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The Saint ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 07 November 2014 Status: Offline Points: 832 |
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Well, the same kinds of things that secular societies have achieved: improvements in medicine and surgical procedures, advances in technology, better food crops, communications, etc. Don't tell me this stuff doesn't matter to you. You're only to happy to avail yourselves of it once we develop it.
![]() This stuff does matter to me and Muslims' contribution in putting you on the right path can hardly be ignored even by someone so opinionated like you. But tell me who appointed the west to create standards to measure progress? And who defined progress to you? Is material progress the only kind of progress you are aware of? I also want to know if you are aware of how many ways in which you have regressed? Do you have any idea at all how morally decadent you have become? You have drifted far, far away from your faith? You have forsaken God, family and kinship? Instead you have embraced materialism. You have consigned your elders to Homes and your children have left you for a life of their own. Does this give you an idea of how much you have lost? You're assuming that the growth of Islam is a good thing, which is begging the question you are trying to prove. Why is Islam a good thing? I am not assuming. I know Islam is a good thing. The answer to, why it is a good thing, is rather detailed. But I will give it again. In the words of Canon Taylor, Paper read before the Church Congress at Walverhamton, Oct. 7, 1887, Quoted by Arnond in The Preaching of Islam, pp. 71-72: �It (Islam) replaced monkishness by manliness. It gives hope to the slave, brotherhood to mankind, and recognition of the fundamental facts of human nature.� Sarojini Naidu, Lectures on �The Ideals of Islam�, see Speeches and Writings of Sarojini Naidu, Madras, 1918, p. 167: �Sense of justice is one of the most wonderful ideals of Islam, because as I read in the Qur�an I find those dynamic principles of life, not mystic but practical ethics for the daily conduct of life suited to the whole world.� Islam also created the largest group of teetotallers in the world. And tomorrow, God willing, I will tell you about the answers that Islam has for problems facing mankind, particularly, the west. |
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The Saint ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 07 November 2014 Status: Offline Points: 832 |
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Is there any dispute that Islam arose in a tribal society? I thought one of the great achievements attributed to Muhammad was his ability to unite the Arabic tribes. I don't know how much of a factor it remains today, but according to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, tribalism is still evident in Somalia, where she grew up.
No, there is no dispute. But there is no dispute either on the point that most societies in those times were of a tribal nature. But today's modernist mind-set deems it regressive if a community lives/d in a tribal society. Yes, it is true that Muhammad PBUH did unite a lot many people and it is possible that Somalia may still be a tribal society. But obviously, you are not very impressed by tribal societies. Are you not? Yes, He's doing such a good job that more than ten percent of us don't have enough to eat. That is because of rank bad management of the food chain. It cannot be attributed to Him or the Muslims. But still Muslims believe that large families are a good thing. Ermm Maybe, they do. But I am of the opinion that large families are not the cause behind food shortages. You should go here to learn a few facts: https://www.wfp.org/hunger/causes and here to stay abreast: http://www.businessinsider.in/An-unstoppable-problem-is-making-it-nearly-impossible-for-the-world-to-produce-enough-food/articleshow/48337545.cms al-Qaradawi does not deny that the man is given authority over the woman in Islam, so how he can describe that as "equality" is beyond me. Quoting a man at random does not prove anything. Get your evidence from the Quran and Hadith? Of course not. If you agreed, you would have to change your opinion, right? Wink If you post appropriately, you may actually convince me. No, actually none of this surprises me, and I'm not sure why you thought it would. I thought it would because you pretend as if all is hunky dory in your backyard. Violence against women is a problem in all societies. But you all like to believe and project that only Muslim societies or only Muslim women suffer from violence. My point is that women in Muslim societies are not necessarily safer, and are often at greater risk. As your source says (and this is particularly true in Muslim countries): "Rates of sexual violence are difficult to establish because in many societies it remains an issue of deep shame for women and often their families. Statistics on rape from police records, for example, are notoriously unreliable because of significant underreporting."[ You can only support this position in spite of the stats posted by me? I can see you are running away from those facts and figures and trying to hide behind the oft- alleged possibility that rape and violence records in Muslim countries are not maintained neither are such crimes reported. You're really that naive? Indulge me. Your 'brilliance' foxes me. But I am trying. From Wikipedia: "Women's right to initiate divorce is very limited compared with that of men. According to shari'a law, there are two reasons a wife may be granted divorce: when she can prove that the husband did not have intercourse with her for more than two months or if the husband does not provide her with what she needs for living such as food and shelter. While men can divorce their spouses easily, women face legal and financial obstacles. For example, in many cases the woman must repay her dowry and marriage expenses. In general she also has to forfeit child custody, if the child is older than seven years. Even if she is granted child custody, she has to give it to the father when the child reaches the age of seven." Let me get back to you on this. As I do not consider Wikipedia an authority on Islamic matters. And I do not expect you to have the courage or the ability to go to Islamic sources and get the true position. Why? Again, what business is it of yours? Genuine humanitarian concern. So why is it that these "blessings of God Almighty" seem to be disproportionately bestowed on secular and especially non-Muslim nations? Because you have neither any interest nor belief in a life after this. But Muslims have. And they are content with the justice of God Almighty. They know what He does not give them here they will get in the hereafter. Hope you can comprehend what was said here. |
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The Saint ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 07 November 2014 Status: Offline Points: 832 |
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Really? How do you judge the credibility of a source?
