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Does God beget ? |
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Hayfa ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Female Joined: 07 June 2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 2368 |
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You cannot pat the Son of God on the head with a polite "PBUH" and dismiss Him in favor of the "prophet" Mohammed. At least you cannot so easily. If Mohammed gets to you you must reject Christ and His life, death, resurrection and central claims. Sorry many people rejected all this before they ever heard of Mohammed (PBUH). figured it out a long time that the whole thing is illogical. If Jesus weer "God" and according to the Bible, would mot have asked why had "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" That is one line I remember from all those years of church growing up. It is quite famous. I rejected "Christianity" many, years ago, only found Islam about 20 years after that. No man is God. That is really an injust. Heck the head of North Korea claims to be "God." And really, when you die, does "God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit" vote whether you get into heaven? I mean not everyone gets in I suppose? Is it a vote of 2 out of 3? And no, you don't need to have a "condescending" attitude towards Jesus". I never did tie up my "soul's salvation" in belief as Jesus as son of God. Maybe cause it is rather odd to pray to human. God is not human. Some people actualyl seem to have the ego the size of Mt. Everest cause they have to make a "human" as great as God. They must bow down to someone who "looks like them". I respect many, many Prophets, and other great spiritual leaders such as Buddha. But will I pray to any of them. No. Not Jesus, not Mohammed, not Moses. No Moslem will.
When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi
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The Moor ![]() Newbie ![]() Joined: 22 October 2007 Status: Offline Points: 9 |
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The Qur'an and Sunnah are clear that Allah does not sire children. The rational proof that God does not beget or sire offspring lies in the fact that God is Indivisible--that is, God is not subject to division and therefore, God is not a body. If God were a "father," it would mean that an alleged "part" of God would have divided/separated and entered the womb of a consort/mother.
This we can see is logically impossible. God (Allah) has always existed. Allah is not subject to time and is not subject to change. (Change occurs in time and has to have a start--that which has a start cannot be the Eternal God.) Separation and division cannot exist outside of time. They are necessarily created, and God is not created and does not have created attributes.
Furthermore, if God were a father, it would mean that God is a body of some sort. God, however, is not a body (neither a material nor a spiritual body). For if God were a body, then God would be dependent upon the dimension of space (a body by its nature needs a certain amount of space to exist--a body cannot exist independent of space). God, however, is without a beginning and existed before the creation of space. God is not dependent upon anything. From the above, it should be clear that God does not change, God is Free-of-Need, and God is not a body, and therefore, "fatherhood" cannot be ascribed to God, for fatherhood is a total contradiction to Eternality and the status of Godhood.
And Allah knows best.
Edited by The Moor |
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Jocko ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 11 September 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 179 |
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================================== Sorry many people rejected all this before they ever heard of Mohammed (PBUH). ================================== I did not say that no one rejected Christ until 400 years latter when Mohammed came along. Obviously, they had other reasons besides the opposition of the Quran. ============================== figured it out a long time that the whole thing is illogical. If Jesus weer "God" and according to the Bible, would mot have asked why had "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" That is one line I remember from all those years of church growing up. It is quite famous. ================================ By saying that Jesus is God incarnate we do not mean that Jesus was not a human man. I have repeated many times that in Christ God and man are mingled together. To mingle two or more things is to combine them in such a way that the components remains distinguishable in the combination. In Christ God and man become one. The other think I would like to say is that given the claims of Jesus it is amazingly candid and honest that the evangelists included in thier record that Jesus had cried out "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" This was amazingly faithful of including difficult sayings of Jesus which they might have considered detrimental or embassesing to their doctrine. Have you ever asked yourself why they would not have excluded such a desperate prayer from the lips of Christ? Once again the Christ is the mingling of God and man. And this cry from Him was that human part that bore the wrath of His Father for the propitiatory sacrifice for our sins. He was judged by God. Yet He is God in the flesh too. God commands that I believe. He does not command that I be able to explain the Triune God. =================================== I rejected "Christianity" many, years ago, only found Islam about 20 years after that. ================================== I rejected Christianity once I realized that Christ was a living Person and not a religion or an "anity".
