stop moving threads about MOST especially if they are active and there are people involved who cannot get into certain sections, it is impolite on your part not to mention unfair!. There is too much moving about going on these last few days days and it is disorienting.
I'm involved in threads and now I cannot get to continue, It is inconsiderate and rude!
Einstein and God, I would've like to get to be involved, I only got to read it before quickly. And honestly I have no idea why it is even in the intrafaith section when islam was not even mentioned but christianity.
Is Music a gift from God?, well I was in the middle of this until it got ripped away, thanks a lot!
I think this is more interfaith than basics of islam if you really want to get technical!
Just to name a few.
Please rethink about what you doing.
And if any one of the moderators are just bored and/or because they want to do some thing because they in position to do so, please stop it.