustainer, Protector, Preserver and Master of all that is in the Universe.
All�h Ta'�la has also undertaken to maintain a balance in the production of crops and the supply of all our essential needs in proportion to our requirements. Nothing has been created in an unbalanced and disproportionate manner. The source of all potential forces and energies being with All�h, it is inexhaustible and unlimited. All�h states in the Qur��n:
At another place it is stated that if man were given all things beforehand, then man would
destroy it or be extravagant in its use. Thus everything has been created in a balanced
way. Such a situation will never arise on a universal scale, when there will be people
but no food to eat. Shortage of food in the world is not real but apparent and based on
artificial premises. Scarcity of food is a man-made situation created by manipulation
of the laws of supply and demand by business interests for the sake of excess profiteering.
In order to increase the price of grain, shiploads thereof are sunk.
All�h has ordered man to maintain a balance between his income and expenditure. The word Iqtis�d used in Arabic conveys the meaning that the Isl�mic law of economics is based upon following a middle and balanced course in expenditure. Isl�m demands that one should neither be miserly (to the extent of not even spending on essential requirements), nor should one be a spendthrift indulging in extravagance. Not to spend on a necessary requirement is niggardliness and to spend lavishly is extravagance. Both are extreme courses. Therefore a balanced way in expenditure should be adopted. All�h knows best the true needs of every person and cares for them. To some He gives in abundance and others receive less, but in all cases, He gives in just measure.
In the next verse All�h warns:
The purpose of this sequential teaching is to show that this is not simply a question
of killing. If it were so, then there would be no need for such a verse, since murder,
whether of a child or an adult remains a crime which has been prohibited by the Qur��n.
Therefore, there was no need to mention it in the above verse if the intention was only
limited to proscribing a crime. But by mentioning it in the above verse, All�h analyses
the mentality of the person who kills his children and the reason for his doing so.
As far as the reversible methods are concerned, Isl�m allows the physical methods viz.
coitus interruptus and the rhythm method. The husband must however, seek the consent of
his wife when practising coitus interruptus. During the period in which the Qur��n was
revealed, azal [coitus interruptus] was practised by the Arabs, but it was not prohibited
by any verse. However, it seems that the Prophet Sallall�hu alaihi wasallam did not approve
of it entirely. Once a Sahabi told the Prophet Sallall�hu alaihi wasallam that he practised
coitus interruptus. The Prophet Sallall�hu alaihi wasallam thrice commented: ""O! So you
practise azal?" in such a manner that it was evident that he did not approve of it entirely.
Moreover, that which is destined to happen will take place. In this case it so happened
that the Sahabi concerned did have a child despite his practising azal.
Thus it would seem that the breath of life [r�h] is instilled into the foetus after 120
Based on this, Muslim jurists have deduced that the first four months of gestation is
the critical time period. After this the foetus is regarded as being 'alive' and all abortion
is not permissible for any reason whatsoever, and if performed would constitute murder.
]'bus an abortion may be performed when a very valid and legitimate reason exists and
certain stringent criteria are fulfilled, only prior to the first four months of gestation
From this verse it is apparent that menstruation is an impurity harmful to the body and
should therefore be released and is undesirable to retain within the body.
Source: Suunipath.com |
Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.
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kim! ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 17 September 2001 Location: Australia Status: Offline Points: 2390 |
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I'm impressed - contraception can be ok when agreed upon by both partners and when non-permanent. Very impressed - puts you guys a long way ahead of the Catholics, in terms of sensibility, women's rights and attempting NOT to over-populate our over-burdened planet. I see it still leaves the woman open to possible abuse if she doesn't want to have more children at a particular stage for whatever reason, but her husband insists. Or even if the _husband_ doesn't want more children at some stage (because he might feel they don't have enough money), but _she_ still wants them. But still, the fact that it's allowed and not even disliked I think is a very, very good thing. Not that _my_ opinion counts at all Kim... |
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rami ![]() Moderator Group ![]() ![]() Male Joined: 01 March 2000 Status: Offline Points: 2549 |
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Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem
assalamu alaikum I have decided to delete fathima's posts she has gone to far in her last post, so i will delete anything of hers from now on. She/he is not genuine person but someone who is mentaly sick. please report anything you see from this person and do not reply to what they say. |
Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.
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Brother123 ![]() Groupie ![]() Joined: 22 April 2005 Status: Offline Points: 84 |
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Well Kim God days we are the best nation and thats all we need. :)
God says we are the best . So we are the best. (obviously thats when muslims practice Islam) Allah says: You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Ma'r�f (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islaam has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden), and you believe in All�h��. (Quran 3: 110). www.shariahway.com |
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rami ![]() Moderator Group ![]() ![]() Male Joined: 01 March 2000 Status: Offline Points: 2549 |
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Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem Assalamu alaikum The people of Muhammads time are the best people of this Ummah now we are the scum of the earth, we would follow western people even if cralling into a lizards hole became a trend for them. im certain you know the hadith. There is nothing to brag about of course the religion of Allah is above other ways of life that is only logical, you dont show of with it. |
Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.
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