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Ali bin Abi Talib. |
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Friendship ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 24 August 2008 Status: Offline Points: 884 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted: 01 October 2008 at 6:54am |
Dear brothers Id Mubarak!
From your write ups, you know about the history of Islam. I am not a shit'ite and I do not believe in sectarianism. I am a Muslim. I understand Ali bin Abi Talib as a believer and a follower of Muhammad Rasulullah. He has two positions in Islam. People do not understand his role according to the Quraysh customs- the one closest to a clan. The holy Prophet had no male child and Ali happened to be the one among the sons of Abi Talib to be under his guardianship due to impoverishment of Abu Talib. ja'afar was 15 years old and stayed with Al-Abbas. Abu Lahab the riches was stingy. Harith died very early. Abdullah, Abu Talib and Harith with I think 8 females were full brothers. So Ali was the closes of the Propehts cousins. Ibn Abbas was yet to be born. Abdullah bin Umar was a distant cousin. So Ali took the important position of representing the holy Propeht according to their customs but not according to Islam because Allah said, "Fastabiqul khayrat". We are not allowed to say one is superior to the other as exemplied by Allah in Sura Baqra:253, Zukhruf:32. The Sahabas were appointed to positions by the holy Prophet according to their knowledge and the requirement in that position.We are all to race with one another to get the best from Allah buy following the Sunna of the holy Prophet. Ali was asked if the holy Prophet gave them a special position above others. he said, "No! except from what is betwen the two leaves". Ali's eloqunce was genetic and induced by his closeness to the holy Prophet. His father was a great poet. The most eloquent of the Quraysh was the holy Prophet. So Ali was bound to be eloquent as a proof that he stayed with the holy Prophet and not with Abu jahl (Abu Hakam). Ali's grandmother was from the famous Banu Makhzum tribe and so he must be a warrior, like Khalid bin walid, Ja'afar bin Abi Talib, Umar, Abu Jahl, Aqil bin Abi Talib (I think matryed during the battle of Yarmuk or Qaddisiyya). The Quraysh Muhajiruns and his cousins alive at that period (death of Uthman) were all younger than Ali or were his contemporaries. Ali's confrontation was not primarily with the Sahabas, but with the young illiterate and over zealous Muslims from Iraq, Egypt, Syria and the neighbouring tribes who were yet to understand the Sunna. They took the advantage of the Pilgrimage when few Sahabas were in Madina and launched their assault. Did they not accuse Ali of conspiracy? What could he have done at that time?.
On the question of Ahl bayt, we must seperate between the Ahl bayt according to Arab customs and Ahyl bayt that covers all Muslims. Hasan and Husayn were the grandchildren of the holy Prophet from their mothers side. The Sunna was clear on what to do with them after the death of their father or mother. But we inherit from the father and not mother like the Children of Israel. Why then should we not treat the rest of Ali's children on the same level? The maltreatment they received was a history and was not allowed by the Shari'a. So we have nothing to do with that. Allah will pay them in full. I do not see anywhere in the Qur'an where leadership is to be based on inheritance. The Prophets of the Children of Israel were appointed by Allah on fear of Allah and their knowledge but not on any other criteria. We should not quesion why Allah choose Prophets from them. If Ali was chosen as the Khalifa at that time, I believed that was the Sunna and what they understood from the holy Prophet. We were not there! The election of Abubakar who was not technically a Quraysh proved that the Sunna has nothing to do with personal desires or inheritance etc. It is purely on merit. Look, I have one experience! I have a grandchild who comes to disturbs me while praying in the same manner described Hasan and Husayn were doing. But my granddaughter does not come to disturb me neither does she disturbs her grandmother. So please let us respect history and the Sunna!
But what are we doing today? Who among the Muslim leaders today is elected on the criteria set up by the Qur'an and the Sunna or anything resembling the election of Abubakar or Ali? Is it the Sunna that it is one of prerequisites of the leader of the Muslim Umma to be leading them in prayer? Why should we go to the Ka'ba and be lead in prayers by not our respective Political leaders, but by only thsoe who are not Ahl hal wal aqd?