==================================== No man is God. That is really an injust. Heck the head of North Korea claims to be "God." ===================================== We all know that many men have demanded to be worshipped as a god - the Pharoahs, the Ceasars, and even some latter dictators. No man was so absolute not for His own will, but for the will of His Father, as Jesus. No man demonstrated more than Jesus that He came not to do His own will but the will of Him Who sent Him. Even unto death of a cross, as a slave, forsaken by God and man. I respect your bewilderment. Sometimes I can hardly believe that I myself believe. But when I called on the name of Jesus God became real to me. I don't think anyone can believe unless it is granted to him or her by the mercy of God.
================================== And really, when you die, does "God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit" vote whether you get into heaven? I mean not everyone gets in I suppose? Is it a vote of 2 out of 3? =================================== If this is the "Christianity" that you rejected I don't have much confidence that you were taught well. The real destination of the believers in to be transformed by the life of God into the image of the Son of God. We are going into a Person in life and in nature. It is a matter of going into God rather than going to heaven. It is not a matter of voting. There are two persons with two destinies. There is Satan and there is Christ. If you remain in Satan you will co-inherit the destiny of Satan. You allow God to move you out of the realm of Satan into the kingdom of the Son of His love, you will share the destiny of the Son of God. We will go where our leader goes. We will share the destiny that belongs to our leader. In the case of those who are Christ's they share His inheritance of eternal life and the creation. The center of which is the New Jerusalem the ultimate mingling of God and man. We will go with our leader where he goes, either with Satan who rejected God, into perdition and eternal punishment, or with Christ into the uniting and mingling of divinity and humanity, for our enjoyment and the Triune God's glory and expression.
============================= And no, you don't need to have a "condescending" attitude towards Jesus". I never did tie up my "soul's salvation" in belief as Jesus as son of God. Maybe cause it is rather odd to pray to human. God is not human. Some people actualyl seem to have the ego the size of Mt. Everest cause they have to make a "human" as great as God. They must bow down to someone who "looks like them". I respect many, many Prophets, and other great spiritual leaders such as Buddha. But will I pray to any of them. No. Not Jesus, not Mohammed, not Moses. No Moslem will. ======================================= It seems that Muslims always talk about worship in terms of bowing. The New Testament shows that worship is living, breathing, moving, thinking, and feeling, acting, and reacting with the living Spirit of God within you. He lives within the believers and we live Him. This is the worship of constantly harmonizing with the Spirit of Jesus Christ. There is a time to bow of course. But our sleep, our talking, our working and playing with our children, our discussing with our wives and husbands and relating in every way to them are all worship. The truest worship of God is to live in God. It is to allow Him to live in us and through us that within our human virtues His divine attributes can be expressed. God wants to dispense His life into man. Edited by Jocko |
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Jocko ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 11 September 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 179 |
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======================================== The Qur'an and Sunnah are clear that Allah does not sire children. The rational proof that God does not beget or sire offspring lies in the fact that God is Indivisible--that is, God is not subject to division and therefore, God is not a body. If God were a "father," it would mean that an alleged "part" of God would have divided/separated and entered the womb of a consort/mother. =========================================== He is able to carry out His eternal purpose. He cannot be stopped. He branches over every obstacle. We may think that He cannot or will not do this or that. We should see from Genesis even to the book of Malachi that God branched over every obstacle in the way of His purpose. I agree with you that God is not divisible. But I believe the Bible that the Word became flesh. He had to be a man in order to shed blood. He had to be the eternal God in order to make the shedding of His blood have eternal significance and effectiveness. I am not commanded to be able to explain. I am told to look at Jesus Christ and believe that He is divine, God come as a man to be our Lord and Savior. It requires far more effort and work to imagine that Christ is not the Son of God than it does