Muslims traded in African slaves for a long time. White people in the USA brought people from Africa to be slaves in the USA. The Portuguese brought people over from Africa to be slaves as well. No one seems to have either mentioned or really acknowledged any of matters like these.
Seems like Africa has a lot to be angry about and a lot of white people had/have some apologising to do.
(And yes - white people in Australia did some awful stuff for a long time, although I believe things were not so nasty in New Zealand - they seem to have got their act together earlier than we did)
And if anyone's interested - Angel's from Australia, not Israel.
Oh - and what does "same sex marriages" have to do with Colin? Gee, you must have a hard time in Canada - a place that is civilised enough to let people who love each other actually be married.
Rehmat - what do you have against Australia? You insult us left, right and centre, despite the fact that Angel and I are the sorts of people who will actually agree with much of what you say about about our past. Although you have not been around very long, I think, and you appear to think that most non-Muslims are scum anyway. Well, get over it - God created us too, so one assumes we have a purpose. Even if it's just to irritate Sensitive Little Flowers like extremists...
Oh, and to get back on topic - if people spent more time nude, we would learn how to be less paranoid, less repressed, less judgmental and would actually treat each other less as sex-objects and more as real people. Nudity is only exciting to people who go to men's clubs and strip joints because it is generally disallowed and frowned upon in general society. If nudity was more widespread, people would not find it exciting. It would just be normal and people would just be regarded as human, not as toys.
I can remember several years ago on the old Islamicity boards, "Aus" complaining that he now felt "nothing" when he saw women around him on the street because he was now accoustomed to seeing women everywhere with now veils and wearing Western clothes.
He seemed to think that "feeling nothing" towards women in the street was a problem. I welcomed him "to the world", explaining that it's normal and natural to feel nothing towards women in the street because if he felt "something" towards all the women in the street, then wouldn't that make him a sick pervert? (or words to that extent, forgive me if I'm remembering my words wrongly, but that was my intent, as I remember)
It worries me that he apparently thinks it's normal to "feel something" towards loads of women whp were complete strangers.
If you repress people's instincts or feelings, then those feelings and instincts will emerge in some other way, some other time. Why do you think Catholic priests have so much sex? If you tell people they can't do something, then a lot of the time, they will want to do it. You can't stop all of the people all of the time. So you may as well let them do it and get it out of their system, so the thing is not so fascinating or exciting any more.
Edited by kim!