Please let us forget about Usbiyya and stick to what is clear. Let us remember what Ali told ibn Abbas when he sent him to meet those confronting him (called the Khawarij), "Discuss with them according to the Sunna, for the Qur'an has may interpretations". Those who do not know the Sunna of the holy Prophet in selecting leaders for the Umma, should please endeavour to know. Let us be practically oriented and not theoreticians! I always remeber Umar ibn Khattab and Ai bn Abi Talib for the work they did to Islam. But that does not mean that I do not remember Abubakar. I remember Abubakr wheneer i am reading Surat baqara in Subh prayer and Umar when reading Sura Yusuf. Islam now is need of warriors not those who are ready to comprise the Sunna for worldy positions!
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asda ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 02 September 2008 Status: Offline Points: 164 |
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Eid mubarak to u and all other muslim brothers...
infact i seem to like ure post for it has a gud sence of calmness and politeness about it.. The upbringing of Imam Ali (a.s) by the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is another fazeelah of Imam Ali (a.s)...and for many reasons he was given one of the most highest status among the other sahaabaas he had...he was the only sahaaba wich was mentioned as Haq, and with QURAN, while his(a.s)'s enmity is the enmity of the Prophet (a.s)>....while in the Quran there are numerous aya's referring to the fazeelah of Imam Ali (a.s) and the criteria of Ulil Amr given in quran is undoutedly for Imam Ali (a.s).... while i say this i also would like to remind u that The status of Ahlel Bayt (a.s) was not set up because they were the desendents of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)...but the fact is the Prophet's generation continued thru H.Fatima, as there are hadith wich contradict ure statment... Ibn Abi'l-Hadid Mu'tazali, one of your greatest scholars, in hisSharh-i-Nahju'l-Balagha (Commentary on the Peak of Eloquence [writingsof Commander of the Faithful, Ali]), and Abu Bakr Razi in hiscommentary, have cited the same verse, arguing that Hasan andHusain are, from the side of their mother, the sons of the holyProphet in the same way that Allah in the Holy Qur'an has includedChrist in the progeny of Abraham from the side of his mother,Mary. and there is another hadith of the Prophet (a.s) which says, "The generation of each Prophet was from his own body but mine is from Ali" But still, i would like to remind u, that the status of Imam ALi (a.s), Imam Hassan (a.s) and Imam Hussain (a.s) is not given due to their relation to the prophet (a.s)...its just that the Prophet (a.s) has mentioned their merits which are undeniable... its just being tooo naive wen one accepts the khilafat system of the Rashidite....as it was based by few people who gathered in Saqifa...while morally they should not have been there....Allah (s.w.t) had chosen a successor of the Prophet (a.s)....but the majority rejected him....for various reasons....and its not upto Allah (s.w.t) to force people to follow the right....its based on choiceof individual....which depends on one going to Jannat and Jahannum.... one cannot deny that there were Hypocrites among the people around the Prophet (a.s)....and evidence in the revelation of surah Al-munafiqoon.....infact we have seen that people did turn up against the Ahle Bayt, who shud at least have been respected to the most,if not followed as a leader...they were denied their rights, wars were fought against them.....but still the truth survived.... infact there would have been no differences among the Ummah if there wud not have been such events against the Ahle Bayt (a.s)..and the sunnat of the prophet (a.s) and QUran wud have been followed.......and it wud have been ez to see all the muslims to be lead by one person who wud have been on HAQ.....but suddenly we see it as impossible situation... no one wants disunity, and wars....everybody likes to live in peace... Edited by asda - 01 October 2008 at 4:33pm |
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Friendship ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 24 August 2008 Status: Offline Points: 884 |
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Assalamu alaikum.
