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Suleyman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 October 2006 at 9:59am
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 October 2006 at 12:14pm

After reading what you (thank you for the effort), I realize that there might be some confusion (apparently on my part) as to what constitutes the Quran and what does not.

For me, the Quran is just the Quran, not anything added afterwards.  No "clarifications" no surah.

Am I mistaken in that the Quran proper is what is deemed to be the revelations from the "Voice" and everything else is man's?

It is like the New Testament.  The first books about the life of Jesus Christ.  The later books are man's interpretation of what God wants, based on different variables.

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StephenC View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 October 2006 at 12:15pm

Originally posted by Suleyman Suleyman wrote:

Dear Stephen,these are not painful questions,so tight questions coming from the lack of knowledge of the life of the prophets...i wish i could have time to write you...

Isn't this the purpose of "For StephenC" to educate me on the life of the Prophets and Islam?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 October 2006 at 12:27pm
I apologize but you do not seem pure to me...if the users want to educate you they are free...
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StephenC View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 October 2006 at 1:55pm

Originally posted by Suleyman Suleyman wrote:

I apologize but you do not seem pure to me...if the users want to educate you they are free...

Are you claiming that you are "pure?"

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 October 2006 at 5:59pm
Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

So we have no proof that the "Voice" even existed or that it was the Voice of Gabriel the Angel.

As i said before Bukhari 1:1:3 and Muslim 1:301 says that it was actually something that Muhammad (SAW) could see and touch that was in the cave with him. ;PN=1

Above is an excellent thread by fatima on the life of the prophet. In the thread it quotes Bukhari 1:1:3 as the first time revelation began.

Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

Ok, let us continue.  Let us disregard the fact that the Quran has been written, rewritten, edited, translated, and "clarified."

Let us go on the assumption that the Quran is an accurate rendition of what the "Voice" told Muhammad.  Let us use it as our reference.

Quran means recitation - so it is only in 1 language and that is Arabic. Translations are translations of the Quran and cannot be regarded as the actual Quran. If you would take the earliest Quran available today (3rd Caliph) and to compare it (by recitation) with one from today there is no difference.

There have never been clear evidence to support the assumption that the Quran has been changed since prophet Muhammads (SAW) time until now.

Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

This brings many questions.  For example,

Why didn't the "Voice" clearly and obviously announce its identity to Muhammad?

Read the thread about Muhammads (SAW) life.

Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

If the "Voice" did make it's identity known, why didn't Muhammad include it and the circumstances in the Quran.

Quran 2:97 "Say: Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel-for he brings down the (revelation) to thy heart by Allah's will, a confirmation of what went before, and guidance and glad tidings for those who believe,-"

Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

In ALL the other encounters between God, Angels, and Mankind, wasn't the the identity of the "speaker" clearly given to the person receiving the revelations?

Isnt it the same as with Muhammad (SAW)?

Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

Muhammad's revelations span over 20 years.  Did any other revelations from God take as long as the Muhammad revelations?

I dont know.

Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

Muhammad's revelations began in a cave.  Did any of the other revelations from God not occur in the open and not darkness of underground?

I dont know.

Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

Muhammad's revelations significantly changed the status of Jesus Christ and Satan.  Has any other revelation significantly changed the status of Satan and the previous prophets?

Not too sure how to answer this one because i dont agree with your statement.

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air_one View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 October 2006 at 6:06pm
Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

Originally posted by Dzul Dzul wrote:

Hi Stephen,

Now I am trying to answer you directly...

Yes it may seem vague to you if you are just quoting the The Quran alone...

That's why we have the Al Hadiths, Sunnah as a companion to clear the matter...

With no disrespect, but that would mean that the Quran was not perfect.

The Quran states that we should take the prophet (SAW) as guidance (sunnah and hadith).
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air_one View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 October 2006 at 7:35pm

Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

There is no god except God. 

To claim that there is "no god worthy of worship except God" indicates that there are other gods not worthy of worship.  Even if Muhammad was a messenger of God, he would not be greater than the many other messengers of God.

Alhamdulillah. You believe that there is only 1 god like all muslims do.

Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

Pray to God and worship God in all that you do.

There are no set number or times for prayer to God.  Everything good is from God and we should constantly praise and thank God.  I pray whenever I eat.  I pray whenever I start, conduct, or finish a journey of thousands of miles or a few feet.  I pray when I get up, I pray when I go to bed.  If I wake in the middle of the night, I say a prayer of thanksgiving to God.  I pray before, during, and after I work and even write on this forum.  I do not direct my prayers to any image, rock, temple, or city, because God is everywhere.  God knows my needs and knows my wants.  My prayers are not prayers of self enrichment, but prayers of thankfulness and worship.

Masya-Allah. Muslims too pray and worship in everything that we do. We say a prayer for almost every single action that we do. Dont confuse this type of prayer with the 5 daily 'solat' that all muslims have to do. Unlike your prayers a muslims prayer should be of thankfulness and praise first, and then also of self enrichment.

Based on this i urge you to make a prayer firstly for yourself (i believe that you should ask for yourself before asking for someone else) and then for me that God guides us to His way because He is the All-Powerful. I will also do the same that is ask myself to be guided and also ask you to be guided but please be sincere because i dont believe that God will answer prayers if you are not sincere.

Below is a prayer every muslim says at least 17 times a day: -

You alone do we worship and You alone do we ask for guidance. So guide us on the straight path. The path of those that has your favor. Not the path of those that has your anger, or has gone astray. Amin.

Originally posted by StephenC StephenC wrote:

Everything I have ever had, have now, or will have is God's and as much as humanly possible, I try to use it for the furtherance of God's Will.  Every minute, every second I live is a gift from God.

I attempt to treat every person in such a manner as if God were standing next to me (because God knows and sees everything we do, say, and even think).

I fast not as an obligation, but as a means of proving my devotion to God.  Sometimes when I fail God I fast as a means of showing God my sorrow for sinning.

While I do attend churches of various religion, I do not believe God is locked inside any building or city.  God is everywhere.  There is nothing wrong with religious relics, but we must be constantly vigil that we do not place the relics and the messengers of God above God.

What is wrong with those pillars of faith?

Generally there is not much wrong with those pillars of faith but I thought that pillars of faith would only talk about beliefs. Like in Islam there is 6 pillars of faith: -
  • Belief in Allah
  • Belief in Angels
  • Belief in Allah's books
  • Belief in the messengers
  • Belief in the day of judgement
  • Belief in predestination (qada' and qadar)
Anyways back to your pillars: -
  • What is God's will
  • What is considered a sin
  • If god is everywhere is he even in the foulest places on this earth?
Some of the questions that struck my mind from reading your pillars. Anyways were these pillars of faith self made by you?

Too tired to continue atm but insya-Allah ill continue to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge.

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