Well.....I check it against what I know then I try to check it against sources I know and sources I trust. Can you give me some names? Names? I do not know of individuals but I do know of a group - zionists, mainly. Probably, more groups hostile to Muslims. And why should I believe Mr. Craig McKee? Is he a credible source? I think he should be. Try to find out for yourself. What they believe in is jihad. They believe that all Muslims have an obligation to engage in holy war against the infidels, whether they want to or not: "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." (Quran 2:216) They therefore have no hesitation in drawing peaceful Muslims into the conflict, even against their will. For the umpteenth time........LOL.......you have demonstrated your ignorance. In this case about the term jihad - holy war - according to you. And the interpretation of the noble verse from the Quran. Let me set the record straight regarding the meaning of the verse you quoted, read in conjunction with the succeeding verse: 216. Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not. 217. They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: "Fighting therein is a grave [offence>; but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members." Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you Turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein. The latter verse clarifies explicitly why and when is fighting is ordered for the believers. Quoting the verse 216 in isolation can either be out of ignorance - simple copy and paste from an anti-Muslim site without understanding what you were doing. Or, it is a deliberate attempt to convey a wrong interpretation of the Quranic verse. Do you realise, how you are exposing the true person behind the charade you play here of a secular humanist. As regards the true meaning of jihad - your favourite source on the web defines jihad as: Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد jihād [dʒiˈh�ːd>) is an Islamic term referring to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning "to strive, to apply oneself, to struggle, to persevere." . Sorry, no holy war..... LOL. No, they are not good people at all. (How astute of you.) But their leader is more than happy to explain how kidnapping girls and selling them as slaves is justified according to his reading of the Quran. O, I am quite clear in my mind as to what is permissible in Islam and what is not. Are you telling me you will accept anyone's statements as long as they conform to your anti-Islamic agenda? Are you really so desparate? When did you start using your own intelligence? I already provided the link, but here it is again. So, the mask is off, huh! Just an ordinary christian hiding behind the mask of secularity..... LOL Studies show that a number of religions have been acknowledged for their largest growth in a number of nations, in terms of percentage and world width, Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. Growth of religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_of_religion If the above is true then what you are claiming is not true. But if what you are claiming is true then thousands of studies that show Islam is, indeed, the fastest growing religion on the planet are not true? How can 16000 Muslims become christians in a day and yet the number of Muslims continues rising? How? Btw, your source has been copied by thousands of wannabe sites, all claiming 16000 new christians everyday being born again? Don't you feel guilty that you criticized this very same feature among Muslim sites! Also go to: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/04/23/why-muslims-are-the-worlds-fastest-growing-religious-group/ I already did. These are reported rapes, not actual rapes. Hardly any woman would dare report a rape in a Muslim country because she would need to provide four eyewitnesses to prove it under sharia, and if she can't prove it then she can be punished for a "false" accusation. Besides which, being raped makes her "damaged goods" for marriage purposes, so she would rather keep quiet about it. You know you are being ridiculous......laughable! if what you are trying to convey was true, eight European countries would not be named as top raping countries in the world. They would have whined that Muslims do not report their rapes that is why they are seen as villains. You do realize I'm an atheist, right? Why do you keep quoting religious dogma at me? I don't care what the Abrahamic faiths taught hundreds of years ago, or whether "Jesus would approve" of something-or-other. I had thought so earlier in our conversations that you really were an athiest. But now your mask has slipped and your reality is on view. However, whatever, you are makes no difference to the truth. I cite Abraham and Jesus and Moses because they are generally respected in the west. But if you do not respect these great Prophets of God then tell me do respect anyone at all? Fine, call it whatever you like. You said that temporary marriages were allowed for a while but are now banned. So apparently something changed. Muta, was actually prevalent in pre-Islamic days. You may study this article on the subject here: http://www.answering-christianity.com/muta_no.htm v And you get to decide whether I am living according to the commandments of God Almighty? Who appointed you His spokesman, let alone His enforcer? No, not I. But the authentic laws of God Almighty will decide that. Edited by The Saint - 29 August 2015 at 2:51am |
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Ron Webb ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male atheist Joined: 30 January 2008 Location: Ottawa, Canada Status: Offline Points: 2467 |
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Tribal societies within a global village are a recipe for disaster.