No controversy or misunderstanding in the institution of the Khalifate. How can there be controversy or misunderstanding in a Sunna of Allah in which He defended in saying, �And indeed We have put forth every kind of example (similitude) in this Qur�an, for mankind that he may remember�. There is no need to enter into disputes or controversy on things that are obvious and one is accountable to. Imam Shankiti in his Tafsir said, �Things are so explained in the holy Qur�an like the 4th hour of the day that no one will ever deny not seeing them, but some people because of their prejudice and obstinacy deny such sings�. Let us respect the Sahabas, the people Allah chose to be witness to Muhammad�s Imaan. He asked them 3 times in a crowd of 120,000 if he had delivered the Message intact and unadulterated. They all affirmed to him that he had delivered the Message as was sent to him. If what we are saying about the Sahabas was a misquote or underreporting by one of them, then his case will be with Allah, for no one told him the truth, or explained to him what was dubious to him. Probably he just accepted Islam the day before! But today the Sunna is 1429 years old. Let us weigh, compare, estimate our way of life with those of the Sahabas covering the period 10-40 A.H, and the Umayyad (40-122 A.H) and Abbasid empires. If any of them disbelieved about the nature of Khalifate as described and command by Allah then according to Qur�an chapter 22:19, �These two opponents (believers and disbelievers) dispute with each other about their Lord: then as for those who disbelieved, garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling water will be poured down over their heads�. Are we saying that Abubakar, Umar, Uthman, Talhah, Zubayr, ibn Umar and the rest of the participants of Uhud and Badr who witnessed the battle Siffin and Camel, and all the wives of the holy Prophet are in Hell fire, only Ali bin Abi Talib is in Paradise? We are expecting the 600 Syrian fighters put to slaughter by Aisha to be in Hell fire? No! Ali was extremely lenient to those who fought him and took the option of not putting them to slaughter. Muhammad Rasulullah did the same thing. That fell under the prerogative of the Khalifa, the leader of the Muslim Umma under the Divine Guidance of Allah. Let us face our problem- sectarianism, despotism, supporting illiterate and tyrants as our rulers. If according to Maududi, Abi bin Abi Talib reciting chapter 7:43 said, �I do expect that Allah will remove the misunderstandings between me and Uthman and Talhah and Zubair�, Allah will not remove the misunderstanding between us. Their incidence is supposed to serve as a lesson to us, just as the previous revelations. It was just a reemphasis that we should not behave like the Children of Israel disliking what Allah chose for us. What destroyed the Children of Israel was lack of Khalifa from Allah Allah commanded us in chapter 5:8, �To stand our firmly for Allah as just witnesses; and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice�. I understand to stand out firmly for Allah means to be the representative of Allah, saying what He says in the holy Qur�an. Then in chapter 4:135 He says, �Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses even though it is against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poor�. I understand this meaning: One should tell the truth regarding the Sunna, for justice was established by the holy Prophet and the Sahabas. It also commanded us not disunite but to remain one body! Are we saying that the Sahabas did not stand for justice immediately after the death of the holy Prophet! We should therefore understand what happened when Prophet Muhammad returned to his house after Gabriel visited him in the cave of Hiira:- (1) He met his wife Khadija and she accepted Islam after assuring him of his Prophethood. Ruqayya and Zaynab and Umm Kulthum were not in the house. Fatima was barely 5 years old and was given precedence as Ali was then 10 years old. So he became the first young male child within the family of Muhammad to accept Islam after hesitating initially. Zayd about 20 years old, was probably sent on a mission as he was older than Ali. So when he returned he was told about Islam and he accepted it. (2) Historians said Abubakar was not in town by the time the holy Prophet returned from the cave. He was in Yemen or en route from Yemen to Makka. On entering Makka he was met by Abu Jahl and Mughira who told him of the news of Muhammad declaring himself as Prophet. He immediately went to the holy Prophet and enquired about the much awaiting News. He confirmed to him and there and then he accepted Islam. The holy Prophet remarked, �Whenever I offered Islam to any person he showed hesitation before embracing it. But Abubakar is an exception, because he accepted my offer to join it without the slightest hesitation on his part�. (3) Historians gave credit to Abubakar for spreading Islam to his friends. He was able to get 16 influential Qurayshites to accept Islam giving way to spread of Islam in Makka. He was 37 years then and held influential position among the Quraysh tribe. He was consulted on all matters of vital importance and considerable