for me to accept what He says concerning Himself. =================================== This we can see is logically impossible. God (Allah) has always existed. Allah is not subject to time and is not subject to change. (Change occurs in time and has to have a start--that which has a start cannot be the Eternal God.) Separation and division cannot exist outside of time. They are necessarily created, and God is not created and does not have created attributes. ===================================== I do not believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are seperated. Each lives within the other. Where one is the other also is. But this Trinity matter is a journey that God has gone through in order to dispense Himself into man. The Father is the Source of life. The Son is the course of life. And the Holy Spirit is the final reaching of the divine life into man's being. The Spirit is the transmission and the flow of what God is into man. That which is not communicable He reserves for Himself forever. But in His life there is much that He desires to communcate into man. It is embodied in the Son and expressed in the Son. It is transmitted into man through the Holy Spirit. You believe that God wants servants. Yes He does. But He desires a relationship much deeper than that of Master to servants. He desires sons who share His life and nature but not His Godhead as the sole One to be worshipped. The Holy Spirit brings the divine nature of God into man that man may live a mingled life in harmony with the Triune God. ==================================== Furthermore, if God were a father, it would mean that God is a body of some sort. God, however, is not a body (neither a material nor a spiritual body). For if God were a body, then God would be dependent upon the dimension of space (a body by its nature needs a certain amount of space to exist--a body cannot exist independent of space). God, however, is without a beginning and existed before the creation of space. God is not dependent upon anything. From the above, it should be clear that God does not change, God is Free-of-Need, and God is not a body, and therefore, "fatherhood" cannot be ascribed to God, for fatherhood is a total contradiction to Eternality and the status of Godhood. ===================================== I might agree with much of what you say. However WE need time and space. And God has created time and space for the express purpose of carrying our His will to be expressed from within human beings. He is the uncreated divine life. This life of His He is able to dispense into man that man and God may be united. Nothing short of this union and harmony satisfies His heart. In Christ we see God and man in perfect union and mingling. Time, space, the universe, the whole creation was created as a stage upon which God could display this union of the created with the Creator. So we need to open up our being and allow the process to commence. First we must confess that without His death on the cross for us we are undone. We cannot justify ourselves. Then we must open up the corners of our being to let the Holy Spirit come into us and mingle the Triune God with our personality. "He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit" ( 1 Cor. 6:17). We must open up our being to the far away and objective God and allow Him to be subjectively "joined" to us as one spirit. "the last Adam became a life giving Spirit" (1 Cor. 15:45). The God-man, the Redeemer has become in a form in which He can enter into our being. He is a life giving Spirit. To give life in His life giving means absolutely to give God. To give life in "life giving Spirit" means to give God. It means God is dispensed into you. God as life is imparted into you as an incorruptible seed. We are regenerated not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible seed, through the living and abiding word of God. If you invite Jesus Christ into your heart you will definitely have something in you which is incorruptible and totally righteous. And you will know it eventually. You will know that you have changed and that Someone has come to live within your being. It is quite comfortable like the fitting of a hand inside of a glove. Christ in us fits!!
I am a Christian Guest at this Moslem Forum - until otherwise informed. Hello!
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BMZ ![]() Moderator Group ![]() ![]() Joined: 03 April 2006 Status: Offline Points: 1852 |
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You have been very badly misinformed, Jocko. You will never find God this way. BMZ |
Shasta's Aunt: "Well, there's the difference you see. The Bible was written by man about God, The Quran was revealed to man by God."
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JasperStone ![]() Groupie ![]() ![]() Joined: 03 October 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 65 |
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Israfil wrote (italics): In eternity there existed only One God. Yes. Agreed. I thought God was eternally one?