Who manages the food chain in Muslim countries?
It's interesting that your two sources contradict each other. The WFP insists that we have enough food, while the Business Insider article says it is "nearly impossible for the world to produce enough food". I expect that the WFP has political reasons not to mention family size as an issue, but it should be obvious that a poor family would have less trouble feeding one or two children instead of six or eight.
I've acknowledged several times that western society has plenty of problems. What I'm saying is that western societies have provided many more benefits to humankind than Muslim ones, and are more successful on the whole.
Of course not. I've only said that violence against and oppression of women is much worse in Muslim societies.
The stats you report are not comparative. They only show that violence is a problem in western societies, which we agree. They don't and can't show whether it is more or less than in Muslim societes. Underreporting of sexual and domestic violence is more than just an "alleged possibility". It is a fact, in all societies that I know of, including western ones. But it is especially true where women are legally under the authority of their husbands, where they are required to cover their bodies so bruises don't show, where they often cannot even be on the street (let alone go to a police station) without a male "guardian", where accusations of rape can easily backfire into charges of promiscuity, etc.
Indeed, you're very trying. ![]()
I don't consider Wikipedia to be an authority on anything either; but if you look carefully at any (properly written) Wikipedia article, you'll see that every point that could be considered at all controversial has a footnote that references the source of the information. In the passage I quoted, the sources are [27] "Divorced from Justice: Women�s Unequal Access to Divorce in Egypt", by Human Rights Watch, and [28] "The Hard Way Out: Divorce by Khula", by Suad Hamada, a journalist in Bahrain, writing for the publication Women's International Perspective. I encourage you to check those sources, and their sources whenever possible as well, not just in this case but whenever you read an article on the Internet.
You would hang them out of humanitarian concern?? Are homosexuals not human in your view?
You're saying that Allah treats believers worse than non-Muslims because Muslims believe in an afterlife? That doesn't make any sense. Why would Allah reward non-believers more than believers, in this life or the next? |
Addeenul �Aql � Religion is intellect.
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The Saint ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 07 November 2014 Status: Offline Points: 832 |
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Tribal societies within a global village are a recipe for disaster.
How and why? Who manages the food chain in Muslim countries? I am sure it is the same as they do in the western countries. It's interesting that your two sources contradict each other. The WFP insists that we have enough food, while the Business Insider article says it is "nearly impossible for the world to produce enough food". I expect that the WFP has political reasons not to mention family size as an issue, but it should be obvious that a poor family would have less trouble feeding one or two children instead of six or eight. So, you tell me which POV do you believe in? While it is true in a practical sense that with fewer children families can be better-of feeding them in a spiritual sense God is the provider for all its creations. I agree, quoting a man at random doesn't prove anything -- but al-Qaradawi was your source, not mine! But you wouldn't know that, because you never check your sources. In which matter did I quote him? However, as I have often told you and you have equally often forgotten it, the Quran and Hadith are paramount and will override any scholar. I've acknowledged several times that western society has plenty of problems. Yeah, truly big ones! Significantly, all of their own making. What I'm saying is that western societies have provided many more benefits to humankind than Muslim ones, Today, what western societies know and possess was made possible by Muslims scholars, researchers and inventors. Therefore, the latter's contributions are undeniable. and are more successful on the whole. Successful, yes. In a manner of speaking. Materially. But spiritually and culturally they are as backward as the stone age savages. Of course not. I've only said that violence against and oppression of women is much worse in Muslim societies. Even that is a dastardly lie. And I am surprised you should say this after I posted all that data that demonstrates how women in the west are exploited so ruthlessly. After I submitted that the US is the rape capital of the world. Not only that, the top nine raping nations are in Europe. What you do to your women is horrendous and loathsome compared to the state of women in Muslim societies. The stats you report are not comparative. They only show that violence is a problem in western societies, which we agree. They don't and can't show whether it is more or less than in Muslim societes. I am sure I have quoted sources that