weight was given to his opinion. His important function was that of Ushnaq (hanging) and in no case murder blood-money could be accepted without his approval. His business in merchandise made him well known in neighboring Syria, Yemen. He was among the 10 most respected Quraysh elders of Makka and an expert in their genealogy. Historians concluded that it is not easy to separate the life history of Muhammad from that of Abubakar and Umar. Each clan of the Quraysh played their own role in the propagation of Islam directly or indirectly. Abu Jahl, Utba, Umayya, Abu Lahab, Mughira, etc should not be castigated by anyone today for in the long run they could produce their argument on the Day of Judgment that without them there would have been no Revelation. They would then be forgiven and enter Paradise. Definitely the role played by Abubakar in the propagation of Islam is available in the annuls of Islamic history. Those interested to know what he did to Islam should pursue unbiased scholarship and copy him to vie with him on the Day of Judgment. As for me I will vie with Hamza, Umar and Ali on that Day for I am not wealthy. How Allah Willed Abubakar to be the 1st Khalifa. Abubakar was a distant brother of the holy Prophet meeting the holy Prophet at the 9th position of the family tree of the Quraysh. Those nearest to the holy Prophet who accepted Islam among his male uncles was Hamza bin Abdul Mutallab. Their age difference was just about 6 months. His conversion sent Makka into convulsions for he accepted Islam after drawing dagger with the with the Banu Makhzum tribe. It was an unprecedented conversion. I often reflect, had Hamza not martyred in the battle of Uhud, could Abubakar be elected as the Khalifa? Supposing Al-Abbas did not hide his faith, could Abubakar be elected s the Khalifa? This will be my question to Allah on the Day of Judgment. The incident in the Saqifa (shade) Bani Sa�dah was the doing of the Ansars and not the Muhajirin. A messenger came with the news that the Ansar have assembled there discussing on who is to lead the Muslim Umma. Then Umar suggested to Abubakar that they should attend the meeting. The Adi clan of Umar were the ambassadors of the Quraysh. So, Umar accordingly was right to think that way. The Ansars were right to quickly begin to know who would be their leader because they knew the advantage of a leader with Divine Guidance from Allah. The Muhajirin did not nurse that idea in their hearts because their migration was solely for the sake of Allah and not worldly position. Let us remember that the Muhajirin were not allowed by Prophet Muhammad to take possessions of their property in Makka after its conquest. After the lengthy discussions between the Ansar and Muhajirin, Zaid bin Thabit and Bashir bin Sa�d (sa�d bin Ubbaada [all Ansar]) convinced their tribesman to put down their claim of leading the Muslim Umma. When they agreed to surrender leadership to the Muhajirin, to await their reward from Allah, Abubakar now suggested that the Muhajirin should select either Umar or Abu Ubayda bin al Jarrah to lead the Muslim Umma. This was as a result, I guess according to the position their ancestors occupied in the Quraysh family tree. Umar bin Khattab and ibn al-Jarrah now cut in and said, �No, we cannot give preference to ourselves over you in this matter. You are undoubtedly the most excellent of the Muhajirin; you are the second of the two in the Cave (quoting chapter 9:40); you have officiated the holy Prophet in leading the Salat; and Salat is the most excellent (thing) in religion. For whom therefore would it be proper to take precedence over you in this matter and assume the office (or the Khilafat in your presence)? Stretch your hand and we offer bai�at unto you�. This was the reason given by the Sahabas in choosing Abubakar. How Allah willed Ali bin Abi Talib to be a Khalifa. Some Muslims recall the meeting that took place 3 years after the beginning of revelation using it to assert the Khilafat of Ali bin Abi Talib. However we should remember that the reason behind the meeting was to invite the immediate relations to Muhammad to accept Islam as a prelude to its dissipation openly in Makka. By then the preaching was done in house except Abubakar who made it open. The meeting in the house of the holy Prophet was attended by Zayd, Ja�afar and Ali and the chiefs of Makka totaling 40 of them. In the meeting the holy Prophet invited them to accept Islam and to be his deputies later. Zayd and ja�afar did not respond to the call for they were already Muslims. Those in attendance all kept quiet. It was then that the 13 year old Ali who answered him. The holy Prophet then said, �This is my brother, mine executor and my successor amongst you. Hearken unto him, and obey him�. Alhamdulillah the saying of Muhammad later became true. But this is not the only prediction of the holy Prophet that became true to those who lived to see it. What of what happened at the battle of Mu�ta, the assassination of Umar, Uthman and Ali? He predicted the division of his Umma into sects and the appointment of illiterate and immoral people as leaders of his Umma. So what, in that sense? He told that Abu Zar will die alone. It