Triune means three-one. Yes, He is eternally one. Yes, He is eternally three. Therefore, He is eternally triune. 1) Regardless whether existing finitely or infinitely the Son denotes
subordination to Father due to quality. If in fact we are to say that the Son
is not the same quality as we have in our idea then we need to abandon the word
"Son" and substitute it for something else. But to call Jesus the Son
of God yet, is equal to God is problmatic. 2) The Holy Spirit is a different quality of God although Christians claim to say that God is also the Holy Spirit, this too is problematic due to Christians unable to explain the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Son and Father. 3) Father is problematic because it denotes having subordinates[children, i.e. Jesus] again if God is not Father in our sense of the word we need to substitute it for something else. Christians cannot dodge the criticism and say "Well its not like how we think it is" this is purely tap dancing around the criticism. 4) Since the Godhead constitutes subordinates that means that there is no equality even if we see these subordinates "avatars" of God. The Son is not equal to the Father because their qualities are not the same. If Jesus the human being is held to be the Son of God and perform like a subordinate we cannot therefore claim that there is equality of Jesus and God. 5) The Holy Spirit is not equal to the Son or Father due to its different quality. The quality of the Holy spirit is unique to itself, and not Father and Son. What I mean when I say unique to itself I mean what makes it Holy Spirit. Similarly, the Father has unique-ness which only the Father can have and the Son has unique-ness only specific to the Son. What all this means is that Christians have to explain how the Son is equal to the Father even though the Son has the quality of Son-ness that is unique to himself and not the Father and vice versa. Also explain to me how the quality of Holy Spirit [having qualities unique to itself] is the same as both Father and Son. We need to see the Son in His
essence verses the Son in His economy. In His essence, His state of being, He
is equal with the Father. In His economy, His operation, He became subordinate
to execute the Father�s plan. Let�s look at Phil 2 again with some notations in brackets. Christ Jesus, who, existing [essence] in the form of
God, did not consider being equal [essence] with God a treasure to be grasped, but emptied Himself [economy], taking the form
of a slave [economy], becoming in the likeness of men [economy]; and being
found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself [economy], becoming obedient
[economy] even unto death, and that the
death of a cross. Therefore also God highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the
name which is above every name, that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow
... and every tongue should openly confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the
glory of God the Father. (Phil 2:5b-11) God's foreknowledge foresaw the rebellion of the angels and the failure of
man. The angels and man would both violate the principal of submission to
authority, so the Son Himself had to create submission. In the Godhead there is
equality, yet there was a harmonious decision that authority would be
established first within the Godhead. From that time on, there was a
distinction in operation of the Father and the Son. One day the Son willingly
emptied Himself to become a created man as the representation of submission to
authority. The Lord Jesus remained submissive even in multiple degrees of
suffering. Therefore, the Father exalted Him back into the Godhead as a Tell me
about the relationship [in eternity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit] How are
they one and the same? What makes them one and the same?
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one because
oneness is God�s nature. I intend to say more about the relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit later, God willing. Quit posting Bible verses because honestly they are not helping you I
need you to stop preaching to me from the Bible and give me a logical
explanation. I disagree with your premise. There are things in God�s creation that you cannot explain logically, yet you insist on an explanation of the infinite God that fits in your finite logic. We do better to say �Amen!� to God�s word than to depend on our logic. I do have more to say, but I will not deviate from faith in God�s word. Edited by JasperStone |
For if we, being enemies, were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, we shall be saved in His life, having been reconciled. (Rom 5:10)
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Jocko ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 11 September 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 179 |
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BMZ, You have been very badly misinformed, Jocko. You will never find God this way. =========================================== I didn't paste anything. Why don't you wait until you have something substantive to contribute before you type? You are coming across rather childishly.
Edited by Jocko |
I am a Christian Guest at this Moslem Forum - until otherwise informed. Hello!
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Jocko ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 11 September 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 179 |
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I found this helpful: ===================================
God's foreknowledge foresaw the rebellion of the angels and the failure of man. The angels and man would both violate the principal of submission to authority, so the Son Himself had to create submission. In the Godhead there is equality, yet there was a harmonious decision that authority would be established first within the Godhead. From that time on, there was a distinction in operation of the Father and the Son. One day the Son willingly emptied Himself to become a created man as the representation of submission to authority. The Lord Jesus remained submissive even in multiple degrees of suffering. Therefore, the Father exalted Him back into the Godhead as a ============================================= God expressed both perfect authority and perfect submission. He demonstrated perfect submission in His incarnation as a man. Christ is the complete God and the perfect man. It is interesting that Islam's reaction to this perfection is simliar to that of the early Gnostic opposers of the Gospel. The early Gnostic believed that Jesus lived but was too good to have really been a material man. The latter Moslems believed that He lived but was too good to die as He did. One invention of man is to claim that Jesus was a phantasm and was not material. Another invention is to claim that He never died on the cross but was swept away by God leaving an imposter to die instead. These are foolish inventions of the religious mind to avoid the staggering revelation of the life, death, and resurrection of the God-man Jesus. It is easier to just believe the Gospels, I think.
Edited by Jocko |
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