carry stats about Muslim countries also. Underreporting of sexual and domestic violence is more than just an "alleged possibility". It is a fact, in all societies that I know of, including western ones. But it is especially true where women are legally under the authority of their husbands, where they are required to cover their bodies so bruises don't show, where they often cannot even be on the street (let alone go to a police station) without a male "guardian", where accusations of rape can easily backfire into charges of promiscuity, etc. If underreporting is a factor in reporting of violence against women in the west, I dread to imagine what the figures would be at full reporting. Tell me, how many Muslim countries have you been to? How credible is your knowledge? Are you not making up stuff on the basis of what you have read in your press? How honest are you? I don't consider Wikipedia to be an authority on anything either; but if you look carefully at any (properly written) Wikipedia article, you'll see that every point that could be considered at all controversial has a footnote that references the source of the information. In the passage I quoted, the sources are [27] "Divorced from Justice: Women�s Unequal Access to Divorce in Egypt", by Human Rights Watch, and [28] "The Hard Way Out: Divorce by Khula", by Suad Hamada, a journalist in Bahrain, writing for the publication Women's International Perspective. I encourage you to check those sources, and their sources whenever possible as well, not just in this case but whenever you read an article on the Internet. Here's the position as per Shariah: "The only difference between a divorce initiated by a husband and a wife in Islam is that if the husband intends to divorce his wife, he has to announce his declaration of divorce, whereas the wife who seeks divorce either asks her husband to declare a divorce upon her, or if he refuses her request, she would have to initiate a divorce proceedings against her husband in a Shariah Court. But without an iota of a doubt, both parties in the marriage have a right to initiate a divorce proceeding, if they indeed wish to do so." http://www.islamhelpline.net/answer/7308 But hold on, what do men and women do in christian/secular societies? There is no provision of a divorce in christianity? You're saying that Allah treats believers worse than non-Muslims because Muslims believe in an afterlife? That doesn't make any sense. Why would Allah reward non-believers more than believers, in this life or the next? I knew you would not understand this. Those who believe in the after life, believe that Allah's rewards would be manifold in the hereafter. Therefore, they pray to Allah SWT to reserve the rewards for the afterlife. Those who do not believe in an afterlife are rewarded for their good works here, in this life itself. |
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Ron Webb ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male atheist Joined: 30 January 2008 Location: Ottawa, Canada Status: Offline Points: 2467 |
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For a number of reasons, but mainly because the modern world is a "global village". It is no longer feasible for tribes to remain geographically, socially or economically separate. We have to accept pluralism and allow our neighbours to believe and behave differently from us.
Exactly. And yet when I suggested that the earth already had more than enough people on it, and that therefore contraception and family planning might be a good thing, you responded that "God Almighty is the Ultimate Provider" and any difficulties were the fault of "those who are bent upon destroying the natural resources of this planet" (presumably non-Muslims). So if God is the Ultimate Provider, then He's not doing a great job of it. On the other hand, if it's up to us humans to manage our resources, then limiting population would be a good start. I'm not saying that overpopulation is the only cause of hunger, nor that family planning is a panacea; but for instance, if we had a few million square miles of uninhabited fertile land to give to the Syrian refugees, then that would go a long way toward solving one of the world's pressing problems at the moment.
Your link (in red above) is to an opinion written by al-Qaradawi. I already provided a link to the original source of the text to show that he is the author. So why give me a link to "refresh my understanding" of an issue, if it's just some random guy on the Internet and doesn't prove anything?
They are also ancient history. The world changed since then, and Islam has failed to keep pace.
It is based on peer-reviewed research from multiple sources compiled by the World Health Organization in their report, Global and Regional Estimates of Violence against Women, which I cited earlier.
The "data" you offered was from Wonderslist.com, a self-described "infotainment Blog". It doesn't cite its sources at all, but it's pretty obvious that it is a compilation of reported rapes from crime statistics. As I pointed out, almost no woman would report being raped to authorities in a Muslim country, because it is usually the woman herself who ends up being punished.
You're sure of a lot of things that turn out not to be true.