is not true that Allah singled out Ali bin Abi Talib at the exclusion of all believers. Those who know Asbabun Nuzul will understand that even Abu jahl and the rest of the disbelievers were mentioned indirectly in the holy Qur�an. Chapter 9:40 definitely was referring to Abubakar; chapter 9:118 was referring to Ka�b, Murara and Hilal. Chapter 58:11-12 was a conversation between Ali and the holy Prophet. We have 4 verses revealed in relation to Umar. Imam Shatibi mentioned some 38 verses of the holy Qur�an revealed as compensation to the believers in singling out the holy Prophet. How Ali became the 4th Khalifa. According to my research there were only about 20 Sahabas excluding the wives of the holy Prophet alive by 36 A.H. The eldest of them were Sa�d bin Abi Waqqas and Ali bin Abi Talib all round 59 years old. Mua�awiya was 3 years younger than them. So the only one who could contest the Khalifate with Ali was ibn Waqqas. But we knew that he opted out of it during the selection of Uthman. So Ali became the only one form the Muhajirin to be elected according to the precedence of age, knowledge and the time of Hijra. There was a criterion set by the Muslim scholars for selecting a Khalifa and according to them an Umma seized to be a Muslim Umma when they failed to comply with them. Those who want to understand the position of Khalifate should read the following books: Al-Mizan by Taba Taba�I Vol.1. Tafsir Qur�an by Shinkiti P. 56-66. Nizaamul Hukm fii Islam by Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Musa. Dawlat Rasuul fii Madina by Dr. Salih Ahmad Aliyu. The Islamic State by Taqiuddin an-Nabhani. There are others but these are enough unless one is looking for the impossible � finding controversy or failure for one to say he has not understood the Sunna. Friendship. . Edited by Friendship - 05 October 2008 at 3:11am |
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Sign*Reader ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 02 November 2005 Status: Offline Points: 3352 |
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Sounds a bit presumptuous to ask Allah swt! Otherwise good info. |
Kismet Domino: Faith/Courage/Liberty/Abundance/Selfishness/Immorality/Apathy/Bondage or extinction.
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Friendship ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 24 August 2008 Status: Offline Points: 884 |
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Assalamu alaikum.
I am right. This is what is called Mizah (cracking joke with Allah) after the Judgment. Those bestowed with Paradise will at that moment ask Allah what they want. I have alot of unanswered questions for Him. That will be the greatest pleasure of my life!
Friendship Edited by Friendship - 06 October 2008 at 2:20am |
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asda ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 02 September 2008 Status: Offline Points: 164 |
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Salaams br.Friendship..
there are many points given by you....and i agree with some while i differ with some.... can u please point out the "questions" u have raised for me??? thnx. regards.. |
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asda ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 02 September 2008 Status: Offline Points: 164 |
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This is in reply to the above text u have given...
first of all...u have said that the sahaaba were witness to Prophet Muhammad's eemaan...and had declared that he had given the message of Allah (s.w.t) unadulterated.... the fact is...the kuffar also used to accepted the fact that Prophet (a.s) was "Sadiq" and "ameen"...thus saying with ones mouth doesnt have any merits if the heart is deviated... For those who were with the Prophet (a.s), Allah (SWT) has also said: "O ye who believe! What is the matter with you, that when ye are asked to go forth in the Cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter.Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; But Him ye would not harm in the least, For Allah hath power over all things."[9:38-39> This is a clear indication that some of the companions were lazy during the call to Jihad and other activities, and, thus, deserved the above reprimand by Allah (SWT). This is not the only instance where Allah (SWT) threatened to replace them: "... If you turn back (from the path), He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be like you! [47:38>" Could you tell me Who Allah is referring by "you" in the above verse? arent they the hypocrites who were "with" the prophet (a.s).. Allah also said: "O you who believe! Do not raise your voices above the voice of prophet ... lest your deeds become null while you do not perceive." (Quran 49:2). Authentic Sunni traditions confirm that there have been some companions who used to oppose the Prophet's order and quarrel with him in several occasions: a) There was the issue of the captives of the battle "Badr" that the Prophet ordered their freedom for payment of the ransom money (Fidyah), and these companions went against it. b) There was the battle of "Tabook" that the Prophet ordered to slaughter the camels, to save their lives, and the same people went against it. c) There was the treaty of "Hudabiyyah" that the Prophet wanted to make peace with people of Mecca, and the very same companions went against it and they even cast doubt about the prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH&HF). d) There was the battle of "Hunain" where they accused the Prophet of injustice in distributing the war booty. e) There was the appointment of "Usamah Ibn Zayd" who was assigned as the leader of Islamic army by the Prophet, and these companions disobeyed the order to follow him. f) There was a tragic Thursday when the Messenger of Allah wanted to state his will, And there are many more of such reports which can be even found in Sahih al-Bukhari. thus there wre people even at the time of the Prophet (a.s) who promoted disunity and conspired against the Ahlel Bayt... br. Friendhip...u are being naive wen u say that Allah (s.w.t) made abu bakr the caliph over the muslims...what happend at saqifa was a man made issue and decision was taken on the basis of personal liking.... infact the issue of caliphate cud have been sorted out after the burial of the Prophet (a.s)...because there was no emergency....as there was not war or any such political situation.... it is harsh to say that shias belive that Imam Ali (a.s) is the only one campanion who will go to Jannah...infact the view of the companionship of Prophet (a.s) is very clear... as the quran had already warned some of the companions: "Muhammad is no more than a Messenger: many were the Messengers that passed away before him. If he died or were slain, will ye then turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; But Allah (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve Him) with gratitude. [3:144>" as far as i know, saad bin ibaada (r.a) refused to give bay'ah to abu bakr..and his tribe khzraj was not in support of the caliphate.. in the end u have based the reason of caliphate given to Imam Ali (a.s) was due to age....and experience... infact the Ahlel Bayt (a.s) was given explicit merits over the other people...as a famous hadith says: Someday (after his last pilgrimage) the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) stood to give us a speech beside a pond which is known as Khum (Ghadir Khum) which is located between Mecca and Medina. Then he praised Allah and reminded Him, and then said: "O' people! Behold! It seems the time approached when I shall be called away (by Allah) and I shall answer that call. Behold! I am leaving for you two precious things. First of them is the book of Allah in which there is light and guidance... The other one is my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah about my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah about my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah about my Ahlul-Bayt. (three times)." Sunni Reference: Sahih Muslim, Chapter of the virtues of the companions, section of the virtues of Ali, 1980 Edition Pub. in Saudi Arabia, Arabic version, v4, p1873, Tradition #36. thus it is clear that one cannot deny that Imam Ali (a.s) was given a higher status during the lifetime of the Prophet (a.s) and that is true even after his (a.s)'s death.... Edited by asda - 13 October 2008 at 10:32am |
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Friendship ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 24 August 2008 Status: Offline Points: 884 |
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This is in reply to the above text u have given... Answer: The verse according to its Asbaabun Nuzuul was revealed at the instant of Tabuuk expedition, and the name of the hypocrites who refused to participate (80 in all) were recorded by then. 3 Sahabas who did not participate were pardoned by Allah. (9:118). The number of the Sahabas that participated in the expedition was 30,000. I do not know the number of the people of Madina. So the percentage is very negligible; 3 out of 30,000. Answer: Yes they were hypocrites and they knew who they were. They were not the Muhajiriin, but the people of Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Salul. Please do not accuse them of hypocrisy! They were so to speak our guinea pigs, rabbits, frogs and dogfish. These animals were dissected by those who want to become doctors so as to learn how to operate on human beings. The hypocrites were used as model by Allah to teach us and warn us what hypocrisy is all about! We do not take lessons, while we should have! Answer: According to Asbaabul Nuzuul this verse was revealed in relation to the deaf, Thaabit ibn Qays bin Shimaal. In another narration Abubakar and Umar raised their voices when a caravan from Banii Tamiim arrived. Umar started calling in a loud voice the name of Aqra�a while Abubakar was calling the name of another man. So the verse was revealed that they should not shout in the presence of the holy Prophet. Anyway we do not raise our voice in the presence of our leaders. But one good thing about the Sahabas was they said what was in their mind and advised the holy Prophet on what was best for them. If they raised their voice for him to hear is a different thing altogether.