My credibility is beside the point. I'm just a guy typing stuff on the Internet, same as you. Neither of us should be believed. The question should be, how credible is the World Health Organization? And if you don't trust them, how credible are the dozens of sources they reference? On both counts I would say they are light-years ahead of your "infotainment blog".
And if her husband doesn't allow her to travel to the Shariah Court?
I don't know (and don't care) about Christianity, but in Canada divorce is relatively easy. I think most divorce is by mutual consent (it's easier and cheaper than contesting it); but in cases of physical or emotional abuse or neglect, a woman can get a divorce without her husband's consent. |
Addeenul �Aql � Religion is intellect.
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The Saint ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 07 November 2014 Status: Offline Points: 832 |
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For a number of reasons, but mainly because the modern world is a "global village". It is no longer feasible for tribes to remain geographically, socially or economically separate. We have to accept pluralism and allow our neighbours to believe and behave differently from us.
Aren't you confusing tribes, with lost tribes? For example, the North West Frontier province is a part of Pakistan. Then there are tribes in Iraq and Kurds are a tribal people as well. They are integrated with the nations they live in. Exactly. And yet when I suggested that the earth already had more than enough people on it, and that therefore contraception and family planning might be a good thing, you responded that "God Almighty is the Ultimate Provider" and any difficulties were the fault of "those who are bent upon destroying the natural resources of this planet" (presumably non-Muslims). I still say so. So if God is the Ultimate Provider, then He's not doing a great job of it. On the other hand, if it's up to us humans to manage our resources, then limiting population would be a good start. I'm not saying that overpopulation is the only cause of hunger, nor that family planning is a panacea; but for instance, if we had a few million square miles of uninhabited fertile land to give to the Syrian refugees, then that would go a long way toward solving one of the world's pressing problems at the moment. Let me first ask you, who created the Syrian crisis? If you think about it you will learn that my assertion regarding those who are destroying the natural resources of the world is valid. The US devastated Iraq and managed to kill 1.5 million people there and lay waste the entire country. In Syria, it once again tried to do the same but because of Russian help it could not repeat the Iraq Act here. But still managed to ruin Syria also. Over-population may or may not be the cause of hunger. But unequal distribution of resources definitely is. Wars and violence displace people due to the greed and egotism of some. Your link (in red above) is to an opinion written by al-Qaradawi. I already provided a link to the original source of the text to show that he is the author. So why give me a link to "refresh my understanding" of an issue, if it's just some random guy on the Internet and doesn't prove anything? I cannot remember the background of this conversation. But I usually do check the source before quoting. Now, I have nothing against Qardawi, but he may or may not be right. That is why I try to go back to the Quran and Hadiths for guidance. If Qardawi has done that he should be right. They are also ancient history. An ungrateful inheritor forgets who he owes his present to. But remember those who forget their history are destined to repeat it. You are most likely to slip back to the dark ages. The world changed since then, and Islam has failed to keep pace. I thought I had told you before that the world is erring by embracing change. Islam is a way of life that is constant and it guides humanity to embrace the way of Almighty God. More later. |
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The Saint ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 07 November 2014 Status: Offline Points: 832 |
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It is based on peer-reviewed research from multiple sources compiled by the World Health Organization in their report, Global and Regional Estimates of Violence against Women, which I cited earlier.
Maybe. I haven't had time to check. I will, though. But why do you deliberately overlook the accusations I have made against the morality of the western women and the attitude of western men against women. Considering Sweden is the rape capital of Europe and the US is the rape capital of the world. Do you know why women are punished? Because they are not supposed to roam around freely as western women do. My credibility is beside the point. I'm just a guy typing stuff on the Internet, same as you. Neither of us should be believed. No, we are not the same. You are not honest but I am. The question should be, how credible is the World Health Organization? And if you don't trust them, how credible are the dozens of sources they reference? On both counts I would say they are light-years ahead of your "infotainment blog". WHO is a reasonably dependent source. But I still do not agree with their output. Because I have read at other sources as well same or similar facts as on wonderlist. And if her husband doesn't allow her to travel to the Shariah Court? Shariah Court will take care of that. I don't know (and don't care) about Christianity, but in Canada divorce is relatively easy. I think most divorce is by mutual consent (it's easier and cheaper than contesting it); but in cases of physical or emotional abuse or neglect, a woman can get a divorce without her husband's consent. Since when have you parted ways with Christianity? And why? Anyway, have you heard of Khula? |
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