Answer: The captives of Badr were all Quraysh their relations. They came to Abubakar and Umar asking them to intercede on their behalf. The holy Prophet sought their opinion as was given in the Siira. Then the holy Prophet was given the hard task of choosing between what Umar said and what Abubakar said. The Prophet showed leniency towards them while Umar wanted them to be beheaded. Understand the difference between opposing the Prophets order and advise please. Any body who opposed his order is dealt with on the spot. When the holy Prophet told the Ansars to withdraw from the battle field and were replaced by Hamza, Ali and Ubayda they obeyed him. The holy Prophet took their advise and they went and occupied the wells of badr and they stood on wet sand.
There was the treaty of "Hudabiyyah" that the Prophet wanted to make peace with people of Mecca, and the very same companions went against it and they even cast doubt about the prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH&HF). Answer: Yes. You must understand the Sahabas did not have the same level of understanding. It was the tribe of Hawazain who just embraced Islam who showed in- patience in the distribution of the large amount of the spoils. They did not understand the generosity of the holy Prophet. To the complainer Ju�ayl b. Suraaqa the holy Prophet said, �I have treated them generously so that they may become Muslims, and I have entrusted Ju�ayl to his Islam .Distributing spoils of war was the prerogative of the holy Prophet and nobody else. Dhuul-Khuwaysira also complained and accused the holy Apostle of injustice because the holy Prophet gave some Sahabas 100 camels each, others less then that and Abbas b. Mirdaas less. So what? Only 4 people out of 6,000 troops complained. They were not even from the Ansars. It is unfair to generalize! e) There was the appointment of "Usamah Ibn Zayd" who was assigned as the leader of Islamic army by the Prophet, and these companions disobeyed the order to follow him.
Answer: Probably those who complained did not know that the holy Prophet promised Usamah that he will visit the grave of his father. The expedition had the secondary purpose of war, but the primary cause was the visit by Usamah to his father�s grave. Usmah was just 22 years old and naturally they would complain of that. The samething happened during the battle of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq. At least they obeyed the decision of Abubakar. f) There was a tragic Thursday when the Messenger of Allah wanted to state his will, Answer: I praised the action of the Sahabas because the holy Prophet said he left them the Book of Allah and his Sunna. We do not need any will from the holy Prophet. If Allah was not pleased with their action they could have been rebuked by Him.
Answer: The holy Prophet said before a group of 3 Muslims embark on a journey they should select their leader. The incident of Saqifa was a decision taken by the Ansar and Muhajirin. Yes, the Ansar felt the shock of the departure of the holy Prophet more than the Muhajirin because he was their protector, who helped them against the children of Israel. Their action proved their understanding of Islam and the importance of a Khalifa of the Khalifa of Muhammad Rasulullah. Madina was their land and they were inclined to think of its protection. Imagine the Emperor Heraclius descending on them after the news? Let us be careful. If Allah chose good people to lead the Children of Israel and that they never failed them, are you saying that Allah chose bad people for those (Muslims) following the Islam brought by Muhammad Rasulullah? Know that the whole of the Muslim empire rebelled except the people of Madina and Makka. it is harsh to say that shias belive that Imam Ali (a.s) is the only one campanion who will go to Jannah...infact the view of the companionship of Prophet (a.s) is very clear... Answer: It is wrong for a Muslim to call himself with a name other than a Muslim. If after the battle of Banu Al-Mustaliq the holy Prophet disallowed the Muhajirin calling themselves Muhajirin and the Ansar calling themselves Ansar, then those who today call themselves with a name other then Muslim will have a case to answer soon. Anyway the holy Prophet predicted the division of his Umma into 73 parts, only one is with him. I am a Muslim not a Shiite, not Ahl-al-sunna, no Qadiriyya, not Tijjaniyya or Ahmadiya etc.
Note that in Answer: Yes the Ahl-bayt enjoyed special position in their position as Banu Hashim. This instruction is from Allah and hence the Sunna of the holy Prophet. Hassan and Hussein who did not participate in any of the Gazwa were given about 6,000 dirhams as their stipends! I have forgotten how much the wives of the holy Prophet were given. Umar bin Khattab paid 40,000 dirhams for the dowry of Umm Kulthum the daughter of Ali. Ali did not enjoy any special position except that of the �son� of the holy Prophet. During the Tabuk expedition the holy Prophet appointed a blind man ibn Maktum as his Khalifa in Madina and Ali as head of his family.
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